Question Mark

To Learn or To Let Go



 Jessica is currently sitting on of a chair in Krystals bedroom, lazily flipping the pages of a magazine she founds there, and occasionally glancing at Krystal’s who constantly whining, complaining and throwing her childish tantrum about how she hates their daddy now.

“I HATE HIM!” Krystal last blow before she lay down on her bed, exhausted and annoyed, and that’s when Jessica decide to talk, judging by the situation, with her cold and lazy tone

“Are you done?”

Krystal bolted up, looking at her older sister sharply “You got to help me!”

She stopped flipping the pages abruptly and look sharp at her little sister “Like what?”

“I don’t know, something, anything!” absolutely look frustrated

Jessica is about to say something when someone knocked at the door “Come in” Krystal said coldly.

“Excuse me, Ms. Jessica” he slightly bowed on the eldest between those two “Ms. Krystal, Master Jung ordered me to return your belongings” he ordered one of the servants behind him to enter and returns Krystal’s cellphone, car keys and credit cards on a silver platter. But Krystal realized something, some of her credit cards is missing, which left only two in front of her, with a new credit card that she had never seen before.

“Where’s my other credit cards?” totally confused “And what is this?” pointing at a credit card, that has ‘Silver Card’ words printed on it, looks dumbfounded.

Jessica took a glance on it then casually said “Credit cards”

She looked at her older sister “Why does it says SILVER?”

Jessica closed the magazine, stand up, straighten herself then look at her sister and say “The effect from what you have caused. Dad’s first strike, cutting out your shopping budget”


Krystal smirked at her dad, a challenging gesture for Mr. Jung “Daddy, are you really think, that I would be afraid of your bluff?”

It’s the truth actually. Everybody knows how much Mr. Jung loves his family, especially his two daughters. For their entire life, not once, Mr. Jung did all of the threats he said to each one of them. Locked them up in their own respective room, cut the internet connection and take away their cellphones, car keys, especially credit card are the harshest action he has ever done to his daughter. So its natural for Krystal to only considers what her father just said as nothing more but bluffs.

“Krystal!” Mrs. Jung start to think this is going to be more worst than she could ever imagine if she let her youngest daughter keep being against him. This is what happens when Mr. Jung meet his opponent, one of his daughters.

“Well daddy, you probably forgot about something, I don’t need to be in your heirs list” she smiles sweetly, proudly, and partly, annoying.

“I am myself a very popular actress, model and singer in this country, soon, internationally, IF you not noticed” arrogantly. And as expected, the already boiling up Mr. Jung, gets more mad, but somehow, instead of screaming and yelling or even flipping a table, he smirked, an evil one, if I must say.

“Really?” he said, absolutely holding his anger but still try to look calm, not wanting to lose from this stubborn daughter of him “And if you do not, noticed. Do you know, who I am, in this country, AND already, internationally, young lady?” her daughter annoying smile suddenly fades away, and it makes him smirk “Yes.. Now you know..”

“T..That doesn’t mean anything! You are just bluffing daddy!” Krystal still trying to win against her dad, even though now, she realized that her father, with his power can do anything.

“Krystal!” her mother tried to stop this childish fight of father and daughter

“You will see” he smile. Mrs. Jung can sense it. This is not her husband usual smile. This is different. “For now, you can get your life back, until the time comes. You can have your phone, car keys and credit cards too. Enjoy it” he smiles again, that really make his wife uncomfortable, then the smile is gone, switched with a very cold expression, as expected, from the Ice King himself “While you can”

End of Flashback

Realized what she might have done, waking up a sleeping dragon, but that doesn’t stops Krystal still being stubborn. Shrugging off what her sister had told her earlier, she feels confident that she will be just fine, after all, she is one of the A-list actress, priceless model and top chart singer in this country, it won’t be that bad. She won’t fall that hard right? But then she couldn’t spend more money to shop.

“You know Jungie” she didn’t noticed Jessica already one step away out of Krystals room because she was busy with her own thoughts

“Matchmaking is not as bad as what people always imagined” she coyly smiled “At least, it won’t hurt to know some new people, maybe there will be one of them you liked best” Jessica put her brightest smile, that rarely could be seen even by her own family, then she walks out, leaving Krystal behind, surprised by her sisters attitude which according to Krystal, becomes increasingly strange, since married. Wait, scratched that, since she met Yul, to whom she’s married to.

“That.. Was weird, I could never understands her” Krystal said to herself “Unbelievable!” then start sulking again. Either Jessica, or its her who is actually confusing, who knows..


Seoul International Hospital

A luxurious black car stopped in front of the hospital lobby. A young man walk out from the passenger seat, right beside the driver, and from the driver seat, a middle aged man walks out. The young man looked at the other man for a moment then give him a deep bow, then he stand straight to sincerely say “Thank you sir for all of your kindness to our family especially to me and my sister” But the other man looked uneasy.

“A.J” The young man, named A.J looked at the person who called his name just now.  A young woman, finding out that it was her, his sisters doctor, he smiled then slightly bowed at her, so is she, then she noticed that he’s not alone “Oh, Uncle David?”

“Miss Jung..” the middle aged man, greeted back, this time looked a little shocked and not expecting to meet her here, when the young man, A.J is around

A.J on the other hand looked confused “You know Mr. Song?” he ask her

“Yeah, he’s a family friend” she said “Wait, you guys know each other?”


“Eh.. He’s my boss” A.J said, a bit surprised, and confused by this coincidental event. But clearly, too bad, unnoticed by him, someone between them feels terribly uneasy and worried. Wonder why..


A/N: finally its out T___T apologize for the late update, its just that i need to at least have idea's for another chapter before i post one, and then i start to write shots which unconsciously took almost all of my focus .___. mianhae*deep bow* but here it is, chapter 5, hope it wont be too disappointing, and i'm still trying to find the right time for KryBer to finally meet up, so fighting for me! Kukukukuku.. 

Please feel free to read, advice and critisize and HUGE thanks for reading, subscribing and leaving a comment, the Lousy and Desperate Writer out!


PS: So the title is Question Mark and i was referring to, "what will Mr. Jung do next?" And "What is up with Mr. Song's weird behavior?" to be honest, me mind went blank when it comes to making title -___- well, until next time ^___^

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just an introduction ^___^ sorry for grammar mistake, and other mistake you might find in this one


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Chapter 12: It's really interesting ^___^ update soon author...thanks
Nnamaste #2
Chapter 12: Let kryber meet XD
bizzle030194 #3
Chapter 12: a lot of secrets eh? hope there'll be kryber on the next chap. and coming chapters ^_^
kiki4ksssssss #4
Chapter 11: wonder what the things that they hiding from Mr jung
jovy0025 #5
Chapter 11: I think mr. Jung is the one cause the accident to the family liu⁉️
leejuyon14 #6
Chapter 11: mrs. jung what are you hiding?
Chapter 11: I actually reread this and like the first time, I found this intriguing...I hope you update soon! :)
Nnamaste #8
Chapter 10: Please update soon
I've been waiting your story^^
Chapter 10: waaaahhh I like your story
I can't wait to know what will happen next and how will happen when AJ and Krystal will officialy meet XD XD
and Mr.Jung is a crazy father but I like him
good luck^^