'I'm always here alone.'

❊ Broken Angel ❊


No P.O.V


“Where are we going?” Jaejoong whined as Yunho dragged him away by the hand.

It was late, and somehow the light of the sun had all but evaporated since the fight back at the apartment. Jaejoong could barely shake the image of a crying Yoona out of his head. Every time the wind howled, it sounded like her anguished cries were being carried. Every time he glanced up at the clouded moon, it reminded him of the tears that had brimmed in her eyes as she slumped down to the floor.

And then Yunho would squeeze his hand and he’d forget all about it.

The clouds covering the night sky meant that the air was warmer than usual, but it was still cold whenever a harsh gust of wind decided to whip against them. Jaejoong hadn’t exactly been allowed any time to dress more appropriately for a night-time stroll, so it was surprising that the warmth of the older boy was all that kept him cosy.

“You’ll see.” Yunho responded, monotonously. His expression looked somewhat determined, although Jaejoong couldn’t help but notice the slight frown than threatened his brow.

Jaejoong decided that it would probably be best if he just remained silent and followed in Yunho’s footsteps. He couldn’t quite fathom what must’ve been going on in Yunho’s head right now, but he didn’t imagine it to be anything too sugar-coated. He had - after all - just about abandoned his best-friends, so Jaejoong wasn’t really expecting the older boy to be in any kind of romantic mood. Despite how hard he wished that were true.

“Are you ok?” Jaejoong asked - only to be ignored.

Yunho simply let out a pained sigh in response; tugging on the younger boy’s hand once more, they rounded a corner towards the familiar sight of the nearby park.

Jaejoong felt a little silly for not realising where they were headed, considering he’d been here several times in the past few weeks; but he blamed the blackness of the night for clouding his vision and Yunho’s distracting hand for stealing his attention. It was a little bit disappointing for Yunho to ignore his question, but there was really nothing he could do. So why push the question?

The park looked different at night.

Somehow it appeared much more serene and gentle. The harsh wind that had caused Jaejoong to shiver was now whistling through the leaves of the trees, it was clam and soothing now. The clouds seemed to thin over the night sky and a few stars could be seen twinkling overhead as the sound of crickets and the hooting of owls filled the air. It was a far cry from the usual buzz of life that fuelled the city and both Jaejoong and Yunho preferred it this way.

Jaejoong remembered the last time he’d been here; that day when Joon had graciously kept him company in Yunho’s absence. He looked back fondly at the memory of laughing alongside Yoona whilst Joon and Taecyeon argued liked the kids they were at heart over a game of football. Of course, then he remembered what Taecyeon had done and he couldn’t force his image from his mind quick enough.

Yunho stopped abruptly as they made their way to the top of a small hill in the centre of the park. A small path wound its way around them, cobbled and littered with small park benches. A few street lamps beamed in the darkness, casting shadows about the two figures that stood beside each other. It was quiet - considering it wasn’t that late - with the sound of soft breathing being the only thing to pierce the silence around them.

They were alone.

Jaejoong took a moment to take in the scenery; it was quite unlike anywhere he’d ever been before and it was refreshing to simply breathe in the cool air. He was quite surprised - upon peering up - to see Yunho staring upwards at the thinly blanketed stars; a contented smile gracing his handsome face.

“You’re smiling.” Jaejoong giggled to himself.

Yunho tore his gaze from the stars, turning it down to the smaller boy.

“This is my happy place.” He grinned, tugging the boys hand once again. “Sit.” He motioned to a nearby bench.

Jaejoong eyed it cautiously, not quite sure what to expect. Yunho seemed to have relaxed now that they were completely alone; but he was a still a little curious as to why they were here in the first place. He noted the sincere smile on the older boy’s face as they descended onto the seat, in unison.

“I like it here.” Yunho said, snaking his arm around Jaejoong’s shoulder. The younger boy blushed slightly with a flickering smile, tilting his head to rest on Yunho’s own shoulder.

“It’s just a park.” Jaejoong mumbled as he took a look around; unsure as to why Yunho would choose this place - of all places - for his ‘happy’ place. He turned to look up quizzically into Yunho’s eyes, a small pout forming on his lips.

“Is it?” Yunho asked with a smile, leaning down to quickly peck the boy on his pouting lips.

Jaejoong paused. “Well, is there something special about it? I thought you came here to do sports..” He trailed.

Yunho chuckled at the boy’s cluelessness. For whatever reason, he brought his hand to slowly caress Jaejoong’s porcelain cheek before turning his gaze back up to the starry sky.

“It reminds me of everything that’s good about my life.” He sighed, contented.

“In what way?” The younger boy asked.

Yunho chuckled, lightly. A gentle breeze rolled across them.

“Every way.”

Jaejoong found himself smiling at the ridiculous grin on Yunho’s face. It really did seem like the whole unnecessary drama of their lives was all but forgotten as they sat beside each other on a simple, generic park bench. There was something strange about that moment. Strange because there was nothing strange about it. And yet it seemed to have the most profound effect on each of them.

