Take Me Away (Chapter 2)

Take Me Away

Kiseop POV

It's refreshing taking a cold shower after such a stressful and dreadful long day. With that horrible negative feeling, the incident in the cafe and not to mention failing my Chemistry test,  who could enjoy themselves. I probably shouldn't stay in the shower to long unless I want to get sick and be away during the protrait assigment. I turned the water off, opened the curtains and stepped outside the shower. As I was dried my body and wrapped the towel around my waist I couldn't help but to check myself out in the mirrors. Soohyun made sure it was everyone's top priority in UKISS to mantain our body image, basically meaning we had to workout to gain a six-pack. Soohyun, if you guessed by now, is the leader of our boy group and let me tell you some of the ideas he comes up with is just plain old crazy. Like Dongho in cornrows seriously? 

As I walked from the bathroom and into my bedroom the phone started to ring. Thank gosh my mother had finally put a phone in the hallway upstairs because if she hadn't I would have to walk all the way to the computer room which was down the hall. I wasn't up for walking, I was still to exhausted from the events that had taken place earlier today. I answered the phone on the third ring.

"Hello Lee Kiseop speaking." 

"YAH KISEOP! It's Hoon! Soohyun said not to forget that there is a practice tomorrow morning in the danceroom. Oh and he said you're incharge of breakfast this time! See ya!"  I bid my farewells  to Hoon and went back to my bedroom. I wasn't in the mood to wake up early in the morning just to practice our new song and dance routine. We had a gig at a club near by coming up but tomorrow I really wanted to sleep in, especially since it was a Friday. I stood in front of my bed, questioning if I should do my homework or go straight to bed without eating. I scratched my head, tough choice. I skipped the homework idea and walked downstairs to see what the fridge had in store for me. Since my mother was working a late shift today at the office tonight she left some dinner in a glass tub-a-ware for me. As I reheated the dinner in the microwave I quickly scanned over what happened in the cafe with Yuri today. One minute I tell her to hurry up and the next she has Zelo's lunch all over her. She seemed dangerous hence another reason why I must avoid her from now on but I did feel bad, everyone laughed at her. 

I can't help to see someone so defenseless cry, I guess that's why I charged at Zelo. I needed someone to blame for making her cry. Wait no that makes it sound like I was trying to protect her. I shook my head. No I was not protecting her, I don't want a dangerous girl like her around me. Period. 

Beep Beep Beep. I opened the microwave, grabbed the burning hot glass and let it drop to the ground.

"! Ow! What.." Quickly I the faucet and let the cold water run over my hand. See even thinking about the child was a risk taker. Well there goes my dinner for tonight. 

After I had cleaned up all the shattered glass mixed with my dinner off the kitchen floor and ate soggy cereal I headed for bed. It was only 7:58pm but in my world it seemed like I hadn't gotten any sleep for years. The best feeling in the world is when you lay your head on a cool pillow and find that comfortable sleeping position. It knocks me out and I swear from the bottom of my heart I become the next sleeping beauty. 

I'm in a dark cold space, there isn't any sort of light, I can't see the hands I have infront of me, no sound. A spotlight appears out of nowhere and lands on a certain area. No one is there, I hear laughter and slowly I can see a figure forming. Or figures I should say. The laughter gets louder, it isn't familar to me but I can distinguish another set of laughter. Deeper this time compared to the cheery laugh. The sound gets louder, moving in closer, the spotlight moves with the sound. Finally the area lights up and I can see Yuri laughing over something Daehyun said. Wait a minute, if I look closer it isn't just Daehyun but all the members of BAP. What excatly was this dream telling me? Was Yuri a rival? Underneath me a blackhole had open and down I went. I awoke with a thump and myself laying on the floor. Does this dream confirm the assumption that Yuri Azim isn't safe. I have to keep my eye on her. Small yet deadly. 

I locked the door behind me, the crisp fresh smell of spring filled my nostrils, this was the only positive thing I loved about early practice. It was dead silent outside, the nieghbours were all fast alseep in their cozy warm beds. I checked my relfection in the window once more before heading to the closet donut shop. I took the short cut through the park to reach the shop, walking in a deserted park early in the morning was so relaxing. I could hear the birds chirping away, announcing the arrival of the sunrise. 

