When The Prince Meets The Homeless Doll





The 6 Guys And Me




Soo Hyeri was left alone standing in the cold night of Seoul.She's already numb for believing people so easily

especially her own parents.She was deceived by them..She swore she did never trust anyone again.

Mark her words..




"You're the one.It's decided."The guy smirked and crossed his arms.


What the--this guy...is...a psycho..what the heck is he talking about..


I was about to walked passed those creeps but one of them grab my hands firmly.I was frozen on my feet..


"Nu-oh.Who said that you can leave.Your going with us,lady."The guy then put his arms around my shoulder.

I instantly slapped his hands."Don't touch me you jerk!"

"Whoa..what attitude you got there.."He seems amused by you. 

"Ugh how long do we have to stand here..well whether you like it or not,your going to come with us,so shut up

and follow us.I'm freakin tired right now."The guy said while making an uninterested face.

He looks so mystery......a hottie I must say......and cocky.

"Please, come with us we don't do any harms to you.Come on,Do we actually look like a group of erted guys to

you?"The other guy that is beside that psycho said with a smile on his face.


Well actually in my point of views..yes you are.

"If you do anything to me,I'll scream,I'll never go back on my words.you got that."I straightly said.

"Eyyy whatever woman,just come.."The cocky dude told me.


Soo Hyeri

strong-will,pretty,independent,homeless,abandon child.




The super new rookie group from SMENT.




And more character will be added :3

Hi Everyone!Littleljoe here!

My first fanfic featuring my newly obsessed group,EXO^^ wootwoot~

I'm soo excited about them,they're all awesome! :D

This story is purely mine I did not copy,paste or rewrite other author's story

and if there is some similarities between it was surely coincidental.


I surely accept you^^


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pls update!!!!
Update~ ^-^