Chapter Two

The Simplest Things In Life

Chapter Two

What was wrong with me?!

Lying on my back on my bed I pull the pillow from above my head over my face and scream in to it. The only sound that could be heard was my muffled scream. I just needed to release my frustration and aggravation. I release the pillow from my grip as I shot up from the bed, my mind kept replay what just happened earlier.

How the hell did I not know he lived up the street from me?!

“So this is the hero that saved me?”

The voice woke me from my stupor. My eyes widened at the sound of the voice. I turn to see who it was and I could feel my eyes widened even more. What the hell was he doing here?

“Wha-What are you doing here?” I was completely stunned to see him standing in front of me.

How did he know I lived here? Did he follow me? Oh my god, was he going to beat me up for scolding him? Oh my god, he was seeking revenge. Oh my god, I’m too young and beautiful to get beaten. I wanted to call to my future husband for help but nothing came out of my mouth as I continue to stare at him wide eyed.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Clearly he could see the fear in my eyes. I quickly shook off the fearful expression on my face. If I was going to go down, I was going to go down strong and fearless. I straighten myself up and darted my eyes at him.

“What are you doing here? What do you want?” This time I questioned with a more commanding tone.

He gave me an entertained smirk. I can tell he was enjoying my reaction to seeing him in front of me.

“I live here,” was his simple reply as he took a few steps forward.

He took a few steps forward and I cautiously took a few steps back. I scan my surroundings and the only houses I could see in front of us were mine and my husband-to-be’s, what is he trying to pull saying he lives here. I sneer at his answer.

“Yeah right, the only houses here are mine and my husband’s...”

Crap! What the hell did I just say?

“Your husband?” Clearly he picked up on that final word of mine, his left eyebrow raise, finding fascination in my response.

I could feel my cheeks turning red from the embarrassment of what I had just divulged to a complete stranger. Why was there no filter in my mouth! Damn it Nicole! Are you that scare of him that you couldn’t think probably?! I continue to scold myself until I heard his laughter escaping his lips.

I glare at him, trying my best to give him the coldest and most deathly glare I possibly could mustard up. “Shut up!”

His laughter finally ceasing when he noticed my glare, “oh my, thanks for the laugh. I really needed it.” He managed through his laughter as he continues to move forward.

I quickly shook off my embarrassment and continue to question him, “you didn’t answer my question. What are you doing here? Did you follow me?”

He rolled his eyes at me. “For what possible reason would I follow you?”

“I don’t know, maybe to get revenge for making you an embarrassment in front of my friends, in front of MinHo, in front of the whole school-“ I began listing him my possible reasons but was cut off when he began to snicker at my remarks. I stopped and just stare at him.

His snickering ceased and he turns back to me, “what makes you think that you’re that significant to me that I would actually waste my time finding you to just play with you?” His tone was stern and threatening.

He moves closer and closer to me as I continue to step backwards each time he took one step closer to me. The sky was getting grey from the covering clouds as he began to look more menacing.

I was now standing under the streetlight as the spotlight shone on me. He moves closer to me, standing right underneath the same streetlight as me. As the light shone on him I could see the bruises that were still evident from the fight he was in from earlier. My grip on my bag tightens as he stood only inches away from me as he stared down at me. My heart was palpitating, I squeeze my eyes together, too scare to watch what he was about to do to me.

How in the world did I get so scared of him in just a mere few hours?!

And then another laugh escapes his lips. I slowly flutter my eyes open to see him taking a few steps back away from me. I release my hold on my bag as I begin to straighten myself up. He’s laughing again, this guys is certainly strange.

“So much for the girl that told me I was none of her concern. You were quite impressive back then when you stood up for me. What happened? Was it only a moment of farfetched luck or just a moment of pure stupidity, challenging your chances?”

The second! It was pure stupidity! Pure stupidity! I shouted to myself, but I wasn’t going to let him know that. I just continue to stare at him, confuse with what he was doing. The sudden change of mood, it was freaking me out.

He let out a sigh. “I think that’s enough for tonight. You sure are something interesting, uh... What’s your name again?”

I didn’t know if I should’ve answered him or not but out of instinct it just came out, “Nicole.”