In the coffee shop, I ordered two dozen donuts and three large coffees. One coffee was for me, the others will have to fight over who get the last two coffees. A few cars were in the parking lot of the school, mostly likely they belonged to the custodians that came early every morning to clean the school before us students created a grabage dump inside. There was quite the noise coming from the dance room which was right around the corner. I walked faster since I was curious which one of the members were causing such a fit. Probably Hoon and AJ since they were always cranky in the morning. 

"No you're wrong, I'm pretty sure we booked the dance room for this morning." I knew that annoying high-pitched voice.

"We have the sheet right here! Are you blind or something! Look at the schedule it says Friday mornings it's our turn to have this room." Soohyun was nearly raising his voice, he was always level-headed. I stepped inside and set the coffee donuts on the ground near the schoolbags. Himchan was trying to argue with Soohyun that it was BAP's turn for the dance studio, pfft yeah right it clearly stated on the schedule, that we both were handed by the principal himself, that it was our turn for the room. I noticed most their members hadn't shown up yet, as long as Yongguk didn't come then all was well. YoungJae and Jongup were in front of the mirrors warming up. I walked over to Kevin and nudged him.

"Are they at it again?" I asked Kevin. He shrugged his shoulders.

"When are they not at it?" Kevin and I laughed. Soohyun was still trying to reason with Himchan about the schedule but you can tell he had little to no patience left. Daehyun was next to walk into room, nodding at his fellow friends. Himchan must have seen he was the perfect person to drag into this silly fight.

"Daehyun, come over here. Can you please tell sweet little Soohyun here that it's our day." Daehyun walked over and glared at Soohyun not saying a word then went to set his stuff down near his friends. Daehyun knew it wasn't their day but dared to not say anything. 

"I know! Daehyun call that friend of yours, the girl that ran into Zelo. Maybe she can talk to these thugs since she seems to be on good terms with them." Himchan snapped his fingers as if he had thought of a way to save the world. The sentence that had just came out of his mouth seemed to have really urk me and I don't know why. I barely knew the girl. 

"Why would you call her? She barely knows us, we just met her yesterday and I doubt she knows that we have a group." I stood up and snatched the sheet of Soohyun's hand. Kevin rushed over to me and placed his hands on my shoulder to lean over. I shoved the schedule in Himchan's face.

"Can you read it now! It says it's our day so get out. Go to the gym or something. Just leave us alone." Himchan flinched a bit, stepped back and told the rest to pack up. 

"Fine whatever!" Himchan stormed out of the room, Youngjae and Jongup quickly followed but without flipping the finger at us. Daehyun was the slowest to leave, he carefully grabbed his bag and walked out the room without breaking eye contact we had made. What was his problem? Soohyun let out a sigh of relief as the rest of our members had come in for the practice, must have been worried no one wasn't going to wake up. As expected Hoon, AJ and Dongho fought over who got the last two coffees. Once everyone was set we got straight to work. 

"So..Tell...Ha.Ha..Give me a second." Kevin hunched over thinking it'd help him catch his lost of breath. Everyone was hot and sweaty, we pracitced for nearly two hours without stopping. I stripped off my t-shirt revealing my abs, and used it to wipe the sweat off my body. Don't worry of course I have a spare in my bag. 

"Wahh! Look Kiseop has been working out." Eli slapped my stomach pretty hard that it left a hand print. Everyone was laughing but me that actually killed. The first warning bell rang and we grabbed our bags and headed to our first period class. Kevin wrapped his arm around mine and fixed his hair with his free hand. Kevin was a fast at changing clothes, wasn't it a minute ago he was gasping for air. Such a skinny body, yet hidden talent. 

"So tell me, why did you get so annoyed when Himchan mentioned Yuri's name? You couldn't have fallen for her in the three seconds you saw her yesterday?" Kevin poked my arm. The girls in the hall gave use looks as we walked into the photography classroom. Keep'em stares coming. 

