Chapter Three

The Simplest Things In Life

Chapter Three

I tossed and turned in my bed, trying my best to get some sleep, especially with what happened to me mere hours ago. I could just pull my hair out just thinking about it.

“Omo! Nicole, are you ok?” I could hear my friends asking me as they tried to help me up.

“Please, get him off me.” I struggled to breathe out.

His friends quickly rushed over and tried to pull him off of me.

“Seriously Hoya, you’re such a light weight.” I could hear one of his friends utter to him as they pulled him off me.

‘Hoya’? That’s a strange nickname, or at least I assumed it was his nickname.

My friends came running up to me as they helped me up from the floor. JinAh quickly knelt down to help wipe of the little vomit that had gotten on my shoes and toes. I bent down to help her as well.

“Thanks JinAh.” I thanked her.

I still couldn’t believe he had the nerve to vomit all over my shoes, and just my luck that I was wearing my espadrille sandals. I stood up and glared at him, the guy was still out of it as his friends held him up from each of hi sides, his head still hanging low in a limp.

“We’re sorry about what happened, he doesn’t usually drink this much, or at least to this point of drunkenness.” One of his friend apologized.

My group of friends continues to glare at them, still outraged at what had happened. Not only was my night ruin, so was theirs.

The group of boys that was with HoWon could feel the glaring stares at them. For a moment there us girls could feel them being intimidated by us, I laughed in my head at the thought. But of course I knew where the blame fell on to and I felt a bit guilty for the guys that were with him, they did nothing wrong, and they did help me out with pulling him off. I let out a sigh.

“I appreciate your apology, but you don’t need to apology on behalf of him,” I point to HoWon, who was now completely unconscious, “just make sure he goes home safely.”

The boys left and us girl were left standing in the room, trying to clean up the mess. It was clear that our night had come to an abrupt end. Even if we wanted to, I wasn’t really in the mood to enjoy or continue on with the night anymore.

We all gradually left each other as we stood in front of Karaoke bar. JinAh and JooHyun hailed a cab and left together while HaRa and I were left, waiting for the next available cab that we could see. JinAh and JooHyun lived at opposite ends of HaRa and me, so it only made sense we parted way as such. As we stood there waiting we saw HoWon’s group of friends exiting the bar as well, two of his friends still carrying him, but he seemed a bit more conscious than before, he was able to stand on his own.

One of them approached us when they notice HaRa and I waiting.

“Hi, waiting for a taxi?” The one that seem to be have been helping HoWon during my trip to the washroom approached first with a smile.

We nodded. His smile still on his face, if anything I think it got wider.

“Sorry again about earlier. Hoya doesn’t really get this drunk ever, I think something was really bothering him.”

I took a quick glance towards the direction in which HoWon was now leaning against a tree on the sidewalk. I cringed when I saw him bending over and vomiting once again, one of his friends patting him on the back to help him ease the pain.

The friend that was standing in front of us chuckles at the sight of HoWon vomiting. “It’s a rare scene to see him in such condition.”

“Yeah, I can tell, your friends are taking videos and pictures of him vomiting.” HaRa voiced and we all turned to look again.

Both HaRa and I were a bit confused at why they would do such things, but apparently to them it was funny as I heard his friend standing by us laugh even more. He turns his attention back to us and the smile was still on his face.

“I’m WooHyun.” I was caught off guard with the sudden introduction, as was HaRa.

I hesitated and awkwardly smiled back to him, “I’m Nicole and this is HaRa.”

“Those guys over there are SungGyu, DongWoo, and SungYeol.” He introduced each of HoWon’s friends one by one.

HaRa and I were both awkwardly nodding at the introduction. Really? He chose now to introduce us to his friends.

“It was nice meeting you, but I think you should go back to helping your friend over there.” I suggested, hoping that maybe it will end our conversation here.

I don’t think he knows or any of them know that I know HoWon, and that he’s my neighbor, even my friends doesn’t know he’s my neighbor, the less they know the better.

“Oh, don’t worry about them, SungGyu hyung is going to get his car and we’re gonna drive Hoya home.”

I guess my attempt didn’t work. He continues to stand with us with that smile of his still lingering on his face. Not gonna deny, he is quite cute and handsome but who am I to be thinking of such things when all I really wanted to do is get away from them as quickly as possible.