 “At night..” Yunho began. “..It’s always quiet. It helps me think and relax. No one ever comes here after the sun sets, which usually means I’m alone.” He spoke, softly.

“And you like being alone?” Jaejoong asked, a little timid.

Yunho paused; a smile forming on his face as he thought of the answer.

“Not anymore.” He replied, hugging the smaller boy a little bit tighter and pulling him a little bit closer.

Jaejoong’s flickering smile resumed when another blush graced his cheeks.

“The grass here is greener than the rest of the city. The air is cleaner and sounds of the city don’t come here.” Yunho resumed.

“It’s a bit cold though.” Jaejoong mumbled.

“That too, I guess.” Yunho chuckled.

“But I’m ok!” Jaejoong reassured while a bright smile, cutely nuzzling into the warmth of Yunho’s body. He tried not to let it show, but he was genuinely quite cold whenever a gust of wind blew. “You were saying?”

“Everything has a significance here.” Yunho said.

Jaejoong darted his eyes around at the tranquil - yet ordinary - scenery. All that surrounded them was the grass beneath their feet, the stars above them and the bench that they sat on. It didn’t really make sense to him.

“Like what?” Jaejoong asked.

Yunho paused.



“I don’t hear anything?” Jaejoong raised an eyebrow.

“Just listen.” Yunho reaffirmed.

Yunho put a finger to his lip to signal the boy to shush. Jaejoong frowned, but did as he was told.

“What do you hear now?” Yunho asked.

Jaejoong paused and took a glance around, returning with a quizzical look back to Yunho.


Yunho shook his head and chuckled in spite of Jaejoong’s response.

“The wind.” He replied.

“What about it?” Jaejoong pried, already beyond confused.

“Can’t you hear it?” Yunho beckoned.

Jaejoong eyed the man suspiciously, not quite sure if he’d gone slightly insane.

“Of course I can, but what’s so important about a few rustling leaves?”

Yunho rolled his eyes in frustration at Jaejoong’s confusion. It was pretty cute to watch him pout away in obvious bewilderment, but at the same time it was pretty exhausting to have to spell it out because of the boy’s thick skull. He sighed and looked around; watching as the towering pines and grand oaks swayed gently in the night-time breeze.

“The wind reminds me of my childhood.” He stated, victoriously; watching as an expression of understanding washed over Jaejoong. “The soft sounds of the wind moving through the branches of the trees sound like my mother’s voice.” He continued.

“Your mother?” Jaejoong asked. He’d never really thought about it until now, but Yunho had yet to mention her in conversation. He’d heard a great deal about his father - and of course he knew his little brother Mir personally - but their mother was the last family member that Yunho never spoke of.

Yunho nodded in response.

“When Mir and I were kids, she’d sing to us to help us go to sleep. It was always the same song.. But I can’t really remember how it went nowadays; it was such a long time ago.” Yunho paused. “She had the softest voice.” He whispered, contently.

“Had?” Jaejoong asked; noting the obvious past tense.

Yunho sighed once more, tilting his gaze towards the sky.

“She probably still does. But I wouldn’t know.” Yunho said, a little sadness tinting his voice.

“What do you mean?” Jaejoong asked, timidly.

“She left when I was still young.” He said. “She just walked out one day and.. Never came back.”

Jaejoong hesitated for a moment; likening the situation to his own loss of his mother. It was odd that all this time Yunho had kept such a secret and he felt a little guilty for never bothering to wonder what Yunho had gone through as a child. He’d assumed he had always been as happy as he was now. Or at least how happy he claimed to be.

“Why?” Jaejoong asked.

Yunho turned to face him; a bittersweet smile and accepting eyes looking down at the still pouting boy. He shrugged.

“Dunno.” He replied, matter-of-fact. “We came home from school one day and all her stuff was gone. Appa wouldn’t even tell us why she left.”

“I’m sorry.” Jaejoong replied in a whisper; the best he could offer being a tentative hug as he wrapped his arms around Yunho’s waist securely.

“Don’t be.” Yunho replied, maintaining his smile and the arm around Jaejoong’s shoulder. “It was a long time ago and I was too young to still be sad. Sometimes I wonder what life would be life if she’d stayed, but then I come here and sit for a while and I learn to accept life for what it is.” He said with confidence. “Mir doesn’t even remember her. So at least I have something of hers to treasure.”

Jaejoong found himself smiling brightly at the older boy’s optimism. His attitude was so typical of the Yunho that he’d come to understand; always positive - well.. usually - even through the worst of it all.

“You’re so amazing, Yunho.” Jaejoong beamed.

Yunho chuckled lightly - a little embarrassed by the high praise. His response to the whole situation only came through years of maturity and acceptance. He still wanted to believe that his mother would someday come back to him with open arms; but he wasn’t naive enough to actually hope for such a thing. She was gone, and that was what he’d learnt to live with.

“What for?”

“Being you.” Jaejoong smiled, earning a peck on the nose as he glanced upwards. “You changed everything. Made everything right, and you never asked for anything in return.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” Yunho replied, once more victorious.