"What?! Are you crazy! First of all she's small, and so not my type. Second she's dangerous." I detached our arms and dropped my bag on the table. Kevin went to grab our film cameras from the cabinet and place them on the table. Dongho had made it to class before us, he was already prepping up his model for the photoshot. He picked Amber if you were wondering. 

"Dangerous? How can a girl so small, sweet and full of life like her be dangerous. Now you're talking crazy." Kevin checked to see if his camera was working before sitting down in his seat. He seemed amused at my dangerous comment. The final bell rang.

"Yes dangerous! I had a dream and she was in it. Guess what happened! Wait don't I'll tell you!" I waved my hands in front of his face to make sure he was paying attention, sometime Kevin's mind just wanders. He blinked, good sign.

"She was with Daehyun. Daehyun and the rest of BAP. It's like it was telling me she supports them saying she's a UKISS rival. Also last night when I thought of what happened to her, I brunt my hand and dropped glass on the floor. Did I mention my dinner fell also, MY DINNER!" I slumped in my chair still disappointed that I had to eat soggy cereal. The last minute students swarmed into the classroom, including Yuri. Kevin laughed and pulled himself in.

"Well watch out because your badluck charm just came into class." Kevin smiled as Yuri took her seat at the table. She greeted Kevin and me. 

"Yuri guess what did you know Kiseop, Dongho, AJ, Hoon and the rest of us are in a group called UKISS!" Kevin walked over and sat in the seat in Dongho seat so he was right beside Yuri. I knew excatly what his plan was.

"Really! That's so cool! Daehyun is in a group also. I think he told me it was DAP or CAP?" She thought for a moment as if she had forgotten the name of the group already. IT WAS BAP!

"You mean BAP? They're our rivals." Kevin rested his head in the palm of his hand and smiled. He was having fun. Yuri looked confused as to wondering why we would be rivals. So innocent so pure yet such an act. Her hair today was placed to the side but wasn't tied in any weird bun like most girls had these days. She wore a black hoodie and jeans, probably didn't have time to unpack so that was all she could find. Trust me I knew people. 

"Well Daehyun is an amazing singer! He used to sing ballad songs for me all the time." I kicked Kevin underneath the table proving my point to her supporting BAP. Kevin flinched and would have throw his shoe at me if Ms. Wu hadn't called the class attention.

"Yuri came in yesterday so she will be working alongside somone for the time being until the next project is assigned. Any volunteers?" 

"Kiseop will do it!" Shouted Uee. I shot her a look, she must have taken it as if I was saying hello because she gave a wink and air kiss in return. Ugh! 

"Perfect! Thank you Kiseop. Now class get to work." Ms. Wu went on to help students load their cameras. Kevin also got up taking a classmate outside to work as his model. So it was just Yuri and I at the table. She sat there with her almond eyes starring at me, waiting for me to say something. 

"So..Uhm..Do you know how to work a camera?" She nodded. She grabbed the camera I hand layed on the desk and put the strap around her neck. She postioned the lens at me and looked through the viewfinder at me.

"I was part of the photography club back in Korea, mostly worked with film cameras like these ones." She pressed the shutter down and took a photo of me in this horrible lighting. 

"YAH! What are you doing? You're wasting my film!" I leaned over the table and pulled the strap over her head so I could take the camera away. Our fingers brushed one another and this weird chill went down my back. She looked at my fingers and touched my right hand. It was like as if she was anazlying my hand. Fortune-teller? Voodoo? Yup evil!

"You have nice long fingers, my says people with long fingers are creative. I guess thats why you're in photography and part of a group." I quickly broke the grip she had on my hand, getting away from her touch. The compliment did make my cheeks flush a little, not a lot of people point out my slender fingers or my hands in general. Only Kevin and my mom do. She seemed hurt at the sudden action.

"Ah! Sorry you're hands were just...cold."  I forced a smile. Ms. Wu came around to our table and asked who my model was. Darn! I didn't have time to find a model. I looked around the class, everyone was taken..everyone but her. I looked across the table at Yuri whos smile by now had faded. She shook her head causing her thick hair to bounce around. 

