Cry (Taemin , Key, Taekey)

I can't let you go

Key Pov;

Jaejoong took me a restaurant which has really impressive views in front of it. He also ordered the two of us , I have nothing to say because he all knows about me which I like or dislike.

“So, How about your school?” He asked. “Just normal” I said bluntly.

“Are you kept avoiding him?” He carefully asked. “Yeah” I answer shortly.

“Kibummie, I didn’t say this last days because I know you really hurt these days. But that kind of avoiding him and avoiding your feeling will not solve the problems. You should talk with him and you should fix things” He said kindly. I know what he really meant and I just afraid.

“ But hyung, he will not feel the same with me” I said. At that time, the waitress took the foods so we silent a while.

 “How do you know his is not the same with you? May be he also will like you, I think that boy also love you although you didn’t see it.” Jaejoong asked after she left.

“But I’m afraid hyung , How will be if he reject me? I afraid he hate me when he knows my feelings.” I admitted and my tears were falling. Jaejoong move to my sides and hug me, he always give his shoulders whenever I cried.

“But keeping your love in your heart like that will be more tired, Bummie. If you tell him, you can hope his love, even if he don’t love you back, you can cried on my shoulders like that, my shoulders were always there for you, So, tell him you feeling.” He gently said by comforting my back.

Taemin Pov;

I kept followed Key and Jaejoong and I saw they entered a silence restaurant , a good place to talk and also have a good views. I choose a table which they can’t see me but I can. I saw that Jaejoong guy ordered for both of them and he speaks Key kept smiling. Of course, he will. Which guy will not be sweet on their dates? And which guy will not be sweet that kind of precious beautiful Key? Now, my mind really blank and I really depressed. Key will not choose me anymore compare with that kind of sweet guy. Then, I saw Key told him something and Key started to cry. What the hell is my Key crying? Seeing his tears broke my heart into pieces. Did that guy made Key to cry. But I saw he hug Key and he gently say something to comfort him. Key rested his head on his shoulders. I really want to hug him and I really want to rest his head on my shoulders. But now I am late. Although my heart broke down, I am happy because he got boyfriend who cares him a lot. I just left from the restaurant and walking without any directions because I still don’t want to go home in this mood. So, I went to the snow skiing field. Whenever I am sad I went here to see snow, seeing that white snow made mind clean and the coldness made me to forgot my sadness. But this times, these things don’t work well as usual. I just sit the bench which is near to the field. Since it is Monday, there are not many people, so I can get private silence.


Key Pov;

Jaejoong took me till in front of my house and “Bye, don’t forget to try what I said.” He reminded me again. “Neh, Bye take care in you way hyung and Thanks for today.” I said with a smile.

Since my parents weren’t at home because of their business trip, I just watching some random channels after taking a shower. At about 11 pm, My phone sang “Ring Ding Dong, Ring Ding Dong”. In this time , who called me. I thought Jaejoong checking and nagging me again. But when I saw a caller’s ID, I really surprised. It’s Taemin’s mom.

“Hello!” I said.

“Hello, Kibummie, It’s Taemin’s umma” she said.

“Neh” I just answer.

“He sent me message this evening he will go to your house, so Will he be sleep tonight at your place? He didn’t answer his phone” She asked me because sometimes Taemin slept at my place whenever he is to go back his home. But now he is not at my house. If  I answer truly her, she will be really worry and will be mad her son. So, I lied her.

“Neh , ommoni, he is now sleeping so he didn’t answer your phone, Don’t worry.” I said to her.

“Ok , Bummie, Thanks, Good-night” She thanks me.

“Good night, ommoni” I said and then she hung up.

After the conversation, I really think  where is Taemin? He told his mom he will go to me, but where did he go then? Did he come while I am not at home. If so, why he didn’t return home? Many questions appear in my mind. I called him but he don’t answer. Did he go other’s friends home?

So, I called the others but didn’t get any hints about him. The last one I called is Onew hyung.

“Hello” he answer with sleep voice. “Hyung, did you meet with Taemin after school?” I asked quickly.

“Yeah, we talked in front of the school before I come back home, Why?” he answer but I can’t answer his question and I kept asking him immediately.

“What are you guys talking about? Where did he go after talking with you?” I asked him without taking a breath. Now my worry for my Tae is the highest level.

“ Key, why are you asking me so many questions? Did you two have problems?” without answering that Tofu guys kept questioning me.

“YAH, LEE JINKI, JUST ANSWER MY QUESTIONS. DON’T ASK ANYTHING OR I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU” I can’t take it anymore so I just shouted Onew hyung. Whatever, he really afraid when I got angry and he answer quickly.

“We didn’t talk much, but he ask me questions about you and Jaejoong.” I really surprised at Onew’s answer. So, that means he saw me and Jaejoong hyung. Oh God, now I remembered I told him I can’t go out with him and then he saw I went with Jaejoong.