“And I’m sorry.”

“Again, what for?”

“For forgetting that you have problems too.” Jaejoong whispered.

“It was a long time ago, Jae.” Yunho reassured, lifting his free hand to cup the boys cheek. “I’m fine now.” He continued, gently caressed the boy’s soft, pale skin.

“Good.” Jaejoong replied, fluttering his eyes shut and leaning into the warmth of Yunho’s palm, contently. “Now tell me what else about this place makes you happy.”

Yunho heaved a satisfied sigh as Jaejoong seemed to actually be interested in what he had to say.

“Well..” He began, thinking of where else to take the conversation. “..If you look up at the sky..” He said, motioning for Jaejoong to look up.

The clouds that had been thinly blanketing the sky were now all but gone. The bright stars twinkled in the void of the night sky and the moon was large that evening. The longer they stared, the more stars came into their sight and the brighter the sky seemed to become.

“They’re really pretty tonight.” Jaejoong murmured as he leant his head on Yunho’s shoulder.

“They remind me of Mir.” Yunho said.

Jaejoong giggled a little.

“Mir? Really?” He asked in a little disbelief.

Yunho nodded. “Mhm. The stars remind me of his eyes.” He explained.

“He does have pretty eyes.” Jaejoong chuckled.

“Oh really?” Yunho jibed. “Prettier than mine?” He pouted.

Jaejoong scoffed. “You were the one who hated being called ‘pretty.’ Besides, they are prettier than yours.”

“Jae..” Yunho whined.

“--But yours are much more handsome.”

Yunho smirked. “Knew it.” He replied, capturing the smiling boy’s lips in a quick, chaste kiss. Jaejoong simply blushed once more as Yunho withdrew.

“What else is special about this place?” Jaejoong pried further.

“Beside the fact that I just got a kiss?” Yunho mocked in confidence.

“Besides that.” Jaejoong rolled his eyes.

“Well there’s one last thing.” Yunho said, smiling down at the boy once more.

Yunho looked around before tapping his free hand a few times on the soft wood of the bench that they were sat on.

“What?” Jaejoong asked, bewildered.

“The bench.” Yunho said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Jaejoong shrugged. “What about it?”

“You really can’t figure it out?” Yunho pouted.

“Yunho I can’t figure it out unless you give me something more.”

“Ok..” Yunho sighed. “I’ve always come here on my own.”


“Think about it.” Yunho said.

“Is the bench important?” Jaejoong pondered.

“Maybe.” Yunho said. “But have you noticed who’s sat on the bench?” He lead.

“You.. And me?” Jaejoong asked, unsure of himself.

“Exactly.” Yunho said.


Jaejoong paused.

“I still don’t get it.” He whined.

“You’re really dense, Jae. Do you know that?” Yunho mocked.

“Hey!” Jaejoong whimpered.

“Fine, I’ll spell it out!” Yunho exacerbated. “I never come here with anyone else. This bench..” He motioned to the wood once more. “..is always empty, except for me. I’m always here alone.”

He paused.

“But now I’m not.” He smiled. “Someone else is here.”

“Yunho..” Jaejoong whispered.

“You’re here with me now.”






Hey guys, hoped you like this fluffier chapter! Much more Yunho-centred than a lot of other chapters, so it was a little more interesting to write. Hopefully you found those tidbits of Yunho's past interesting too! ^^

Gonna keep this short because I'm very tired. (I'll proof read tomorrow, so sorry for any spelling mistakes or confusing grammar)

Last thing before I go:

I'm starting another fic, and you can find the link below..

❊ Do You Still Love Me? ❊

Thanks for reading/subbing and don't forget to comment! =3

<3 chu guyz!! ^^

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Chapter 15 should be uploaded tomorrow (July 9th) so hold on until then! Haha :3


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Chapter 18: awesome... super protective yunho.. ^__^
I love that its so sad please keep updating
Chapter 18: Are you going to update this? T.T It's such a lovely story. I love how kind and loving Yunho is towards Jaejoong, and the entite story is just so well written <3 even if you end it here, it was really sweet and an amazing read ^^ :D
Chapter 18: I just read all the chapters from beginning to current and I loved all of them. I reallly like how protective and caring Yunho is. I especially love Jaejong's personality and how fragile he is. And Joon's iness makes me laugh. By the way, can you send me the link to your other story "The Art of Seduction: Jaejong Edition". Can yousend it to me, Please? ^__^
Wonderful.........totally amazing
Chapter 18: amazing updateee :D
BabyKey #7
dang! i didnt subscribe the last time i was here! thats why i didnt get any update alert !! pabo me! / slap forehead/

the storys still wonderful btw! :)) <3 =3
ayasato123 #8
1 word.. it's AWESOME!!!
More updates pleaseee.. ^^
awwwwwwwwwwwww soooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee....i love romantic and sweet yun...^___^
skullboy #10
haha..its interesting..cant wait for the next update..