“Why isn’t there another taxi yet?” I could hear HaRa muttering, I can tell that she too didn’t want to be here any longer.

“It’s pretty late I don’t think you’ll catch another taxi for the night. We have a lot of space in our car, we can take you home.” WooHyun quickly offers.

Both HaRa and I stared at each other wide-eyed. We didn’t want to go anywhere with strangers we just only met a few minutes ago, and they’re boys too, who knows what will happen.

“No, that’s perfectly alright, we’ll wait for a taxi.” HaRa quickly declined.

Logically it was the best idea for me to go with them if they were to drop HoWon home; I do live right near him. But I quickly shook the thought away when I thought of the repercussion of the situation. His friends will find out I’m his neighbor, my friends will find out he’s my neighbor, they’ll start asking me if I know him, questions will be asked and I will not be able to answer them. Too many things can happen that I don’t want to happen.

“But I don’t think there will be a taxi this late.” WooHyun pressed on.

He had a point, it was pretty late and the street where we were on was bare. HaRa and I didn’t know what to do, we were caught in a bind, it’s either we stay where we are and hope for a taxi to come as soon as possible or take the chance with these group of boys whom we hardly knew, well I knew HoWon, sort of. Wait for a taxi until who knows when or go home right now with these boys, what should we do?

I leer over at HaRa to see if she had anything to suggest. She pulls me to the side away from the still smiling WooHyun, this guy just couldn’t stop smiling it was freaking me out a bit.

“Seriously Nicole, I don’t know these guys so I really do not want to take any chances.”

“But HaRa how long do you think we’ll have to wait out here for a freakin’ taxi?”

“I rather wait all night than go home with these guys. We don’t even know them other than HoWon, and I think he’s pretty occupied right now to even recognize who we are. And let’s not forget that he did attack you.”

She made sure to emphasize that last part.

I let out a sigh, she was right, but I somewhat felt guilty for what happened to HoWon tonight, he could have possibly been drinking because of what happened at school earlier today. And how would I know if he was really attacking me, he didn’t know I would be at the same karaoke bar, he was drunk when he barged in to our room. There were a lot of factors to consider before placing the full blame on HoWon. That and the little part of my conscious feeding away at the fact that I didn’t know he existed until today.

Another sigh escapes my lips, “HaRa, HoWon lives next to me.” I decided to tell her, my friends were bound to find out soon enough, might as well just tell one at a time myself.

“That doesn’t make a diff...” She stops mid sentence to soak in the information. Her wide-eyed said it all, “what?!”

A regretful sigh as I slowly nodded. “I found out today.”

“Seriously? This is way beyond bizarre.” Her tone couldn’t disguise her surprise at the sudden news.

“You think you’re surprise, how do you think I felt when I found out? I basically found out he existed today and then out of nowhere there he was walking up my neighborhood.”

“Wow Nicole, this guy is some serious undercover agent or something.”

“I’m so confused at how in the world I didn’t even know he existed until today let alone living right next to me.” I was getting irritated just thinking about it.

“So then it only makes sense that we take you home.” The sudden voice of WooHyun budding in surprised both of us.

HaRa and I turn towards his direction and there he was smiling widely at us. Was it wrong of me to begin to enjoy his smiling face at that moment? There was this charm to his smile it made me want to smile as well. I quickly shook the thought out of my head.

“Excuse me?” I managed to utter.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I was,” he smiles, there didn’t seem to be any sense of remorse or apology in his tone, “since you live close to Hoya then it only make sense that we take you home. Wouldn’t it be better than staying out here until who knows when?”

I turn back to HaRa and acknowledged that he had a point. She let out a defeated sigh and hesitantly nodded. I grabbed hold of her hand and turn back to WooHyun.

“Thank you for the offer.”

If I didn’t know better his smile actually got wider. It clearly was infectious because I found myself smiling as well. Smiling from being able to go home, from getting a free ride, from getting out of the empty street, possibly even from his charms.

When we got in to the car WooHyun politely introduces all his friends and us again, we bowed respectively. I was quite excited to finally be able to go home at such a late hour, but the moment I found out the seating arrangement I was quite taken aback.