He nodded, “goodnight Nicole.”

He walks past me and continue up the hill. I watch him as he turned the corner. Being full of curiosity I follow him slowly from behind and peeked my head out from the corner from where he turned and saw him opening the gate of the house right at the corner. So he does live here, just a bit up my street. Why the hell had I never noticed him walking to and from the same bus stop before? This whole entire semester I didn’t even notice him at school and now to make things worse I didn’t even noticed that he was a member of the neighborhood. What have I been doing all this time? Was I really too distracted to even notice anything around me?

Sitting on the edge of my bed I release a long sigh as I ruffle my hair in frustration. Why am I letting this guy affect me so much? I hardly knew the guy, correction I didn’t know him at all! It seems pretty clear that I don’t since I didn’t even know he existed until now. But why am I letting his presence affect me so much.


Falling back on my bed, I squirm around in frustration.

Oh the embarrassment! Why did I call WooRam my husband in front of a complete stranger? I’ll never live it down.

My trail of frustration was broken when I heard my phone ringing beside my pillow. I turn to see who it was and my eyes widened to see it was none other than my “husband”. I shot up from the bed with my phone in hand. The smile on my face was evident at how happy I was to see him calling. I quickly rush over to my bedroom window and pull open the curtains and open the window sill.

“Hello?” I answer as I sat by the window, gazing across the way to the house next to me.

The blinds on the inside of the window was pulled up as I watch the window open and there he appeared, wearing nothing than what seemed to be his pajama slacks and a wife beater, I smile at his appearance.

I know what you’re all thinking, why am I so giddy around him when I grew up with him. Well, everyone goes through their awkward period of what we all call adolescence. Both WooRam oppa and I went through it together. I might have fallen for him at first sight when I met him when I first moved in but it didn’t mean that I didn’t have my moments in which I questioned whether or not he was right for me.

I was smitten with him in elementary school, then when middle school came around and we were in the same school and we were going through our adolescence period, I started seeing another side of him that I found to be quite overbearing, annoying, and even unattractive. The awkward physical transformation that he was going through, the attitude that he was adapting, and all the actions that he would do that went against my beliefs, those were all factors that made me avoid him even though we lived right next door to each other. That was the moment in life when I began seeing him more as a friend or older brother rather than a possible husband candidate.

That was until high school came around. I remember the conversation we had before his first year of high school. His family had decided to send him off to study abroad in Japan.

“What’s wrong Nicole, we’re not as close as we use to be when you first moved here. What happened?” He asked me as we sat on my porch.

I was staring up at the night sky as he was gazing at the lawn in front.

I lowered my head as I hesitantly turn my gaze upon him. “What do you mean?” I wondered, not realizing how obvious it had been with me trying to avoid him.

“I’m talking about us not talking, you know, having our nightly conversations like we use to. We used to do it every night when we were still in elementary school. I feel like ever since we started middle school and going to the same school we’ve grown apart. I just want to know what happened.” He still wasn’t looking at me.

I continue my gaze at him, taken aback at how straightforward he was being with this. That was when I began to think that maybe he has feelings for me that’s why he wanted to reaffirm our relationship. I felt my heart skip a beat, the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach, and the blushing of my cheeks. Was he about to confess to me? Tell me how he truly felt about me? My giddy mind began coming up with scenarios that could only result in me getting myself a boyfriend status from him. I giggle in mind at the thought.

“I...” I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say.

“I mean whatever it is that you think is causing this distance between us, just tell me. If it’s me then I’ll do my best to change myself so we can go back to the way we used to be.” He finally turned and made eye contact with me.

I could see the urgency and the genuine honesty in his eyes.

“I...” I stuttered. I was just so caught off guard with his sudden honesty I didn’t know what to make of it. Never did I think he would be so invested in our friendship.

“I really don’t want to lose my friendship with you Nicole. “

Friendship. That was all I could really register.

“You’re like my best friend.”

Best friend. Was that all?

“I don’t know what I would do if I lose you completely from my life.”

What? What did he mean by that? I thought I was only his friend, best friend.

“I truly hold you in my heart, in more ways than one.”

