Chapter 14

Lost In Love


"Jiyong, I want to talk," Seunghyun said, adverting his gaze, refusing to make eye-contact with the leader. "Well come over here and we'll talk about whatever this is," Jiyong said, patting the cushion beside him. Seunghyun shook his head. "What's wrong, Tabi?" Jiyong asked, cocking his head to the side. "Do you really love me?" "What kind of stupid question is that?" Jiyong almost yelled. The former stood up and walked to Seunghyun, wrapping his arms around him. The older man didn't return the hug and instead, let his arms fall to the side. "You don't just want me for then?" Seunghyun asked sullenly. Jiyong let go at that point, "What the Seunghyun? You really think that? You know I love you." "I know. But it seems like we have more than anything else. I want to be a real couple, Ji," Seunghyun complained. The leader rolled his eyes and put a hand on his lover's cheek, "We are a real couple, Tabi." "Oh shut up," Seunghyun said abruptly, startling Jiyong. "I want dates, cuddling, romantic things that couples have. But you won't let me do that. You're still afraid." "Afraid of what?" Jiyong asked with a grimace. "Afraid that I'm going to hurt you again." The statement was followed by silence that seemed to last forever. Jiyong looked at Seunghyun's cold face with bleary eyes. 
"You keep distancing yourself from me, Ji. I don't like it," Seunghyun said as he broke the silence and eye-contact. "I don't want to hurt you again. I never will. Everything is up to you now." "Okay," Jiyong said, wiping his eyes, "Then that settles it. I won't be afraid anymore. We'll be a real couple if that's what you really want," Jiyong said with a smile. The older man reached out and pulled Jiyong into a gentle, loving embrace."Okay then, we're staying in for dinner. And we're going to make it together.""Oh no. You know how bad of a cook I am," Jiyong said as he shook his head vigorously. "You're not that bad, you just can't cook much," The older man chuckled. "I'll go to the super market, Ji. You stay here and make the place look classy and romantic... like me!" They both broke out into laughter before agreeing. "Okay, so what are we going to make. Tabi?" "Well... I'll just bring some ingredients here and you'll just have to guess as we make it," Seunghyun said with a large, devious grin sliding onto his face.
Seunghyun pulled into the parking lot of the closest supermarket in Tokyo. "Okay, steamed clams in butter and sake? This should be good," he said with a smile and got out of the car. Immediately he was recognized by a young teenage girl who had been walking on the sidewalk. "TOP Oppa!" the girl screamed. Lucking no one was around to hear her. "Yah! Be quiet!" Seunghyun managed in his broken Japanese. "Sorry. I couldn't help it," the girl replied in Korean, startling Seunghyun. "Hey, I'm Keirin. I'm a huge Bigbang fan," she said with a bow. "Well thanks, but I'm here on vacation, so if you'd excuse me," He said, returning the bow. "Oh right. But you might want to pull your hood up. Your hair gives you away." "Thanks," he muttered before walking away, pulling his hood up. He stepped inside, stopping as he stood in awe of the enormity of the store. He shook his head and continued on, holding the slip of paper he had written the ingredients on. "Okay, I'll just get a bottle of Sake and a bottle of Mirin and rice vinegar. So much stuff," he whined to himself. He walked into one of the isles and grabbed the Sake and Mirin. He went back and forth through the unknown store until he had all of the ingredients. "Okay, Sake, Mirin, rice vinegar, pre-scrubbed clams, butter, soy sauce, and onions. Got it," he mumbled to himself as he waited in line for the register.
