
Cube Entertainment RP | EXCLUSIVE | 9/12 spots taken.

Nam Jihyun

UNAVAILABLE - The calm and motherly member. She refuses to take place in all the drama that occurs but somehow finds herself in the middle of all of it. She would often take the blame for the problems that other 4minute members cause, as a leader. Of all the 4minute members, she is closest with Sohyun and is the only one who is aware of Dongwoon & Sohyun's sly relationship. Jihyun has had a crush on Yoseob since her trainee days. However, because of her calm personality, she keeps it so herself to prevent and avoid causing anymore problems, especially since she knows that Yoseob doesn't have eyes for her and sees her as nothing more than a close friend. But because she has feelings for Yoseob, she finds it hard to resist when he attempts to get into bed with her and often provides the pleasure he needs. When it comes to the other Beast boys, she doesn't entertain their requests to sleepwith her.



Heo Gayoon

UNAVAILABLE - Gayoon is the materialistic girlfriend of Beast's Yoon Doojoon. She is absolutely head over heels in love with Doojoon and is extremely protective of him. Gayoon, although fierce with her atittude is actually quite an insecure girl inside. She doesn't like to believe it, but she is aware that she hasn't fully captured Doojoon's heart just yet and makes that her mission above all missions. Because of this insecurity, she is very skeptical of any women that comes near Doojoon. Even the 4minute members, but more than that - her label mate and Doojoon's ex girlfriend, G.NA. Gayoon has a strong hatred for G.NA after she had found out that the latter had cheated on Doojoon with his own bandmate. They choose not to acknowledge each other's existence but the tension when they are in a room together in envitable. Gayoon would offer all she has and do anything it takes if it meant that she was the only girl in Doojoon's eyes, forever.

Jeon Jiyoon

UNAVAILABLE - Jiyoon is a kitten. It is no secret amongst the Cube artist that Jiyoon is quite the freak in the sheets. She is very open about this and doesn't attempt to hide the fact that she enjoys having . Her fellow member, Gayoon isn't very fond of this idea in fear that she would one day sleep with Doojoon. Jiyoon knows her boundaries, as long as she is sober. With a small amount of alcohol, all cautiousness fades away and her hormones begin to take over. This usually leaves her with a pounding head and sense of regret in the morning. Jiyoon finds the fact that she is so open about unique and thus distinguishes her amongst the 4Minute members and gives her a speciality. She often feels like her talent is overlooked in 4Minute and believes she lacks in beauty compared to the other members. By having ; she forgets about these insecurities and feels special for those few moments of pleasure. Unlike most of the other members, she is on friendly terms with all of the Cube artists and harbours no feelings for any of them.



Kim Hyuna

UNAVAILABLE - Hyuna was once very close with Lee Kikwang and he was very protective of her but their relationship began to fade once he had learned that she had feelings for his fellow member, Yong Junhyung. Hyuna has had intimate feelings for Junhyung for some amount of years now, however he hadn't ever returned the feelings. This leaves Hyuna feeling quite defeated sometimes. Losing her best friend and her crush paying little attention to her, Hyuna found a sense of comfort in Hyunseung once they began their Trouble-Maker promotions. He was, like Kikwang, very protective of her and stood over her like an older brother. Besides Hyuna's fierce image and y persona, off camera, she is a rather happy person with an appealing personality. In fact, she doesn't enjoy her showy image but does it since she is being paid for it. Hyuna has a sister-like relationship with all of the 4minute members and is especially close to G.NA



Kwon Sohyun

Sohyun, besides being the maknae and having an innocent image, is actually quite sly and sneaky. She often goes behind the backs of the older members and sneaks out of the dorm, past curfew or not, to do whatever she pleases. Her personality matches that of Beast's maknae, Son Dongwoon. The pair have a somewhat indescribable relationship. They had grown close to each other through sharing the hardships of being the youngest in their individual groups. While one thing led to another, Dongwoon and Sohyun developed a classic 'friends with benefits' relationship. Both have lost their ity to the other and only have with each other. Feelings were not ever involved, but things may be subjected to change in the future. Many of the other members of 4Minute and Beast don't know that their maknaes do this behind their backs so often. Sohyun, however, is really close with Jihyun and the leader often takes the blame whenever Sohyun gets caught sneaking out past curfew. Sohyun is really thankful towards Jihyun for this.


