Powers. (Kangin, Kyuhyun, Leeteuk)

Kangteuk Drabbles

"This is remarkable!" Kyuhyun exclaimed, causing Kangin to jump a little--he had just begun to slip into the lovely state of not quite asleep, not quite awake--but Kyuhyun had ruined it all.

"Kangin take a look at this!" Kyuhyun, finally acting his age, was giddy with excitement as he stared down at the man who Kangin had brought back. As he stared down, Kangin could see why the people of the town had called him Angel. His features were almost angelic. Though times were tough, his face remained unblemished, his skin healthy and his hair in perfect condition. But he was still confused as to why Kyuhyun called him over. It surely wasn't to ogle the poor man while he was dying, right?

Noting the confused look on his companions face, Kyuhyun pointed to the forehead of the man lying below them.

"Kangin, what do you see?" For a while, Kangin stared at the man's forehead. The blood from where he had smacked it on the pavement was crusty but other than that...nothing was really out of the ordinary.

"Nothing. I don't see anything, Kyuhyun. Now I'm just more confused."

"Exactly!" Kyuhyun cried, hand in the air.

"Your happy I'm more confused?!"

"No. No. No! Look Kangin, the brick hit him hard on his head and he then smacked his head on the pavement...but there are no major wounds. They've all closed up. Kangin! His ability has got to be extraordinary regenerative properties!" Kyuhyun was having a field day, but the older man just stared at him, "He heals extraordinarily fast, Kangin. He's going to live, not die."

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place, stupid kid!"

There was a chuckle from beneath them. Both the standing males looked down to see the bright blue eyes of the person below them  staring up at their faces. "Sorry to interrupt. You can keep going if you want." His voice was a chime, a whisper at best. He was obviously tired and out of energy. Kangin didn't care. It was the most heavenly sound he had heard in a long time.



It had taken a few days for the man on the bed, who told them his name was Leeteuk, to regain enough vitality and heath to be able to move--increased healing be damned. They had prompted him to take off the coat (the temperature had only been rising as the days passed) but he refused, clinging to it desperately. Once, Kangin had tried to take it off of him when he had fallen asleep on the ground one night--but he had lashed out and tried to rip the stronger's eyes out. Kangin had laughed, knowing the smaller could do no real harm.

Though Kyuhyun kept wearily eyeing Kangin, they didn't bother with getting Leeteuk to take it off after that.

"So where are you going?" Leeteuk had asked from his home on bed, pulling his coat tighter around himself.

"What do you mean?" Kyuhyun grunted.

"Well," a short pause as he wriggled around, "What are you going to do now? I mean--thank you, and all that--but  what exactly are two strange men doing wandering the leftovers of society for?

Kyunhyun exchanged looks with Kangin.

"We are," he paused, "wandering. Looking for old friends, really." Kyuhyun, sitting down on the ground, legs crossed, held his hands up to his head. Wincing.

Kangin continued for him, "We kind of have an idea of what happened," he gestured in a circular motion. "My name is Kangin and the little squirt here is Kyuhyun."

There was a mumble from the mass on the floor but Kangin ignored it, "We've been searching around for others like us."

Leeteuk looked puzzled. His grip on his coat reaching the point where his knuckles has begun to turn white, "Like...you?" he asked hesitantly.

Kangin found he didn't like the fact that the man in front of him was showing obvious signs of fear. It upset him, and he didn't know why.

"We're a little special." Kyuhyun chuckled, hands massaging his temples as he spoke.

"We've each got a...power, for lack of a better term." Leeteuk nodded, his grip, kangin noted, seemed to slacken.

"Kangin here has enhanced physical capabilities. Things like enhanced hearing, extraordinary endurance and plain brute strength."


Leeteuk chuckled and Kyuhyun smirked, "I have gained another sense entirely."

"What does that entail, exactly?" Leeteuk asked pointedly, dimpled smile alight on his face.  Kyuhyun gave the man a calculating look before continuing, "I've gained the ability to tell mutants apart from normal, powerless, humans. It's a ringing in my head and it differs for each person, yet it feels the same. I don't know exactly how to describe it nor do I know what causes it."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out." Leeteuk cooed, patting Kyuhyun's head in a mocking, motherly fashion.

"Yah!" Kyuhyun smacked his hand away, smiling a bit before animatedly talking about his theories with the cloaked man. Leeteuk, to Kangin's surprise, nodded and questioned the young genius right back. The two seemed to be in their own little world of mutacious theories.

Kangin could tell the younger liked the other man. Kangin did not pretend to be of great intellect.  He had barely made it through high school, let alone college. He found it endearing that the younger had finally found another person to share his theories and thoughts with. All thought it looked as if Leeteuk had no clue what the younger man was saying, he found it sweet that the other was trying.

After a long while, Leeteuk spoke up, "I guess you'll be wanting to know my power then, hmm?"

Kyuhyun gazed up at him, "Hyung, we already know your power. You have the ability to heal quite rapidly. We figured it out a few nights ago when we first found you."

"Rescued you." Kangin interjected, "And you," he pointed at Kyuhyun, "how come you never called me hyung once, but you call him hyung straight away! He could be younger than you!"

Kyuhyun smirked evily, "While you were day dreaming over there, I asked hyung all about himself. He's 27, Kangin. He's older than you, but he looks so young! You've really let yourself go, you big brute." he tsk'ed while shaking his head.

Kangin made a step twoards him will all the intent and purpose of murder but Leeteuk stood between them.

"Ah! While that's true, I'm sure you haven't seen my other one yet!"

"You have two?" Kyuhyun questioned, curiosity lighting his eyes.

Humming, Leeteuk nodded. He got up, and his coat. Looking around the room, he frowned.

"I think we're going to need more space. Mind if we go outside? the backyard should be big enough.

The three men navigated their way into the back of the house. Standing near the wooden doorway, the door long since ripped off of it's hinges, Kangin and Kyuhyun waited while Leeteuk stood in the middle of the yard.

"Ah. Before I show you." Leeteuk paused to look at the two men who had saved him, his voice a whisper, "You have to make sure you will make no noise when you see them. We were safe in the house, but if the people in this town find me again..." he trailed off, eyes growing dark.

Kyuhyun nodded and looked pointedly at Kangin who glared right back into the face of the younger.

Giving the thumbs up, Kangin gazed at Leeteuk and wondered what other surprises besides cheating death the elder man could have in store.

Slowly, almost painfully, Leeteuk took of the rough, beaten cloak.

Letting it slip from his shoulders, it landed on the ground with an audible thump.

For a while, there was silence. Leeteuk had his eyes closed, waiting for the mocking jeer or the cries of exaltation and whispers of salvation.

"So, can you fly with them?" Came Kyuhyun's question.
"Sweet." Came a rather breathy response from Kangin.

A high pitches laugh escaped his mouth and tears flowed from Leeteuk's eyes.




There is, like, a whole saga with Leeteuk and his pretty wings. I'm just lazy and don't want to write it all out and spoil you all.

It actually has some pull in the main story later. I swear. I promise.

Powers are given in this chapter! (Minus Siwon's).




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