Paper Bag o______o


This is based on that fantaken picture of Kris and Luhan inside the plane.


This is a flash fic hahahahah

me and my friend made it like in 2 hours LOL

hope you all enjoy it!


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Cutedongli #1
Chapter 1: Ooooooooooo <3
steakjib #2
Chapter 1: Lololol cute hahahaha "you barbie"
It's funny and cute
Kris-C25 #4
kRISHAN???! *celebrates and starts fangirling** woot woot! :)
jocolee #5
thank you so much! and here is my link
@jocolee hi there~ it's okay if you want to translate it as long as you give us proper credit and please give a link to the original post if you wanna post it on other sites :)
jocolee #7
thank so much! i will wait good new from u
@sililflo : thank you :)
@ieatrexandance : well, nobody can't resist that luhan is such a cutie pie lol
@jocolee : thank you very much :D i'm glad that you like it hehe about translating the fic into vietnamese i have to ask my friend first :) because this fic i made it with her... I'll tell you as soon as possible :)
jocolee #9
You know what? The way you describe Luhan really cute, and I want to say I love your fanfic. Krishan fanfic is really very little because there are so few people support this the perfect couple. but I love them so much. I'm from Viet Nam and I hope you can allow me to translate your fanfic into Vietnamese , thank you very much for writing it, hope you can answer me soon! wish you a good day, i'm alwways be a shipper of KrisHan
lol luhan is such a cutie -///-