Yoon Doojoon

UNAVAILABLE - Doojoon is currently the boyfriend of 4Minute's Gayoon and the ex-boyfriend of G.NA. Although Doojoon does have strong feelings for Gayoon, he has never felt that undeniable love that he once had for G.NA. He knows that both he and Gayoon know this and he feels apologetic because of it. Although years have passed, Doojoon can't seem to completely forget about G.NA and being his co-worker doesn't help any either. He still gets horribly timid around her and suddenly becomes aware of all his actions while in her presence. Doojoon wasn't the one to break up their relationship, but has forgiven the mistake G.NA and his label mate had made. Doojoon wasn't planning to break up with G.NA because she had drunkily slept with Yoseob, he actually hoped to overcome that obstacle. Yoseob and Doojoon have a dented relationship because of this.The break up, in the end wasn't up to him. After a few months of depression, Gayoon had come into his life. She dedicated so much time and effort into being with him, that he somewhat fell for her along the way as well. He wishes that she would give him a little more space to breath and not be so attached.


Jang Hyunseung

Hyunseung is the most timid amongst the Cube family. He maintains a close relationship with the Beast members and considers them family, but it took him some time to get to know the remaining artists under Cube and he still can't say he has a close relationship with them. Hyuna broke through his timidness when Cube had begun the Trouble-Maker subunit. Since they spent so much of their day together while preparing for the promotions, naturally, they became closer. Hyuna became the first girl to break through Hyunseung's timidness and get to the truly lovable side of him. Hyunseung, in turn, fell for Hyuna along the way as hard as he tried not to. He knew, just like most people did, that Hyuna had liked Junhyung for a very long time and knew she would never be able to return the feelings he had for her. Hyunseung loves Hyuna and since he can't have her all to himself, the way he would like, he stays close to her and promises to protect her. He had become her older brother figure and would come to her rescue if she were hurt or in trouble without a second thought.


Yong Junhyung

UNAVAILABLE - Junhyung is quite the player. He openly flirts with any female he comes across and barely takes it into any consideration. He has a smooth way with his words that can get him out of any kind of wrath a person might have for him. He knows exactly what a girl would like to hear and uses that as a benefit in his seducing. Junhyung is aware of Hyuna's feelings for him, although she had never told told him it with words - it has showed countless times through her actions. Junhyung admittedly flirts with Hyuna a little differently than most girls. Although, he tries to approach her the same way as he would with everyone else, he finds that it is slightly more difficult with him. He thinks more about his actions, the way he dresses when he approaches her, the way he smells, if his hair is okay and so on. He gets nervous. Junhyung, in fact, does harbour feelings for Hyuna deep inside, and he doesn't see her like every other female he comes across - but he has a hard time showing that, since he's not use to settling down. He realizes that while doing this, he's hurting Hyuna and wishes it could be diffferent, but fact of the matter is, Yong Junhyung is afraid of love. 


Yang Yoseob

UNAVAILABLE - Yang Yoseob, despite his cute and innocent image is in fact far from that. Yoseob has always been close to G.Na, and didn't ever approve of her relationship with Doojoon. Although G.NA was happy with Doojoon, and Doojoon was happy with her; Yoseob believed that G.NA still deserved better. That was simply Yoseob's jealousy speaking, since Yoseob does have intimate feelings for G.NA. He has admitted this to her countless times but she refuses to see him as more than a friend. Yoseob had drunkily began hitting on G.NA while she was also intoxicated and ending up sleeping with her. Although that caused immense drama to outbreak and the break up of G.NA and Doojoon's relationship, he never regretted it. Because of all of this actions and his lack of remorse for ruining what was the best relationship for Doojoon, him and the leader have a very strained relationship that raises a lot of tension in their household. They try to deal with it and swallow their dislike for eachother since they do remain bandmates no matter what. Yoseob is also close with Jihyun, but doesn't harbor any feelings for her and doesn't know that she likes him either. He often goes to Jihyun when he feels dejected by G.NA and she makes him feel good, rather it be emotional comfort or spending a night between sheets.