The minivan was quite cramped; I guess that’s why they called it a minivan. The oldest, SungGyu, was in the driver seat, WooHyun was in the passenger seat next to him, their other two friends, DongWoo and SungYeol were in the middle row of seats, and unfortunately the middle row of seats could only fit two so that left the back seat for HaRa and I and of course the gentleman of the night: HoWon. His friends managed to place him in to the car at the corner and I had the “privilege” of sitting in the middle seat between him and HaRa.

“Sorry for cramming you back there with him.” WooHyun was nice enough to apologize and realize my discomfort.

I smiled meekly at his sentiment, what could I really say, I really had no choice.

“It’s the only way for him to stay still during the ride.” He added to assure me of the reasoning of placing HoWon there.

With another meek smile on my face I just nodded understandingly.

The next thing I know I saw a flash go off in the car, I turn towards the direction of the flash and notice WooHyun snapping away on his digital camera. I guess he noticed my staring as he ceased the picture taking and smiles at me.

“Hahaha... Sorry, I just had to document this moment of Hoya’s.”

I nodded again. I leer over at HoWon, who was leaning his head against the corner of the car. He was completely unconscious. I suddenly felt a tinge of guilt towards him.

“Oh, Nicole, you and Hoya are matching.”

I hear WooHyun’s voice and it suddenly woke me up from my thoughts. I turn to look at him and he pointed to me and HoWon.

“You guys are wearing the same colors... hahaha... quite amusing.”

I notice HaRa glancing over and eyeing me and HoWon up and down. She turns away from me and I could hear her snickering. I quickly nudge her with my arm and she held her hand up to to contain her laughter that seemed like it was about to burst out.

With curiosity I glance over at HoWon and to my surprise, WooHyun was right, from head-to-toe we were wearing matching attire. He had on a purple polo and I had a purple silk blouse on. He had a pair of dark denim on and I had a pair of dark capri denim on. He had on white converse and I had my white espadrilles, which were now stinking with his vomit. We really did look like a matching couple.

I clear my throat at the realization, it was a bit embarrassing.

“Did you guys plan this because you guys are neighbors?” WooHyun teased as their group of friends begins to laugh along.

“You guys are wearing couple outfits.” HaRa leaned in and whispers to me teasingly.

I nudge her as I lower my head with embarrassment. Without notice we hit a bump and we all jumped, with the sudden impact I felt something falling on to me. My eyes widened when I notice the unconscious HoWon had fell on to my chest. He was still sleeping as his head fell on to my lap. As if on reflex I quickly pushed him off of me. My action had caused his head to bang against the corner of the van. A groan could be heard from him as his friends turned to look to see what had happened. I sat back properly as if unaware of what was happening.

“Ugh... My head hurts.” We could all hear him mutter.

“Yah! Hoya, you conscious yet?” DongWoo shouted at him.

Another groan, and with that he just went back to sleep.

It was a longer car ride than I had anticipated it to be. We dropped HaRa off first and then DongWoo and SungYeol. The moment the two left the middle seats I quickly took my chance and moved away from HoWon to avoid any other possible incidents that could occur during the duration of what was left of the ride.

After a few minutes we arrived at my neighborhood. They dropped me off at my house as I bowed to them, thanking them for the ride home, I watched as SungGyu and WooHyun dragged HoWon to his house. A sigh of relieve escapes my lips as I entered my house, the night was finally over.

Here I am now sitting on my bed and I couldn’t get a wink of sleep. I just wanted this day to be over with! Each time I tried to shut my eyes his face would keep reappearing. Was it guilt eating at me? But what did I have to be guilty about? What did I really do to him other than maybe, slightly, and probably embarrass him in front of the whole school. So I hurt his ego and pride, big deal, not like I knew he existed to begin with.


I threw my blanket off me as I got off my bed. I made my way down the stairs to my kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of milk, maybe milk can help me get back to sleep. I took it up to my balcony as I stepped out to see the sun slowly rising.


So much for getting some shut eye, the sun is rising soon. I leaned over my railing as I stared out in to my backyard and took a sip of my milk. I scanned my surrounding neighbor’s yard and my eyes landed on the yard diagonal from mine. To my surprise I see the one person that I’ve been trying to not see: HoWon. I squint my eyes to make sure and it was surely him. What was he doing up so early? Was he not able to sleep either? Didn’t he have a hangover like a few hours ago? How did he recover so fast?

