Sudden Meeting~

If Happily Ever After Did Exist... {Hiatus}

IU - Someday (Dream high OST)



♣Park AeCha’s P.O.V.♣


     The soft breezy sea winds was blown onto my red auburn hair. It was a windy day with the white clouds flying. The shore was full of crying seagulls. I was walking with Nara since we live in the same block. We were coming back from school and it was boring as usual. 
“Hey! Hey! Do you think this manicure is a bit over the top? I should have asked GaYun to do it,” Hara happily said as she waved her nails near my face.  
     Her nails was in a square shape and the tip was white turning into cupid pink as it goes down. Medium-size flower jewels were placed on each nail, two in the middle nail instead of one. The jewels popped out making it become 3-D. Nara’s pale hand fit perfect with the shade of pink on her nails and there was a pearl-cream pink and diamond ring on her ring-finger. It was a bit over the top, adding the flowers. That wasn’t usually Nara’s style. She was a simple bubbly girl instead of a complex girl when it came to fashion. 
“Don’t you always get it from GaYun? Why go to the salon this time,” I asked with a uninterested voice. 
     Nara pouts her pearl pink lips and answers, “I just wanted to try something new once in a while. But in the end, GaYun’s is the best!” Nara happily skips and declared,  “I want to go in the shore. Let’s go! Let’s go!” 
     She pulls my arm down to the shore. I followed, not wanting to say anything. Down the sunny shore, where the salt smell cheers the land. The tide moves bright under the boundless light. The little waves ran up the sand, all rippling and vivid. There were two set of footprints left in the sand behind me. 
     I heard loud laughs coming from behind. Suddenly, a soft hand was placed on my left shoulder. The hand goes down to my arm, holding it with a hard grip. The person pulls me foreword onto the sand and we both trip. I tried to keep up but my head fell into the fine loose sand. The person’s large body was on top of me. Our lips were placed together perfectly. My eyes huge with shock while the lips were softly taken off of mine. Studying the face, I noticed it was a guy. His hair was a light golden color with a medium brown base. His eyes seemed soft and full of angst. Suddenly, a smirk appeared on his face. 
     With his thumb on the lips that was once on mine, he says, “Your lips are rather soft. Want to try it again?”
     I was angry with what he said. I just met him and he accidentally kisses me. Not just a kiss, but my FIRST KISS! I slap his face hard and he falls onto the smooth sand next to me. I get up whipping the sand on me and wipe my lips hard.  I noticed the guy was laughing his a*s off. Is it that much fun being slapped? Or is this guy just crazy? Another guy walks to me and bows as a sorry. I look at him and to the other guy who stopped laughing. I give him my biggest death glare and left. 
“AeCha! Wait for me,” yelled Nara, running to me. “You’re ok? He actually kissed you. Wasn’t that you first kiss?”
     I keep quiet. I couldn’t say anything because I had to much anger in me. I didn’t want to yell at Nara since she did nothing wrong.
     When I arrived to home, the lights were off. I walk upstairs and open a golden knob. Throwing my handbag on the couch, I flop onto the bed. My face was buried in the lacey cream pillows. I wasn't crying, but thinking about today.
     Sh*t! I must forget this day ever happened. It’s not like I’m going to see him again and the kiss doesn’t count anyways!

♣The Next Day♣Park AeCha’s P.O.V.♣

     I woke up with my daily routine. It was 8:20am and school started at 8am. I didn’t care if I was late or not and I fix everything carefully, without speed or rush. I walk to school feeling the cold breeze that started out warm. The leaves were different colors and they are starting to fall. I look up seeing the sapphire sky, the color is deep in an unbelievable beauty. 
     As I go into my homeroom, I saw a sight I wasn’t suppose to see. My eyes were wide and stunned. It was the boy from yesterday. The boy I tripped on the sand with. They by who took my first kiss! 
     “WHAT THE FU*K IS HE DOIN’ HERE,” I screamed.
      HeiRyung-ssam’s face was in surprise. “AeCha! Save that type of language for outside. It’s not used during school. Plus, you shouldn’t act like that to a new student in our class.”
     “New student?! Our class,” I was dizzy with confusion. The boy I thought that I would never see again is in MY class?! WTF!!!!????
     “Yes our class,” answers HeiRyung-ssam. She examines me from head to toe and tells me something that pulled a bullet through my heart. “I was just about to pick someone to show Chung JiHoo through the school for a few days. I think I picked out the perfect student. Have fun touring, AeCha.” 
      With that the bell rang for next period classes. I stood there frozen like bug in sticky wet concert. The guy walked towards me with a wide grin. 
     “It’s going to be a lot of fun with you around,” he says as he touches a strand of my wavy hair.  
     I slap his hand off my hair and walk towards A.N.G.E.L.S. They looked at me in surprise except for Nara. Her face shows worry.
     “What,” I asked them.
    “You know that hot guy,” asked Lina asked.
    “Pesh! Hot guy my a*s!”
    “Come on AeCha! You must admit he’s hot,” exclaimed SoYoung.
    I my teeth in annoyance. That guy is hot... in my nightmares! Abruptly, a pair of arms circled my waist. Warm breathes were on my head, concluding the person to be taller. 
     “Come on AeCha~ We have to go to our next class.” 
     I immediately knew voice was his. The name was Chung JiHoo, if I’m correct. I try to get out of his arms but his grip was too strong. I look at him and he has a smile on his face. He lets me go and takes my hand. His fingers entwined mines and he pulled me out of class. 


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Chapter 5: asdfghjkl. I need to read more. xD
anyways, it's really goood! ^~^
I hope you update soon! :D
jamyung #2
Chapter 8: this is good
update soon
can't wait
Woah, this is really good! I hope you can updater soon. ^^
Wooow Alice this sounds soooo interesting ^^ your writig is amazing :D I can't wait till I have more time so I can read all of the chapters !!
What I read was brilliant, so interesting ^^ Hwaiting :D
lilcandycane #5
this update is not an update
i just edited some things :D
kellen_1825 #6
Kyahhhhhhhhh this us really amazing and Interesting GOSH. LOVE IT!!!! I missed you saeng goodluck in your school stuffs too. We can do it. hwaiting LOVE yah!!!
lilcandycane #7
Thx 4 the sweet wonderful updates everyone~~~
<3 u all :D (as friends just in case some1's mind is negative here -o+)
ill try 2 update asap~
cant wait til my exams and graduation is done XD
ill be updating more during the break <3

@crazygirl157 - i'll be answering ur mysterious questions on my upcoming updates ^^ so i hope u look 4ward 2 it ^^ ill try 2 update as soon as my regents exams r finished XD

@AnjCSimle14 - i wish 2 see them MC's together in real life 2~~~~ thx 2 imagination *hands flying around* we can imagine them 2gether~~~ XD thx 4 the good luck! ill try my best on my exams :D FIGHTING!!!! <3
OMG!!!!! she has magical powers? cool!!!! and wats with jihoo? how does he now? ottoke??? well update soon saengie! the updates were AWESOME as always, so update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333