Wait, what was that? I was getting so confused now. Was that a confession?

I continue to sit there silently, my eyes still gazing at him. I was completely speechless. I was trying to dissect what he was telling me, it was quite confusing. He cherishes our friendship, he considered me like a best friend, and he doesn’t want to lose me from his life, I have a place in his heart? The last part sounded like something you tell someone you love, no? Well it could always be a more platonic love, like a love between siblings, but that was last thing I would want him to consider if I ever decide to change my stance on him again.

Without an answer from me he just turned away defeated. I was honestly still so confused with what just happened. That was an odd conversation. He got up and made his way towards the gate.

An exasperated sigh escaped his lips as he got up, “I’ll see you tomorrow Nicole. Whatever it is that has us at a distance I’m gonna change it. I’ll show you that I can be a better person, just for you. Good night.”

And then he left. Walked over to his house next door and walked in. I was still sitting on my porch, completely confuse about what had just happened.

You can say that was the turning point in which my feelings for him started to change again. Though I knew he was going to be leaving and I won’t get to see him for the next four years or so, but I was still too caught up in the conversation that we just had that I didn’t really know what to say or do at that moment. It was like his way of confessing to me before he left, just to reaffirm where we stand with each other, but I didn’t really give him a concrete answer, or one at all for that matter, to give him closure before he left.

The four years he was away we tried to stay in touch through emails, chats, and just regular mail but we got busy with our schooling and our personal life that it became harder and harder to stay in touch. All the while what he had said to me before he left was still deeply ingrained in my mind. I didn’t get to see him all the four years he was in Japan, not even a picture. I would ask him why and he would tell me that he wants to surprise me when he came back. And surprise I was.

He had physically transformed himself. His handsome features were more defined, his body was toned, he was taller, and his overall style was just more alluring. I was taken aback by the sudden change. Gone was his middle school rebellious attitude and actions, he was more level headed, he knew his responsibilities to his family and life. He just became a lot more attractive to me. He came back to Seoul with what seems like a whole new outlook on life. His parents were a lot happier with how he turned out. I too was quite impressed.

He came back when I was beginning my final year of high school and that was when all my harbored loving feelings for him returned, more so than ever. I was sure more than ever that he will for sure become my future husband. Though to this day I still couldn’t figure out what he meant when he told me that I had a place in his heart in more ways than one. I never asked him, I didn’t want to seem obvious or even desperate. I decided to just let destiny and fate take its course and if and when he decides to tell me than it will be all the worthwhile. That is if he still remembers.

And that is how I found myself in this position now, so taken by him that I can’t help but get all giddy about him every time I see him or hear from him.

He smiles back at me as he waves to me from the window with one hand holding his phone to his ear.

“Hey. Am I bothering you?”

I shook my head with a pout. I could hear him chuckling through the phone at my expression.

“What’s wrong with your hair?”

I didn’t know what he meant until I rush over to my vanity mirror and realized that my hair was still all ruffled up from my previous release of frustration. I quickly combed out my ruffles and got back to the window.

“What happened?” He asked me through his chuckling.

I rolled my eyes, “don’t ask.”

He continues his chuckling, “really? That bad huh?”

Then it popped in my head, maybe WooRam oppa knew something about the new kid.

“Oppa, do you know the family that moved in to the house behind yours’, the one by the corner?”

I could see him nodding at me.

“Yeah? What about them?”

“Do you know about their son? Have you ever seen them before?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like have you ever seen them coming in and out of the house or even around the neighborhood?”

He begins to laugh at my questions again, “you mean like if they actually exist?”

I hesitated at his question, contemplating, “yeah, you can say something like that.”

“What? You don’t think they’re real? Like they’re ghost?” His laugh continues.

I shook my head at his assumptions, “not ghost... Well, maybe.” I was still unsure myself.

His laughter got louder and I could clearly hear and see it as I stared at him from across, frowning with a pout at his laughter.

Seeing my pout, he begins to cease his laughter, “you’re just too cute Nicole.”

I couldn’t help but blush and perk a smile at his reply.