He was wearing a sleeveless hoody and jogging pants; he had his hood up but I could tell that it was him. He was exercising, jump ropes to be more exact. I had to admit, I was impress. He was completely unconscious a few hours ago and now he’s fully in work-out mode. This guy was sure full of surprises, that and this shroud of mystery about him.

I realize I was beginning to think too much and my stare at him was getting a bit too intense, I shook off the thoughts I had about him and quickly returned inside. I look up at my wall clock: 5:30. I walk back in to my bedroom and drop myself onto my bed. I shut my eyes tightly as I try once again to force myself to sleep.

Just clear your head Nicole, you’ll get to sleep eventually. I kept telling myself.

I groggily open my eyes as I heard my father calling to me. After what seemed like forever I managed to get some sleep but was eventually woken up by my father’s beckoning. I turn to look at my alarm clock: 10:00. I managed to get at least four hours of sleep, give or take. I pushed myself out of bed as I dragged myself towards the kitchen.

“Appa,” I managed to utter in-between my yawn.

“I guess you were out late last night.”

“When did you get in?” I asked as I dragged my feet towards the kitchen table, taking a seat across from him.

“I just got in an hour ago.”

“You didn’t get any sleep?” I yawn again.

“I did. I slept in the car.”

“Appa, that’s not a comfortable place to sleep. You need to get some proper rest in your bed.”

I seem to always lecture him on his health and well being.

“I do, don’t worry.” He lets out a chuckle.

“Are you staying home today or do you have to work again?” Another yawn escapes my mouth.

“I’ll be home today. Do you want to hang out with your appa today?” He asks mischievously as he took a bite of his scrambled eggs.

I chuckle at his little joke, “it would be nice. But I want you in your bed right after you finish your breakfast. You need proper rest.”

He chuckles at my instructions as he took a final gulp of his juice. He stood up, walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead before heading towards the stairs.

“I’m off to bed madam.”

I smile at his reply. I let out a sigh as I got up and begin to clean his dishes. After getting myself some breakfast and freshening up myself I went up to my father’s bedroom to see if he was really resting. I opened his bedroom slightly and peeked in. I smile as I saw him sleeping soundlessly. So much for him telling me he had a proper sleep. I closed the door and went back down stairs.

I stood on my front porch as I took a big whiff of the morning air, how refreshing. Even after only about five hours of sleep I felt completely energized. I decided to head out to the market to get some groceries to make a nice dinner for my father and I; it has been a long time since we had a proper dinner with the two of us.

I stepped out of my gate and who do I see running up the slope but none other than HoWon. Has he been exercising the whole time since I saw him last when I was outside on my balcony? He ran past me and it looked like he completely ignored me, but I swear he took a glance at me. Maybe he was embarrassed about what happened last night and just wanted to avoid me, or did he even remember anything that happened last night at all? I ignored the thought and continued on my way. I don’t need any more reminders of him for the day.

I saunter through the marketplace, deciding on what to buy and what to make for the dinner tonight. I decided to make my famous curry that dad and I both like to enjoy. Now, should I make dessert or buy it? The hard decisions in life.

As I continue to walk around the market with my bags of groceries I noticed someone familiar, I did a double take and realized who it was. My lip curves up in to a smile as I made my way towards him.

“Oppa!” I tapped him gently on the shoulder as I stood behind him.

He turns around and I could see a smile appearing on his face. “Nicole.”

“Good morning, what are you doing here in the market so early? Wait, shouldn’t you be at work or school?”

“I will be. I’m just picking up some quick snacks for my class later.”

I nodded in understanding. I was just happy to see him.

“Are you planning on cooking something?” He asked, noticing my hands fill with grocery bags.

“Yep, I’m gonna make dinner for appa and myself.” Suddenly there was as frown on his face, “what’s wrong oppa?” I wondered.

He let out a sigh, “when are you gonna make me dinner?”

Such a simple question but I couldn’t help but blush as I lower my head with embarrassment. I suddenly heard a light laugh from him as I lifted my head up. There was now a smile on his face, a sweet assuring smile.

