Chapter One

Aliens Againts Conquers

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Aliens Team

Kim Himchan
Commander Kim Himchan has been preparing his team for war when their satellites started to pick up signals coming from Earth. Himchan has been very stressed lately. He's been training his soldiers but yet. The Earthlings hasn't come out yet. Himchan was ready to attack. As everyone was doing their own duty on the camp Himchan was walking around and moderating each and everyone of them perfectly. Himchan walked into the main base building with dissatisfaction. He went over to his desk and there on his wall right next to this window was a picture of his father. Former Commander for the Mato Aliens.

"They'll come." Himchan said looking right at his picture of his father.

A very beautiful Alien woman came into his office. Her name was Lee Joohee. She worked as the secretary in the building. She's also in-charge of collecting all the new recruits paper work. Everyone on the camp thought she was pretty and will often get nervous when she's around. "Himchan the signals keeps getting stronger." Joohee sits on the chair in front of Himchan's desks and sets some paperwork on his table. "What do you want us to do?"

"Wait." Himchan replied back to her. Joohee wasn't satisfied with his answer. "We're going to send the troops out into the field and wait for them to attack."

"What if they attack right away?" She asks him. Joohee was trying really hard to change Himchan's mind but it didn't seem to work.

"We'll be ready."

Bang Yongguk
Bang Yongguk comes inside his house after a nice workout in the gym. He showers and goes online to check some news. "Pft, stupid." Yongguk whispers. He just finish reading an article stating that the military is preparing to leave for Planet Mato. Yongguk gets up and walks into the kitchen to get some orange juice. He rests his right arm on the counter next to him and holds the cup with his left arm. He looks back to the his computer screen that shows a picture of Daehyun smiling and waving his hand. "Good luck with that."

Conquering Team

Jung Daehyun
After finishing an interview Commander Jung Daehyun went back to his camp. He was making sure everyone was ready to set off to Planet Mato. After many hours of training his recruits. Daehyun has been preparing the set off for a year now. Now he felt that it was time to set off. Daehyun went home early for work today so they can set off tomorrow.

When Daehyun got home he went into the shower right away. After that he went over all his paper works again. It was so quiet in his house that you can hear his clock ticking. Because Daehyun kept looking at his clock he went into his bedroom.

When it was morning Daehyun got to the camp early morning. There was a lot of people there to see them set off. Daehyun was touched. He parked his car and before he could even get inside the building there was a whole bunch of news reporters there.

Aliens Team

Bang Yongguk
Standing behind the rope where it separated the field. "Pft." Yongguk said when he saw Daehyun getting crowded with news reporters. Yongguk saw Daehyun look at  himwhen he was trying to go up the stairs to the building.

A couple minutes later the soldiers, Daehyun, the sergeants, captains, and soldiers all came out. They all were wearing big suits. Yongguk couldn't help but envy everyone who was going. Since Daehyun told Yongguk his time was up, Yongguk has been competitive. One of the soldiers stopped and was looking right at Yongguk. It was *Lee Yohan*. Yongguk's best friend he had made while training. Yongguk gave Yohan the nickname *Still PM* when they were training. Still PM waved to Yongguk. He was very happy to see Still PM go to Mato. Yongguk waved back to him and gave him a gummy smile.

After what felt like 30 minutes the countdown started. It started at 2 minutes. Yongguk checked the time on his phone. It wasn't even 10:00 yet. When it started to get to the 30 second mark Yongguk joined everyone and started counting down with them.

Kim Himchan
"Himchan!" Joohee runs from the lab to Himchan's office. She comes in trying to talk but she was having a hard time breathing. "One of our satellites picked up something that came out of Earth about 3 hours ago." Himchan gets up immediately from his chair and goes straight to lab.

"What are we going to do?" People kept yelling to Himchan when he was walking.

Once he reached the lab he looked on the screen. "Seems like they're coming." Everyone gasped and was shocked. "It'll take them about 4 days to get exactly on the planet. I'll start preparing the soldiers."

Conquering Team

Moon Jongup
"Moon Jongup!" Someone yelling his name. Jongup was underneath a spaceship changing the oil. "Oh my gosh! Did you hear?" The person who was yelling Jongup's name was Hyemi, his older sister.

"What?" He said sliding out from underneath the spaceship. He was all covered in the oil that had spilled on him.

"You look gross." Hyemi said handing him a towel on the table with her two fingers. "Anyways! There's been some rumors that Earthlings are coming here!" Hyemi was talking so fast and she was making her voice high that she almost lost her voice.

"That's cool." Jongup wasn't interested in what Hyemi was saying to him. He just needed to change the oil to this spaceship and get money. "What do you want me to do about it?" Hyemi gave him an un-believing look.

"Never mind then." She said then started to walk back. "But since you don't care. I'll just leave." Jongup ignored her and went back to the oil change. Hyemi started to run and Jongup notices her.

"Wait! Yah! Noona you're my ride home!" Jongup yells chasing after her.

*Lee Yohan/Still PM is a member from Soul Connection. I'm pretty sure you guys all know Bang Yongguk was from Soul Connection. I choose a member from Soul Connection who's age is closet to Yongguk. He might appear in this fanfic a couple times.

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lindanguyenn #1
Sooooo happy that you updated :)
lindanguyenn #2
OMG i love this story !!! Please update soon :) <3
Your GIFs are cool! And i'm a bit confused... It states there the weakest survive and yet all the characters are strong lol... Is there any scenes in this?
Woooooooooooooooooooooooow this is interesting 8DDDDDDDDD
Awesome plot *0*
It's bapp!!! YESSSS!! ;DDD