“But no, I don’t think they’re ghost. I’ve seen them a couple of times. The mother is quite nice. They have three sons I think. The oldest is older than me, the middle son is I think the same age as you, and the youngest is I think still in middle school. I’m not too sure of their names but I’ve seen them a couple of times going in and out of the house. They just moved in since I think the beginning of the year. Why do you ask?”

My face was more puzzled than ever before. So clearly I am crazy. How is it possible that everyone knows and seen HoWon and I have never encountered him until now.

“You know that middle son of theirs goes to the same school as me and I have never seen or met him until today? Isn’t that strange?”

He let out another chuckle, “a bit. How did you go a whole semester without meeting him?”

“I know right? That was what I had thought too. We might not have the same classes but I mean it doesn’t mean I couldn’t have bumped in to him in the hallway or something.” I was still so baffled at how it was possible that I didn’t know HoWon existed for the whole semester. “And not just me, even my friends didn’t even know that he existed either.”

He continues chuckling at our conversation, it was clear that he was finding amusement in my frustration of the situation that I was in.

“Maybe he likes to keep a low profile, stay as discreet as possible.”

“If that was what he wanted to do then he pretty much blew it when he got in to a fight with MinHo at school today. He basically announced his presence to the school with that fight.”

“Is that how you found out about him too?” his chuckling still radiating from his lips.

I nodded at his question, a little embarrassed at the discovery.

“Really? You? Jung Nicole, the social butterfly of the school?” He faked his shocked expression for me to see.

“I know right? I had to find out all the information from KiBum!” I was still offended that I was so out of the loop that I had to get my information from KiBum.

He continues his laughter. It sounded so sweet through the phone and seeing him enjoying our conversation also made it the more enjoyable for me as well.

“Well, if you see him again, just ask him how he managed to evade your radar for so long.”

“I could but it just makes me come off a bit conceited or just nosy doesn’t it? As if I have to know everything about everybody. And besides, we didn’t really start off on the best of footing.”

“Then don’t let it bother you too much. If anything, just start fresh with him the next time you see him. I know you’re capable of making him fall for your charms. You seem to be quite good at that.”

I have charms! Hearing those words from WooRam really heighten my giddiness. He just knows the right things to say at the right time to make you feel better. He himself has his charms as well and I’ve fallen completely for all of them.

“Thanks oppa.” I reply, hiding my blushing cheeks.

Then I realized that he was the one who called me. I was caught up with my own problems that I forgot it was WooRam who wanted to talk, not the other way around.

“Oh oppa, I’m sorry, you were the one that called, was there something you wanted to talk about?”

He continues to laugh at my realization. He shook his head.

“No, I just wanted to see what you were up to that’s all. We didn’t really get a chance to have a proper conversation when I was down there earlier.”

I could feel my cheeks blushing even more now.

“How are things with you going, university getting the best of you?” I asked as I continue the conversation on to him now.

He continues his chuckling, “yeah, you can say that.”

I could hear him sighing on the line as he took a seat on the banister of the window. He turns his gaze over to me and a smile appears on his lips.

“Is it that hard? My teacher actually gave me a whole stack of college brochures to look over. She said that it’ll help me make a decision on where to go once I graduate.”

“That’s nice of her. At least you’ll get to see some options.”

“I guess. But in all honesty I have never thought about college, not one little bit.”

A light laugh escapes his smiling lips, “really? Were you planning to attend at all?”

And that was what got me really thinking: did I want to continue with college right after I graduate?

“Hm... Good question.” I mutter, “I’ve never truly thought about it. I want to go to college, but did I need to do so right after I graduate?”

“You have many options. Go right after you graduate or take a year off to work or take a year off to explore the world or take time off to just find yourself and then truly make the right choice for yourself.”

I don’t know what it was but when WooRam oppa was advising me with all the possible options I could sense in the tone of his voice that these were options he wished he could’ve made for himself. There was a sense of regret in his tone.

“Were these things that you wanted to do?” I asked him softly, hoping that I wouldn’t cause any harm in my curiosity.

He looks over at me and smiles sweetly at me, he just simply nodded.

“You could still do them couldn’t you?”

Another sweet smile was displayed on his face. “If only I could. I’m now in it for the long haul until I fully graduate. Maybe then I’ll be able to do all those things I just told you about.”