“I do hope one day you’ll invite me over for a home cooked dinner by you.”

Once again I couldn’t help but continue to blush as I lower my head, slowly nodding to his comment as my way of answering him.

“I should get going. I’ll see you soon Nicole.”

And with that we bid our farewell. I stood in the middle of the market, my cheeks crimson red as I waved goodbye to him. The smile on my face was still apparent as the ladies at the market kept looking at me as if I was out of my mind.

“Are you going to buy something or not?” One of them questions, enough for me to wake from my stupor.

I embarrassingly nodded as I picked out a couple of fruits before paying and heading towards the next stand. I was still contemplating whether or not to make the dessert of buy it.

I let out a long sigh as I gazed at the bakery shop in front of me. Looking at those cakes and cookies I thought to myself, I could easily make those too. With a determined sigh I finally decided to just make the desserts myself, it will mean a lot more once my father eats them and enjoys them.

I decided to head towards a nearby grocery store to pick up the ingredients to make my dessert. With two hands full of grocery bags from the market I struggled a bit as I grabbed a shopping cart and place my bags inside. I pushed the cart towards the aisle that I needed to be in for the ingredients I needed and to my surprise who did I see? HoWon.

Seriously? He’s been completely invisible to me for the whole entire school year and now within a span of two days he’s popping out everywhere I go. I took my gaze off him and quickly push my cart out of the aisle.

Wait, why do I have to avoid him? I did nothing wrong, why am I running away from him? If anything he should be the one avoiding me. He’s the one that should be embarrassed not me.

I took a deep breath and turned my cart around, straightening up my posture as I confidently went down the aisle. My eyes glaring at him from the side but he didn’t seem to notice, he was too busy reading the facts off of a box of something. I kept pushing my cart down the aisle as I kept glaring him from the side.

I stopped in front of the counter I needed to be at and begin to look for what I needed. I don’t know what it was but my eyes kept leering over towards his direction, as if trying to get his attention. I even caught myself making ‘hm-ing’ sounds loudly and thinking out loud, anything I can to get him to notice me. Catching myself doing so I began scolding myself, what are you thinking Nicole! Just get what you need and go, who cares what he thinks.

I let out another loud sigh as I threw what I needed in to the cart. I leer up to see if that caught his attention but unfortunately not. It caught everyone’s attention that was in the same aisle as me but not him. That rude jerk! Who does he think he is?! How dare he ignore me!

As I push my cart towards him I began clearing my throat loudly, when that didn’t catch his attention I started coughing loudly, still there was no reaction. People in the aisle were beginning to look at me weirdly, but I didn’t care. I was almost past him until I “accidentally” pumped in to the cart that was near him. The cart jerked towards him as it pumped in to him but all he did was scratched the area that it pumped in to him. His eyes were focused solely on what he was reading on that stupid box. Seriously?! What was wrong with his guy!

I finally pushed past him but before leaving the aisle I turned back around once more to see if he noticed me but of course he was still focused on the box he was reading. Glaring at him I let out an angry huff. The nerve of that guy!

“Nicole-sshi.” I turn around and I see WooHyun standing in front of me with his charming smile.

“WooHyun?” I reply with a surprise expression, I didn’t expect to see him here. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here with Hoya. We’re doing some grocery shopping for tonight.”

I just stared at him as he stared past me to find HoWon behind me standing there, still reading that stupid box.

“He’s just right behind you.” He added happily. Yeah, like I didn’t notice.

“Really?” I faked, I turned around and of course he was still reading that stupid box, “I had no idea.”

“Yeah, the guy gets intensely focused when it comes to food, especially the nutrition facts. Look he’s reading the nutrition facts so thoroughly.” He explains with a hearty laugh.

He ran up to him and quickly pulls him away from the counter and towards me.

“Yah!” WooHyun pulls the earphones out of HoWon’s ear. “Look who I ran in to.” He said as he turns and smile at me.

So HoWon had his earphones in that whole entire time? No wonder he didn’t hear or noticed me. Wait, why did I care anyway? Nicole, what was wrong with you? You’re not supposed to care about anything concerning this guy. Stop stressing yourself out over someone like him.

“You’re here too?” That was his greeting to me. Seriously, how rude can this guy get?!