“I think that he was sad at that time and then he quickly run away, I don’t know where he go” Onew kept answer bluntly. Now I realized all things and it is because of my fault. “Thanks hyung, sorry for yelling you” I apologized Onew because I shouldn’t shout someone like this.

“It’s ok Kibum” then we hung up.

I run to all places where he can go but he is in nowhere. My legs really hurt and my lungs really tired because of running. But now I can’t stop, my heart hurts more than my body. My Taeminnie is missing because of me, because of my fault. Tears falling from my eyes but I kept running to find him, Where are you Taemin, Where are you? Then, I suddenly remember a place where he goes when he is sad.

I kept running to find him luckily there isn’t much people so I will not difficult to find him. First, I didn’t saw him among the people who were skiing. So, I look for among the beach near the field. Then, I saw his figure, sitting , watching the snow without moving any inches and I wonder whether he breaths or not. At that time, I can’t describe my happiness and I approached him.

“Taeminnie!” I called him. When he heard my voice, he looks surprised and turned to my directions. Oh God.., when he turned around, I saw his watery eyes and I can guess he cried so much his eyes were so red and seems like that he has no more tear to cry.

Taemin Pov;

“Taeminnie!” I heard one voice, which I can’t forget. When I turned to the direction of the voice..I saw him, really him..Key. I think it is a dream so I dazed at my place but he pulled and hugged me. Now, I felt the warmness, so is this not a dream? Is real? Am I again in his embrace, I really can’t tell anything and tears from my eyes can’t stop. I felt his smell again and now I believe that this is not a dream.

“What are you doing here like that, you are like an ice now” He nagged like usual and pulled off his jacket and wrap me. This is his careness which I missed so much these days, this is the eyes filled with worry and love which I missed, this is the men which I missed so much these days, is just in front of me.

Key Pov;

He stared me like he han’t seen me like years and he is falling to the ground , so I grabbed him and hug him to warm his body. He fall asleep on the way we came back home with Taxi. I really like the feeling which his head rest on my shoulder. This feeling is like I have the whole world in my hands. When we reached my house, I placed him in my bed to warm him. I watched his sleeping face which is really innocence and cute. How a person can be really beautiful and cute like that? I heard his sobbing during sleep. I can’t understand why Taemin is so sad because of I went out with Jaejoong hyung.

“Hyung, please don’t leave me, don’t leave me alone, I love you, Key” his sleep talking made me frozen in that place. So, that means he loves me like I love you? I can’t believe my ears. My Taemin, my prince really loves me? If then so, I need nothing anymore.

“I don’t leave you Taemin.” I whispered and kiss his forehead. He waked up with my touch in his forehead.

“Sorry, I made you wake up, How are you now?” I asked by holding his hands. Why I am so happy only if I hold his hand. This man really affect on me.

“It’s better now, sorry for making you to trouble.” He answered without looking me. His words and expressions really surprised me. Why do he acts me like a stranger.

“I am the one who only give you trouble, I am the one who made you angry, I am really useless trash for you in your ways” Taemin told me by crying heavily.

“No, Taemin, you are the most precious one for me. No one can be more important than you for me” I said these words him with my whole heart. These are the words which I want to say since I first saw him. He still think that I don’t love him.

“Lies, Please don’t lie me anymore hyung. I know you have the one who you loves more than me, so you don’t need to lie anymore, you can go where you want.” He kept saying those words hiding his real feeling, trying his tears. I am now sure now he really loves me.

“Really? Will you be really ok?” I . “y-yeah, of course, I must be congratulate my hyung for getting a sweet boyfriend” he said these words without looking my eyes. He thinks my words are real and he kept acting like he is ok.

“Boyfriend?” I asked. “ I saw you and your boyfriend Jaejoong on date, you two perfectly match” he kept acting again. I laughed because I can’t act anymore and I really want to hug this beautiful figure in front of me.

“Taemin, you are really funny, Jaejoong  is not my boyfriend, he is just my best friend.” I explained him all the story from the start. He really surprised after hearing my words.

“Really? So, you love me…?” He asked me shyly.

“Yes, I love you like boyfriend more than friend more than as my baby more than everything.” I admitted him. He pulled me and hugged like he afraid to lose me.

“Then, Will you be ok if I leave you now?” I teased by hugging back him.

“No, I can’t let you go, I lied , I can’t live without you.” He answers me by hugging me more tightly.

“I love you so much, Taeminnie” I whispered into his ears.

“I love you too, Key hyung” He said the words which I want to hear the most. Now my world is so beautiful because the person I love the most is now listening my heart beats in my embrace.

Author’s Note; I hope you will enjoy this because Taekey is together now. I am not good at writing at sweet things. But, I don’t want to end this right now. I want to write some sweetness in their dating life. Please continue reading and comments.Sorry for long time to update..Thanks

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Jolly_Hop #1
hehehe,, nice