chapter 7

To Learn or To Let Go


Back at Jung’s Tower

Jessica Jung, the President Director of Jung Enterprise were doing her everyday activities here in her spacious office room, reading, checking, and signing lots and lots of paper, when suddenly her phone buzzed, signaling her that she’s having an incoming call.

She looked at her phone screen and smiled “Hey seobang” its Yul, her husband.

“Hey baby, what are you doing?” Kwon Yul, or Dr. Kwon, known as one of Asia’s top neurosurgeons who currently serve in one of the country most prestigious hospital, were having a short break between his responsibilities on checking his patients, when he decide to give his wife a call.

“As usual” Jessica said softly “I’m tired..” and begin to pout, the other side of President Director Jessica Jung that no one, even her parents, sister and best friend would know it existed inside the always independent, ambitious, chic and well composed image she’ll always wore for her daily life.

Twenty eight year’s old Jessica Jung Sooyeon. As the eldest of the Jung family, Jessica has been prepared to replace Mr. Jung as the leader of their family company since her early age.

A bit different with her other schoolmates in high schools, other than learning about everything that usually taught in formal schools, Jessica has also required to learn the whole procedures for doing business, to manage a company, learn to control negotiations, honing her ability to assess the prospects of a business proposals, up to ‘read’ each person who would intend to start a business with her company.

And one of the most important things for her to learned, were about how to manage her attitude. Jessica who basically has an explosive attitude, must resist the urge to, for example, beat up one of her client who demeaning her ability to take over the company once, but to prove that she’s really capable to do it.

Jessica, is basically, of course, like her sister, a spoiled princess. Easy to gave up when everything seems too much for her then broke down, its her true nature. But she must learn how to stay calm, in every kind of situation, includes the company shareholders who most of the time, do nothing but complained about everything, no matter how hard the whole company work their to give them high dividends, while on the other hand, she have to handle some issues that’s concerns about the company sustainability.

And Jessica, who basically have a soft heart and easy to feel touched must keep a straight face and cold personality, especially when it comes to the time when she have to fire her employees who already worked for years in the company. Because she must maintain her image to always be respected by her subordinates. To show them, who’s in charge.

But when she met Yul, everything crumbled down. All of her effort to keep her cool in front of Yul, went down on drain.

But that’s for another story, as for now..

“Wait, seobang, I think there’s another call coming in, let me just check it okay” Jessica said

“Okay baby, take your time”

She checked on her phone screen then sighed.

“What’s wrong?” asked Yul

“Its Soojung”

“Oh? Well pick it up then?”

Jessica seems to hesitate, and Yul knows it well “Sica, its your baby sister, she might need some explanation on some.. Well, things?”

She scoffed “I bet she does”

Yul chuckled “Go talk to her, I’ll call you later okay, don’t forget to eat your lunch”

“Okay seobang.. I miss you..”

“I miss you too baby, I love you Sica..”

“I love you more..” and soon after they hung up, Jessica dialed Krystal’s number, but before Jessica could even say hello, her little sister already letting out her rage and Jessica don’t have any other option but to listen, until “He did what?” she could only face palmed herself.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE TERMINATING OUR CONTRACT?!” HellSoojung is in the building. Well, to be exact, inside SMEnt CEO’s office, fuming mad, followed by Luna who tried so hard to stop Krystal, but of course, once she’s mad, no one can stop her.

“I’m sorry Ms. Lee, I..” Luna tried to give reason but stopped only by the CEO hand signal.

“Sooyoungie, I’ll call you later okay, bunny have some work to do.. Okay, bye bye, love you” Lee Soongyu, CEO, written on the nameplate above her desk, but a bunny with full of aegyo for a certain person.

She hung up the phone and fix her glasses to look at Krystal which stands in front of her desk, certainly still in a rage. And also Luna which stands not far from Krystal.

“Thank you for stopping by baby Jung, but I believe you know that there’s a thing called door, that you must knocked first, before walking into someone else private area, especially mine” she said it while smiling brightly, but somehow.. Scary.. And Krystal knows well not to mess up with her CEO’s mood.

Awkward silence, then suddenly Krystal walked out from the office, only to repeat the process of entering the CEO office, by knocking the door, softly.

“Come in” Ms. Lee said cheerfully. Krystal walks in and stands in front of Ms. Lee’s desk. She fixed her glasses once again, then..

“Now, what can I help you?”


End of Flashback

A headaches. That’s what Jessica feels right now. Basically, her sister just telling her about what their father did, for separating Krystal from Minho. The dirtiest way, she could say. She knew that her father could do something like this, but actually doing it? She never thought he would, but it happens, he actually using his power to block Krystal’s especially Minho’s career.