Lee Kikwang

UNAVAILABLE - Lee Kikwang is often referred to as the most sane member amongst the Beast members. He keeps a close, mutual relationship with all of the boys and they often come to him for a good talk or advice. Although he disapproves of the way Junhyung treats Hyuna, he doesn't think of him any less and still considers him a brother. When it comes to Hyuna, Kikwang misses the relationship they once shared and it saddens him that Hyunseung had replaced him, but he's still there to watch over her if she ever needs it. With that being said, Kikwang also has his own set of troubles. He has hormones that are constantly on the rage. He uses his charming smile and friendship with everyone to his advantage and nearly never gets turned down by anyone. The one person, who he can never seem to slip into bed with is 4Minute's leader, Nam Jihyun. He had made a mental mission to sleep with her. He hadn't realized, by constantly racking up plans to succesfully sleep with her; he also constantly had her on his mind and found himself thinking about her far too much. He still isn't sure whether this means that he had started to look at Jihyun as more than just a friend and it confuses him. He hadn't forgotten about his mission but he also tries to clarify his feelings every time he sees her as well.

Son Dongwoon

UNAVAILABLE - Son Dongwoon isn't one to meddle in with drama. To avoid it, he chooses to spend time with 4Minute's maknae, Kwon Sohyun. They both are uninterested in the issues that take place within the older members and sneak out to spend time with each other whenever they get the chance; which admittedly, is often. The pair click together really well and understand each other. Somewhere along the way, out of curiousity, they had lost their ity to each other. Realizing how much of an enjoyable experience it was, the pair found  themselves having more often and in the weirdest places or wherever was most convienent. Many of the members had no idea they were up to such wicked things; which made it only that much more exciting for them. Besides their 'friends with benefits' relationship, there are times when they talk about sincere things and just enjoy each other's company. Thoughts of have feelings for Sohyun had crossed his mind once or twice, but he quickly shook them off as quickly as they surfaced. He couldn't imagine developing their relationship into more than it already was and he was certain that Sohyun felt the same way. Still, he did feel very protective of Sohyun and would stand by her through anything. 


Choi Gina 

Gina is Doojoon's ex girlfriend. The relationship was the most blissful, loving time of her life and she truly misses it. She constantly regrets the night she brought the bottle to her lips and drunkily made love to her best friend, Yoseob. Doojoon had forgiven her, and wanted to stay with her despite the mistake she had made. Gina was content with this until she started recieving such harsh hatred from 4Minute member, Gayoon. She made it impossible for Gina to not feel guilty and in turn, Gina began to believe that she truly did not deserve to have Doojoon. It does hurt Gina to see him with another female now, but she believes she will get over it. She doesn't show her weaknesses towards this and gives everyone the impression that she is okay. Her best friends,Yoseob and Hyuna know the truth. Yoseob, doesn't support this idea, since he himself believes Gina should be with him instead. She hopes that his feelings for her would never strain their relationship since she really values him as a friend. She had forgiven him for making a move on her whiile they were drunk and didn't put the blame on him for the mistake. There are times, however, when Gina feels her heart skip a beat when Yoseob compliments her.  She refuses to believe these are feelings that are building and ignores the sensation whenever it occurs.

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--Soko #1
Can i be Ulzzang Model Park Sora?
Chapter 4: Applied as Gina Choi.
Applied as Hyunseung :3
SennaMinSoo #4
Chapter 3: Applied as Sohyun.
apply as gayoon
Applied as Gina n.n
SoHyun~ ^^
I applied as SoHyun~
Go ahead and open up Hyunseung spot back up. I just got a job, and I really don't have the time. It just kind of happened. Sorry. ><