Seunghyun stood in the dining room, his mouth hanging open. Then Jiyong came in a chuckled, "Classy enough?" "It's amazing!" the older man exclaimed. "Now it's time to cook!" They both went into the kitchen and Seunghyun pulled out one of the pans provided by the hotel, putting it on the burner on high. He quickly pulled out the ingredients and poured four teaspoons of Sake and Mirin. Then he put two teaspoons of rice vinegar and Jiyong immediately knew. "Seunghyun! You're amazing! You chose steamed clams!" the leader said with a large smile. He pulled out the bag of clams and put them in the pan, then Seunghyun put the lid on. "Come here, Ji," he chided in a gentle voice. "Now this is romantic," Jiyong said as he leaned into Seunghyun, who was leaning against the counter. The older man planted a kiss on his cheek, "I hope we do this right," he said, chuckling. He covered the leader's face in sweet little kisses, making sure each little spot had been covered by his lips. Then they heard small cracking noises. "Ooh, they're opening," Jiyong said with excitement. He lifted the lid and motioned for Jiyong to look, "We're actually doing it right!" Now he was getting excited, he didn't usually cook very much.
After all the clams had opened they tossed in 3 tablespoons of butter, a teaspoon of soy sauce and one chopped green onion. Jiyong mixed as Seunghyun wrapped his arms around the leader's waist. "I thought you'd enjoy this," he said with a smirk. "Well you're right, cooking together is actually fun," Jiyong replied with a smile. They sat there, watching the food as Jiyong stirred it around. "This looks good," Seunghyun said, his lips ad letting go of Jiyong. "Well we're in luck! It's done." They brought the pan to the table, setting it on a small metal tray and served themselves. "To be honest, I thought this would be awkward, but it's nice. And romantic," Jiyong said as he put a clam to his lips, out the meat and flavor of the Sake. They both ate, occasionally reaching over to feed the other. Overall, it was what Seunghyun had hoped it would be and more. 
Jiyong sat with his legs crossed and his hands on his stomach, "I am stuffed." Seunghyun nodded in agreement. "I'll clean this up, you go watch some TV," the older man offered. The leader shook his head and stood up, taking their plates, "You get the pan and glasses. We made it together, so we can clean it together." "I love you, Ji," Seunghyun said with stifled laughter. They took the dishes into the kitchen and began washing them. "Jiyong! You used to much soap. YAH!" Then Jiyong grinned throwing the extra bubbles at Seunghyun. The older man feigned surprise and threw bubbles at the leader. Then without warning Jiyong splashed water into Seunghyun's face. "YAH! Pabo! My beautiful face!" he howled through laughter. As the older man went to take vengeance, he slipped, knocking Jiyong right on top of him. "Oh dear," he mumbled as Jiyong blushed violently. "Just like the movies," Jiyong said after a moment. He slipped out from under the leader and stood up, offering his hand to help his boyfriend. Jiyong gladly took Seunghyun's hand. When they were both up, Seunghyun reached for a hand towel and wiped the water from his face then handed it to Jiyong who did the same. "Maybe we should do this later?" Yeah," Seunghyun agreed quickly.
They had retreated to the living room where they both cuddled in front of the television. "You can pick something this time," Seunghyun said as he ran his fingers through Jiyong's hair. The former took the remote and shut off the tv and turned to look up at Seunghyun. "How about we just cuddle?" Jiyong suggested with an innocent smile. Seunghyun leaned down and kissed the top of his head, smoothing his hair down afterward, "Okay, Ji. I'm okay with that."

Annyeong! Haha, I hope you all liked this boring chapter. I wanted to throw some fluff in your face. THE POWER OF FLUFF ♥
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Danees #1
Chapter 30: Hahahah.. thank you for this. I do enjoy it ;)
Chapter 5: these are some ty doctors
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 30: that was short XD I mean last chapter XD but it's okay like that :3
really good story, I enjoyed it very much ^^
Good story I love it thanks for writing this!!
really great story thank you
KaiRox167 #6
this story wuz so amazing that i just had to scream..."WOW! FANTASTIC BABY"LOL..keep up the good work
Kacichan #7
It was great story!!! I loved every word of it and I´m anticipating more from you!
Aw I love it! So cute! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end and that they were accepted by everyone. Such a sweet ending to a good emotional fanfic.
YAY THEY GOT MARRIED! *throws confetti* I couldn't help finding it ironic that they got married in this chapter and the ads on site were for wedding cakes and cake toppers. Oo ... 8D

I hope to see more GTOP from you! 8)