Kangteuk Drabbles


Drabbles from a apocolyptic!AU mixed with the superpowers!AU. I have a ficlet/set of connected drabbles in my head. There going to go here.

Every member will probably appear in here at least once. I'm weird that way.


Rest assured. There will be Kangteuk. Its my OTP.

I cannot write a story without them in it.


I haven't even thought up a name for this story yet. But this is where all the brainstorming will go on for it! :O

Leave a comment or suggestion if you want~ This is more for my organization for a later fic. :]



I'm terribly sorry if I destroy/kill/mame/impail  (insert your faveorite character here). But it is my story, and I shall make evil whomever I want. Thank you.


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