Chapter Three

Aliens Againts Conquers


Sorry if this story seems like it's going nowhere. It's almost getting to the good action scenes. In the meantime check out my other story. The Fire in my Heart Burns.

Aliens Team

Kim Himchan
It's been two days and Himchan was all set for the attack. He sent all the troops to the closest place off the planet. Everyone was in helicopters and flying around the sky. They didn't want to be on the ground when Daehyun's Team lands.

Conquering Team

Jung Daehyun
Daehyun's Team finally arrived on the planet Mato. When they arrived Daehyun noticed that it was quiet on the forest where they landed. A little bit too quiet. His team moved and separated into groups. Daehyun wanted to go along and follow one of the groups. He followed Still PM's group.

As they continued walking west of the land Still PM saw someone on the tree. Everyone in his group including Daehyun pointed their gun at the tree. They continued watching it but it was only a mysterious creature that lives on the planet. The bird flew towards Daehyun and he noticed there was a note tied onto one of the creature's leg. He took the note and read it: "Welcome to our Planet." which was from Himchan, of course. Himchan and his team watched Daehyun's team wondered around their forest looking like lost puppies. Himchan signaled to one of his female pilots, Jung Hyosung, and told her to drop the bombs quickly and leave this place.

Daehyun starred at the piece of paper when someone yelled for cover. Immediately everyone tried to look for cover in this forest. A total of two people had already died and it hasn't been an hour yet.

Yoo Youngjae
Youngjae was at the library, as usual. He was looking at the city newspaper website and saw an article that caught his attention. "Earthlings Comes Back!" He didn't read the article, instead he printed it out so he'll have it with him. Youngjae left the library and went straight to the university he is attending. He was going to visit one of his professors, Professor Soulchild.

When Youngjae finally arrived at Professor Soulchild's classroom door he took out the printed article out of his backpack. Professor Soulchild was sitting down on his desk and seems like he was correcting research papers that was due a week ago. Youngjae knocked on the door before entering in. Professor Soulchild saw him and told him to come in.

Professor Soulchild and Youngjae has a very a good relationship to the fact where Youngjae calls Professor Soulchild Hyung. "Hello Hyung." Youngjae said and grabbed a chair at pulled to the side of Professor Soulchild's desk. "Did you see the newspaper?" He couldn't help but ask.

"No I did not, Youngjae." Professor Soulchild said looking up from his desk. Youngjae handed him the printed papers and watched him read it. When Professor Soulchild was done reading it he gave a puzzled look to Youngjae. "Youngjae, why are you showing me this?"

"Because, Hyung, I can recruit into the army." Youngjae said excitedly pulling his chair closer to grab the newspaper. "They're looking for young aliens to recruit!"

"Youngjae.." Professor Soulchild stopped Youngjae's excitement. "Finish college first. You have half a year left." Youngjae slouched down in his chair. "All you're going to do is train and once you're out on the field the Earthlings will be gone."

Aliens Team

Kim Himchan
Himchan and his team has finished setting up traps around the forest. It's been three days and still Daehyun's team hasn't attack yet. Himchan was starting to feel they should attack first.

Himchan, Hyosung, and 3 other soldiers where in the plane. As Hyosung was flying the spaceship in the air Himchan notices one of Earthling's spaceship left un-guard. Hyosung landed their spaceship and went to examine their spaceship. Himchan, Hyosung and one soldier, Jinsuk, went inside the spaceship.

Without knowing anything they've accidently got the spaceship to lift up in the air. Hyosung immediately took action and went to the pilot seat. It seemed like they were going into the atmosphere. Everyone quickly grabbed on a space suit and put them on.

Conquering Team

Moon Jongup
Jongup who is again at work.

It's getting to the good parts! Sorry for not updating. I really am! I feel like a genius for coming up with Professor Soulchild. XD

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lindanguyenn #1
Sooooo happy that you updated :)
lindanguyenn #2
OMG i love this story !!! Please update soon :) <3
Your GIFs are cool! And i'm a bit confused... It states there the weakest survive and yet all the characters are strong lol... Is there any scenes in this?
Woooooooooooooooooooooooow this is interesting 8DDDDDDDDD
Awesome plot *0*
It's bapp!!! YESSSS!! ;DDD