I pursed my lips and manage a smile, “good to see you’re doing ok after last night.”

“Oh yeah,” WooHyun interjected and begins to chuckle, “man Hoya, you seriously can’t handle your alcohol.”

“What are you talking about? I only had a few and fell asleep.” HoWon defended himself.

He clearly didn’t remember the events of last night.

“A few? Are you kidding me? You had like a whole crate of beer. I’ve never seen you like that before. You were quite entertaining.” WooHyun added with a chuckle.

“Shut up.” HoWon defended through gritted teeth. I couldn’t help but chuckle myself at the situation. “And what are you laughing at. It’s not like you were there.”

“Excuse me?” I was completely surprise at his attack against me, was he that out of it that he couldn’t remember who was there and not?

“Dude, she was there. You don’t remember? You barged in to her room, her friends were there too. You puked on her and then you fell on her.” WooHyun reminded him and begins to laugh.

The reminder of the scene brought shudders to me as I looked away and tightens my eyes as to push that terrible memory away. I turn back to the two of them and I could see HoWon’s eyes widen with shock as his face began to change color, red from embarrassment I should say. He was still staring at WooHyun who was still laughing and slowly turn his gaze to me. My lips were still pursed as I smiled at him and squinting my eyes in the process.

“Remember now?” I added after a few seconds of awkwardness.

“Dude, you were hilarious.” WooHyun added a he placed a hand on HoWon’s shoulder.

“I... I...”

He was lost for words, about time. Clearly this was an embarrassment that was rare for him, I should relish in it.

“You owe me a new pair of shoes by the way. Do you know how hard it was for me to get that vomit smell off my shoes and feet?”

“I... I...”

All could hear was WooHyun’s uncontrollable laughter on the side. I turn away from him as I continue pushing my cart away from them.

“Nicole-sshi, wait, let me help.” I heard WooHyun call out to me in between his laughter as he ran up to me. "I want to invite you to our little gathering that we're having at Hoya's house tonight. Take it as a way of us making it up to you for last night. Invite your friends. I should be fun."

HoWon stood there in the aisle, still dumbfounded of what had just happened. Was it wrong of me to think that he looked quite adorable with that dazed and confused expression on his face?... Nicole, have you lost your mind? What is going on with you and all these strange thoughts about a boy that you hardly or more like don’t even know.

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_sfilicity #1
Chapter 8: Does Nicole know how to dance in this story? If she does, she should have a dance battle with Hoya!
DID YOU SEE THE PICTURE OF THEM TOGETHER FOR SNSD'S CONCERT? alksfjsaklf they were standing next to each other ;__;
I really want Nicole to stop avoiding Hoya!
vinmya86 #3
Chapter 8: wahhh..update xD i must read it again from start coz i kinda forget a little :p thanks for update xD
Please update this story!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Yeay! This is a very nice story... will be waiting for your update
kumpkumpil #6
Chapter 7: OMOOO,,,
i just find this story, and i read it ASAP.
Nicole and Hoya really cute together here.
hope there will be more interaction between them.
and why Hoya soo mysterious here???
Chapter 7: finally came back! Thank you! I really enjoyed reading this chapter. I love your style of writing! My favorie was when Hoya giving Nicole a "I-Told-You-So" lecture. LOL. I laughed my ___ off! She reminds me of a little girl living in a fansty land not realizing what reality is really like. I'm assuming that Hoya and Nicole isn't going to fall in love any time soon because in reality, no one falls in love just like that. It's going to take some time. Please update soon!
syerawr #8
Chapter 7: FINALLY! Yes!! Thank you fo updating this story.
I really love Hoya's character in this story. Hope you can update more ^^
Chapter 7: YES! YOU FINALLY UPDATED. I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. ALL MY HO-COLE FEELINGS ARE COMING ALIVE. I can see what Hoya is trying to do there, trying to hint to Nicole that he's there. ;) But omg, Woohyun totally has a thing for her too! What will she do! I hope she realises the underlying meaning of Hoya's words!
muchLove #10
Chapter 7: For some reason, I think its cute that Hoya helped Nicole carry her groceries.
I actually like the Hoya-Nicole moments more than the Woohyun-Nicole moments.
But both moments are sweet and really fun to read