I sigh at the thought, “you’re making me question going to college even more now.”

“Don’t let me affect any of your choices. I know you’ll make the right ones for yourself. You’ve always been good at doing so.” He encourages through his chuckles.

“I guess...”

I could still hear him chuckling on the line.

“Alrighty my little dragon ball, it’s getting late and unlike you I have a full day of class and work tomorrow. So lucky that you’re having summer break, I would’ve loved to spend the whole summer hanging out with you.”

He couldn’t see it but my cheeks were now burning red from giddiness at what he had said.

“We’ll still hang out whenever you have a day off right?” I asked timidly.

“Of course! Any day I have off I’ll call you right away and we’ll hang out together, the whole day!” His matter-of-fact tone reassured me that he didn’t forget about asking me to hang out with him earlier.

“Alright, I won’t keep you then.”

“Goodnight Nicole.”

“Goodnight oppa, have a good rest, try your best to enjoy your day tomorrow.”

I could hear his chuckling at my statement.

“I’ll try.” He added before we parted ways and closed our windows.

I lay back down on my bed as I held my phone close to my chest as I squeal silently to myself with excitement. I couldn’t be sure more now that WooRam oppa definitely has feelings for me. His doting ways with me, the way he talks to me, the way he smiles at me, the way he looks at me, his careless flirtatious ways with me, it is as if we’re a couple already. I’ve watched plenty of romantic movies to know what was going on and to pick up on all the signs. I just need to confirm it for sure. Another squeal escapes my lips with excitement.

I shot up from my bed and headed for the showers, got cleaned up and headed down towards the kitchen. Looking around for something to munch on I realize that the garbage has yet to be taken out. I let out a groan knowing that it means I would have to do it. Just do it and get it over with!

I grab the top of the garbage bag and tied it in to a knot before lifting it up, making my way towards the front door. I made my way down the porch and opened my front gate, as I was placing my garbage out at the corner of my house I glance up to the pathway and to my surprise I see HoWon walking down the slope. He walked right past me and didn’t even notice I was there, not that I cared but an acknowledgement would have been common courtesy. Well, then again I shouldn’t be the one to talk, I didn’t even know of his existence until today anyway.

Gone were his school uniform and he was in a pair of straight fit dark denim, a pair of white leather converse, and a fitted purple polo. I watched him walk down the slope towards the main street. I wondered where he was going at this time of night. The sky has begun to darken, but not enough where you can see any stars. What was he doing out so late? I turn to look at my watch and widened my eyes to realize what time it was.

I must be getting old, because it was only 8:30PM. Wow, seriously? I was getting ready for bed already. How embarrassing. I could understand why WooRam oppa needed to go to bed early; he has a full day tomorrow, but me? I just started my summer break and what do I do? I was preparing myself for bed at such an early hour. I’m not that boring, I swear I’m not.

I sigh embarrassingly to myself before rushing back in to the house. I ran up to my room and checked my phone to see if any of my friends had called me to invite me out, unfortunately nothing, no missed calls, no voice messages, nor a single text. I feel so defeated.

Then as if a miracle happened and God answered my blessings, my phone began to ring.


“Yah, Nicole, let’s go out. My parents aren’t home right now and I don’t want to be cooped up in the house alone.” Thank you JinAh! You answered my prayers.

“Yes! Let’s!” I nodded along with my answer, as if she could see it.

“Alright, so we’ll meet at Mango Six. I’m gonna call the others too.”

“Ok, I’ll see you soon.”

I shot to my closet and pulled out my dark capri denim and a sheer purple silk blouse. Slipping a violet camisole under the blouse, I inspected myself in the mirror for approval before grabbing my white sling pouch and rushing down the stairs towards the front door. I slip on my white espadrille before slinging my pouch over my head and across my chest. Making sure I had everything before heading out, I inspected my pouch once more; my phone, my wallet, my keys. Everything was good to go. I took my keys and locked the door behind me. Taking one last moment to prim myself, I headed towards the gate and made my way towards the bus stop.

