Little Miss Tripper


... And she came late with big gifts on her tiny hands. Everything was perfect, except for her feet that have always failed her.



My first one-shot request :)

This is for you SmileUKwonKitty :)


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Credits to Shadowless- Request Shop!

The poster is so cute! ^^


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Tsk tsk tsk..
Kwonnie Oppa, you are such a naughty boy..
Poor Zico..
Anyways, really awesome one-shot.. :D
HAHAHAHAHA read it 00 and I was laughing my out at the last scene -- Good Job Bitz :))
omg, hahaha XD i enjoyed reading this so much! I day dreaming too much, and thats what i actually do in real life LOL XD But, i'm not that clumsy hahaha XD but should i be one? HAHAHA XD i wish Ukwon can do that to me in real life -day dreams- OMG....... i love this story so much! MUHAHAHAA zico making ukwon jealous, which makes him lock Zico inside the room while he was changing to another shirt. omg.... you have the best ideas ever! HAHAHA XD HELLLO DERE ZICOOO :3 just wait till the date finishes HAHAH XD and you'll be out in no time, and then go chase after KWONNIE :3 -laughs out loud- OMG, thank you so much for this story. chur the best~ thanks!