Rules and Guidelines

Cube Entertainment RP | EXCLUSIVE | 9/12 spots taken.
Rules Concerning the RP
  • This RP is as exclusive as exclusive can get. There are only 12 spots available, and I will not give those 12 spots to just anybody. So, unlike most RPs, character reservations are not first come, first serve. In order to obtain the spot of the character you desire, you must submit your best piece of . Why ? Because I truly feel that if a person has good with appropriate wording, punctuation and grammar, then there won't be much else that you are lacking in. Do not submit any piece of work that is not yours because I will find out and kick you out of the RP. More information on how to apply will be provided later.
  • Only 3rd person point of view writing can be used.
  • This RP contains . Not everything that takes place will be about , however, many situations given out may involve . So, if this factor makes you uncomfortable, do not apply. In fact, if your isn't top notch, I apologize but, don't apply.
  • This is a straight RP. No yuri. No . I can hear the chorus of boo's already. I'm sorry, but there are 6 girls and 6 guys in this RP. No one's background information contains homouality or past relationships with the opposite . 
  • Proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, fluency in the English language and detailing in your posts are an absolute must! If I accept your application and you end up getting lazy in your posts and not providing quality in your words then I will remove you from the RP without hesitation.
  • Be creative! Be eventful! Start some drama! Sure, the CEO is there to give you situations to play out, but do it in a creative way! Build up your background information in a creative way as well! Don't be afraid of headlines or scandals, strive to get them! 
  • You cannot refuse to play out a situation or scandal. If, for some reason, the situation or scandal makes you uncomfortable then message the admin and discuss it. Also, if you have any ideas for a situation or scandal, message the admin with those as well. Suggestions will always be considered! Once again, you also cannot change your background information. Do not ask for a change.
  • Only add people within the RP. You should only have 12 friends on your account. We do not use alternative names. Any person who belongs to the RP's profile link will be provided so the other members can add.



Rules Concerning OOC


  • Respect each other OOC. This RP is going to be filled with drama, and controversial things are bound to take place. However, do not take what happens to your character to heart. It is beyond annoying and quite immature to see OOC hatred because of problems that took place within the characters. If I do see this, I will kick you out and replace you. No one is to make anyone feel uncomfortable or unwanted OOC. There is only 12 of us, it shouldn't be hard to get along.
  • An OOC group is provided in the RP. Use this group for OOC posts. Keep OOC posts to a minimum. The group will be monitored closely. I will not allow this group to be the most active in the RP.
  • Stay out of PMs. In this RP, people will need to be able to read what is going on in order to decide their next move. If you are doing this in PM, it is hidden and defeats the purpose of this RP. All major events and stepping stones should be posted out in the public for everyone to see. Use your judgement.
  • Be active throughout your stay in the RP. If you are beginning to lose interest, let me know. If I see that you are losing interest, then I will tell you to leave. Like I said, this is an exclusive RP with very little spots. Inactivity for a mere few days will not be tolerated unless you had given the admin a notice.
  • Hiatus can only last for a maximum of 2 weeks.
  • If you get security checked and locked out, comment here letting us know. Also state if you have any plans to get it unlocked. If you do not, then I cannot help you and I will put your character up for grabs again.
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--Soko #1
Can i be Ulzzang Model Park Sora?
Chapter 4: Applied as Gina Choi.
Applied as Hyunseung :3
SennaMinSoo #4
Chapter 3: Applied as Sohyun.
apply as gayoon
Applied as Gina n.n
SoHyun~ ^^
I applied as SoHyun~
Go ahead and open up Hyunseung spot back up. I just got a job, and I really don't have the time. It just kind of happened. Sorry. ><