I pride myself in always looking my best, yes that lapse in character at school earlier was an exception, but I always present myself in the best way I can, be it in school or anywhere else. I like to indulge in what every girl tends to indulge in: fashion. Be it clothing, accessories, shoes, or make-up, I gravitate to them all. I like to keep myself up-to-date with the latest trends and style. But never being the follower I try my best to put a bit of my own twist to it, something that I like to call the Nicole-Twist.

I arrive at Mango Six half an hour later. I walked in and I could see JinAh, JooHyun, and HaRa sitting at a booth by the window corner. I made my way over as I wave to them with a smile.

“Where’s KiBum?” I wondered.

“He said he’s stuck at home babysitting his baby cousin.” JinAh answers, sipping away on her drink.

“I guess it’s just girls’ night tonight then.” HaRa added. The giddiness in her voice was evident.

“That sounds like fun, we haven’t had a girls’ night in so long.” JooHyun chimes in.

“Yeah, especially with KiBum constantly budding in on us,” I added sarcastically, causing our table to burst in to laughter.

I love KiBum, but sometimes he just doesn’t know his place. A group of girls and he’s the only guy in the middle of it all, sometimes us girls just want to be with each other and not have him ruin the atmosphere with his guy talk. I sometimes wonder why he just doesn’t hang out with his group of guy friends, but I guess it’s because he’s known us longer so therefore there’s a bit more of a comfort level. Let’s just say that I’m happy to be out with just the girls tonight.

The next hour was spent talking, laughing, and gossiping. We paid our bill and left, our next destination? Karaoke! I haven’t been to one since like forever. We arrive at our regular karaoke bar that we use to frequent and surprisingly the owner still remembers us. He greeted us and got one of his servers to take us to our room.

The owner looks like one of those greasy sleazebag that you see in the movies running a sleazy karaoke bar, but looks can be quite deceiving. He was in fact a really sweet man. He would talk to us as if we were his daughters, giving us special privileges the more we began to frequent is bar. He has this lopsided smile that I find incredibly endearing each time he smiles at us.

We excitedly got in to our room and began finding songs to sing. While JinAh and JooHyun looked through the song book, HaRa and I were busy looking through the menu for what we can order to munch on and to sip on while we sing. It was quite an enjoyable night so far. I was quite glad to have done this. It was a good way for me to forget about what happened at school and at my house earlier today, that and just celebrating the beginning of summer break.

I had excused myself to the washroom to fix myself up from the excitement I was having in the room. JooHyun was with me as she did the same. I checked my phone to see if my father had called, and of course there were like fifteen missed calls. I called him and reassured him that I was ok and was just out with my friends. I checked the time in the process; 11:30PM. It was still quite early.

As JooHyun and I were making our way back to our room we were blocked by what seemed like a few drunken patrons. There were two guys in the corridor towards our room; one was holding the other up while the more obvious drunk one was struggling to walk. JooHyun and I glance at each other with a disgust look. I seriously did not like dealing with drunks, they were always so... drunk.

“Excuse me.” I pardoned

The guy holding up his more drunken friend turn to us with an apologetic expression, “sorry, he’s had a few too many.”

Clearly! But I wasn’t going to show my disgust towards them. I felt bad for the guy trying to help his friend, who didn’t seem to cooperating at all.

“Um... Do you need help or something?” JooHyun asked, I could tell she felt the same way as me. Not necessarily with that much disgust but I think she felt bad for the guy helping his friend.

“No no, I’m ok, I’ll manage with him. Thank you though.” He reassures us with a confident smile. “C’mon man, help me out. Let’s just try and get to the washroom.”

All we could hear from the drunk was a disgruntle groan. The two manage to wobble their way towards the men’s washroom. JooHyun and I made our way back to our room, forgetting about the whole situation. It didn’t involve us so we were not going to dread over it. Our night continued as we got more and more in to our singing, no matter how bad we sometimes sang, it was just too much fun to care. That is until we were rudely disturbed by a passing intruder.

Without any warning someone suddenly bursts in to our room. From the looks of it, it seemed like the guy was drunk. Great! Another drunken encounter. Our door was flung open and he just stood at the door, mumbling gibberish. The four of us were surprise at the sudden intrusion, we all began to scream and huddle ourselves in the corner in the opposite end of the room.