She doesn’t really understand why their father, really against the idea of Krystal being with Minho, because according to her, he’s not that bad. He treats her sister well, he really could show that he is truly falling for her. If there is one thing that’s a bit odd, it would be, the only fact that Krystal, never actually said that she has the same feelings for him. But of course, knowing Krystal’s personality, she is rather shy or too proud to admit that she does fall in love with Minho. Either one of those would looked natural when it comes to her little sister. Its really is Krystal.

So here she is, walking around the building to find a certain person, about to do what her sister wanted her to do, to knock some sense in that certain person mind that what he did to her, especially Minho, is unacceptable and childish.

“Psh.. As if..” Jessica mumbled to herself, right before she entered their employee favorite places from the whole building, cafeteria, where she spotted a middle age man, sitting near the window looking outside, while his two black suited bodyguard looked around, to make sure everything is safe for him, even though all he’s doing now, is enjoying his favorite coffee.

“Ms. Jung” the two bodyguard greets her with a slight bow while she just give them a little nod, then walk straight to her father table.

“Excuse me Mr. Chairman” she said formally, because they are still in office, which means, she is currently talking to her boss.

“Oh? Sooyeon-ah, what are you doing here?” he looked a bit surprised to see her here at time like this, usually, his oldest daughter would be busy doing her job to run the company as the President Director of the company. 

She sighed, sat down, folded her arms then glared at her father before she said “Its about Soojung” but getting no responds but the sound of him, enjoying his coffee.

“I must say I’m proud with the coffee beans that has been provided here in our building cafeteria for years ever since your great great grandfather start this company, it has a very refreshing coffee aroma, and it really taste like..”

“Coffee, because it’s a coffee, daddy” yep, that’s ice princess alright, still with her cold glare.

Mr.Jung put his coffee glass down and look straight, coldly, to his eldest “I am doing what I have to do as a father, Jessica” with a voice tone that made her unconsciously flinched, that’s the ice king alright.

“By cutting someone else career opportunity? And even, your own daughter?”

“If its necessary, yes. You know what I am capable to do Jessica. I never agreed for her to enter that career, and when I do, I am expecting her to learn something, such as responsibility, appreciation towards someone else, but not dating an idol with an unknown family background and showing it all off in front of the public eyes acting like she’s the queen of the world!”

“Maybe she really does love him”

“She loves herself too much to even understand what is it love to someone else meant, and you know that very well Jessica”

“And you really think by forcing her to marry someone you have chosen for her would make her change?”

“No, but I can control her if she married to someone under my control”

“Dad.. This is so ridiculous, are you doing this to me too?”

At this point, Mr.Jung rest his back on the end of his chair, look relaxed for a bit, back being the father Jessica knows.

“You never been too much to handle Sooyeon-ah.. And Yul is a good man, from a good family.. But Krystal and that guy.. I just don’t want to get into what one of our family member have been through before.. You know what I mean, do you?”

And for that piece of concerns, Jessica decides to take side, with her father, just like that.


At Hospital Ward

Personally I never like hospitals. I don’t like the smells. The mixed smell of medicines and blood gives me nauseas. The crowd made me nervous, because it gives me some mindset that someone is about to die soon. And the machine sounds, really getting into my nerve sometime. But I wonder why she likes it here..

Why she enjoy it here more than out there. She can do a lot out there, than just here laying on this bed, sleeping. She can do everything she likes. She can go hang out with her friends, she can learn how to dance, be in a drama class like she always wanted to do, being an actress. She can always made me annoyed with her aegyo. I miss her aegyo..

I miss you little sis..

“How’s her progress?”

“Until the last check, she’s still in a normal stage, nothing change much.. I mean, its not bad, she’s okay, you know? Oh my god, I mean..” hem? She’s cute when she’s flustered like this

“I know, she’s fine, right?”

“Yes.. She is, so don’t worry, we’ll always watch her for 24 hours straight, and we will always try any methods that possible, to make her..well, okay?”

“Thanks Dr.Jung”

“Thanks for what? I didn’t do much, I am just Dr.Kwon’s assistant you know, so you should thank him more, and remember our agreement to call each other with our first name? I am Nicole, A.J”

“Haha, yes I remember Nic, and of course, I am thankful to Dr.Kwon too, its just, I think I need to say that to you too, because you are always here, with me and.. With Sul, ever since that day.. And I don’t remember that I ever personally, saying thanks to you for that” She smiles like her..

“Well you actually owe me a dinner?”

“Ah yeah, I was about to..”

“Wait A.J I think I need to get this call, is an urgent one, hold your thoughts”

“Oh okay..”

“Hello? jung-ie?”


Incoming Call


“Oh hyung what’s up?”

“Dude! Where are you? You better get your back down here man! Like A.S.A.P!”

“Why? What’s wrong? I’m at the hospital right now”

“You are? Why? What’s wrong? Something happened with Sulli?”

“No nothing, just daily visit” and kind of going to ask someone to go to a dinner with me..?

“So you can go back to office, like, right now, right?”

“Why what’s wrong?”

“Mr. Lee, he is ready to eat all of us alive, because we kick his company out of our upcoming big project bidder”


“Yep, turns out that he can’t accept our decision to terminate their offer because their comp proposal didn’t meet our requirements and he keeps shouting in the meeting room, Mr.Song isn’t here, so please, come back here fast, or we’ll lost our hearing as well as our head, once he’s done screaming”

“Okay okay, I’ll be right there, okay bye”

“Looking for Dr.Jung A.J? She’s going to the lobby to meet her cousin, she told me to let you know about it since you seems very busy talking with your phone awhile ago, but she’ll be back soon”

“Ah yeah, actually, could you tell her that I really got to go back to the office right now, and im afraid I couldn’t say bye to her now, but I’ll text her, or call her later, could you?”

“Well of course dear”

“Thank you so much nurse Park” Damn! I wait the most important thing “I’ll see you soon Sulli-ah, oppa gotta run” to give my little sis a peck on her forehead. Little thing that she always forced me to do, which I never liked before.

But now.. I wish I could tell her, that she doesn’t have to force me anymore, I’ll do it willingly.


At Hospital Parking Lot

“Stupid hospital parking! Stupid dad telling my driver to stop driving me around! Stupid manual gear car! And stupid that whoever in the stupid car that stupidly refused to turn!”

“Come on now baby, don’t let me down now, we got to get hurry!”

“Yah! Stupid!”

“What the?!” Who the hell is this girl suddenly come knocking on my car window? Calling me stupid?!

“Could you move already?! I need, to park my car!” What the?
“Well can’t you see I am trying here?”

“Then you don’t try enough! Push your car out!”

“What?! Are you crazy?!” what is going with this crazy girl?!

“No, you are, and stupid too! This thing, whatever you call it..”

“Hey, its my car!”

“Whatever, what I am trying to say is that you are crazy, and stupid, because this thing, you called car, is nothing but a piece of junk that deserves to be thrown away, rather than be here, wandering around the city!”



“Shush! I need to pick this up, hello? Unnie! Yes, I am in the parking lot, this stupid guy..”

Why this girl..

Incoming Call



“Dude! Where the hell are you?!”

“Okay okay, I’m going, wait, I’ll call you once I get there” you crazy girl, ah whatever! Come on baby, start for me now come on!


“What the?! YAH! Why did you kick my car?!”

“At least now the engine is alive?” showing that cocky face to me, why that girl! %$*&@^(&(!%(&%@) “Fine!”

“Fine with me too, now shoo!”

Please God, NEVER let me meet that girl anymore, NEVER, EVER!


"Tch! Stupid.."


“Nicole unnie! Wait wait, let me park my car, that stupid guy really waste my time”

“Stupid guy?”

“Yeah, him and the thing he called car”


“Ah never mind him, let me park my car first”


 1 new message

From: A.J

I ‘m sorry I have to go back to the office, there’s something urgent, and I need to be there, I’ll definitely take you out for a dinner, I promised you and I will make it.

And if you don’t mind, can we make it as a date?

To: A.J

Yes, I would love to ^___^



A/N: minstal or kryber? hahaha, i'm not sure now .___. enjoy! LDW out! ps: quiet long and i just realize it now .___.

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just an introduction ^___^ sorry for grammar mistake, and other mistake you might find in this one


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Chapter 12: It's really interesting ^___^ update soon author...thanks
Nnamaste #2
Chapter 12: Let kryber meet XD
bizzle030194 #3
Chapter 12: a lot of secrets eh? hope there'll be kryber on the next chap. and coming chapters ^_^
kiki4ksssssss #4
Chapter 11: wonder what the things that they hiding from Mr jung
jovy0025 #5
Chapter 11: I think mr. Jung is the one cause the accident to the family liu⁉️
leejuyon14 #6
Chapter 11: mrs. jung what are you hiding?
Chapter 11: I actually reread this and like the first time, I found this intriguing...I hope you update soon! :)
Nnamaste #8
Chapter 10: Please update soon
I've been waiting your story^^
Chapter 10: waaaahhh I like your story
I can't wait to know what will happen next and how will happen when AJ and Krystal will officialy meet XD XD
and Mr.Jung is a crazy father but I like him
good luck^^