“What gives you the right to do that huh?! Who do you think you are?! You don’t even know me!” The drunk began shouting aimlessly, pointing his finger all over the room.

The four of us were scared to our wits end to say the least. We didn’t know what he was going to do to us. As he was wobbling his way in to the room we could hear footsteps rushing towards our room from outside. Two arms grabbed the drunk from behind as he tries to pull him out of the room. The drunk resisted as he continues to push himself forward towards us. We were sitting ducks in the corner, standing there staring at the drunk, not knowing what to do. I stood at the forefront of the three girls, trying to protect myself as well.

Rushing in to our room we could see two more guys coming in trying to pull out the drunk. Our room was darkly lit so I couldn’t make out what they looked like, but with the strength of the two guys the drunk was finally pulled out from our room. I could hear one of the guys apologizing to us in the process. I guess they were all friends. The four of us sigh in relief when we saw him being pulled out.


I could hear the shouting of his name as I was about to close the door of our room. My eyes widen when I saw him rushing back in and pushing the door again, knocking me out of the way in the process.

“You!” He stood in front of me, his index finger pointing at me.

Under the neon light of the corridor I could see his face clearly now, his face was red, his eyes were heavy, but it was Lee HoWon, the new kid that I had not known existed until today. I could hear my friends rushing from behind me to see what I was looking at. I could tell they were surprised as well from their gasping.

I stood frozen in front of him with his finger pointed at me, his eyes twitching. His lips begins to part as if he was about to say something. I could feel as if he was about to berate me with curses for earlier. I was ready for whatever it was he was going to throw at me. His lips parted and before I knew it I felt the heat of his hatred for me. All over my shoes and my feet as it seeps through my open toed espadrille.

I swear it felt like my eyes were about to pop out of my eye sockets. He drunkenly glances up at me after his actions and smirks at me. He stood up straight from his bend. His eyes were still heavy from his drunken state. My eyes turn to slits as I glared at him. That smirk was still on his face. I raised my hand up and was about to slap him when he hiccups and fell forward on me.

My friends' eyes were glued on to me as they stared at me with HoWon on me wide eyed, I could see his friends rushing in afterwards, their eyes just as wide.

Get him off of me!!!

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_sfilicity #1
Chapter 8: Does Nicole know how to dance in this story? If she does, she should have a dance battle with Hoya!
DID YOU SEE THE PICTURE OF THEM TOGETHER FOR SNSD'S CONCERT? alksfjsaklf they were standing next to each other ;__;
I really want Nicole to stop avoiding Hoya!
vinmya86 #3
Chapter 8: wahhh..update xD i must read it again from start coz i kinda forget a little :p thanks for update xD
Please update this story!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Yeay! This is a very nice story... will be waiting for your update
kumpkumpil #6
Chapter 7: OMOOO,,,
i just find this story, and i read it ASAP.
Nicole and Hoya really cute together here.
hope there will be more interaction between them.
and why Hoya soo mysterious here???
Chapter 7: finally came back! Thank you! I really enjoyed reading this chapter. I love your style of writing! My favorie was when Hoya giving Nicole a "I-Told-You-So" lecture. LOL. I laughed my ___ off! She reminds me of a little girl living in a fansty land not realizing what reality is really like. I'm assuming that Hoya and Nicole isn't going to fall in love any time soon because in reality, no one falls in love just like that. It's going to take some time. Please update soon!
syerawr #8
Chapter 7: FINALLY! Yes!! Thank you fo updating this story.
I really love Hoya's character in this story. Hope you can update more ^^
Chapter 7: YES! YOU FINALLY UPDATED. I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. ALL MY HO-COLE FEELINGS ARE COMING ALIVE. I can see what Hoya is trying to do there, trying to hint to Nicole that he's there. ;) But omg, Woohyun totally has a thing for her too! What will she do! I hope she realises the underlying meaning of Hoya's words!
muchLove #10
Chapter 7: For some reason, I think its cute that Hoya helped Nicole carry her groceries.
I actually like the Hoya-Nicole moments more than the Woohyun-Nicole moments.
But both moments are sweet and really fun to read