"No No NO! I'm an awkward model! I take photographs but I will not be in the photograph." Trying to get out of it now are we? Now it was my turn to sound hurt.

"Please, everyone else is taken and I think you're perfect to be a model. Cute, beautiful skin which might I say will have great contrast, and glowing eyes." This caught her off guard. The heat rised in her face , you could practically see it happen, it was as red as tomato. She finally agreed after a few moments and the teacher handed her a change of clothes. Like as if I was going to take a pictures of her in a hoodie. She came back into the room wearing a cute knee-lenght navy dress, jeans underneath and a cardigan on top. I wonder how the teachers clothes fitted such a small and petite body. 

"Stand in front of the white screen." I commanded. I played around with the spotlights until I felt I had the shadow right. She sat on a stool, posing her body slightly to the side and tilting her head. As I looked through the viewfinder and tried to focuse on her eyes something stopped me. I put the camera down and studied her. Sitting there she seemed different to me, it was like as if a click went off inside me. Dongho made an "oooing" sound.

"Look at Kiseop all lovestruck." I brushed him off, brought the camera back up to my left eye and took the photo. Yuri fist-pumped the air and yelled. Excited much, thought she didn't want to do this in the first place. I went to grab something from the prop cabinet so it could make the photograph look more interesting. When coming back Uee stopped me. Her eyes were serious, her face set in an unpleasent smile.

"You're mine and no one can have you. Remember that!" She flipped her hair and skipped back to Dongho. Whoever said I was hers?  

The rest of the day was a blur. After I finished filming Yuri, we went seperate ways for our other periods. Again Kevin invited her for lunch but she said she made a promise with Daehyun. Why would she have lunch with someone who broke her heart? So lunch was the usual with the guys. Eli told about how some girl was hitting on him and offered a red bull inexchange for a date, Soohyun and Kevin were going over Ukiss stuff and I sat at the table poking at my lunch. I was bored which was rare , I'd always join in a conversation but today I didn't. Maybe I was sleepy that was all.

On the way home I stopped by the record store to pick up a CD I hand ordered. Who kew of all places I'd bump into her here. She was in the corner of the store where the shopkeeper placed the underground artists. She seemed to have picked up a CD that Zico had made before his debut days and brought it to the cashier to pay for it. As I was about to leave I felt someone push me. I looked around to see who it was and then looked down. There she was. 

"Kiseop! Hey! You shop here?" She clutched her newly bought CD close to her. I opened the door so I could walk out but she must have taken it as if I opened it for her. Why does everyone misinterpret my little actions? The door shut behind us with a clang and I started to walk home. I just wanted to avoid her at all cost. Yet she was following me.

"Why are you following me?" I stopped causing her to bump into me. I turned around and place my hands on my hip, she on the other hand took the time to laugh and rub her nose. I'm telling you something isn't right with her.

"I wasn't following you! I live in the same direction and for your information I find it rude when someone doesn't answer my question." Yuri crossed her arms and tapped her foot. She still needed an answer, what a demanding little girl.

"Yes I shop here, it's the only place I get my CD's from." I started to walk in the direction again, this time faster. I had longer legs so I could outdo her but she kept up the pace. 

"So what's your group called again?" Did she had short-term memory?

"Ukiss!" I turned the corner and so did she. When will she go home. I was halfway to my driveway and she still wasn't leaving. 

"Can I listen to you guys sing sometime? Kevin and Soohyun said I could." She was on my doorstep now. I searched my pockets for my keys to open the door, where were they?

"Yeah sure! Whatever. Where are my keys?" Ah! Found them. I unlocked the door and turned the knob about to go in, I looked over my shoulder to find she was rummaging through her pockets looking for something. 

"Really! I bet you're really good...oh great I still have some. Give me your hand!" I carefully placed my hand in front of her. She flipped it over so it was palm side up and clamped one of her hand on mine. She placed something in it, I could feel it. She closed my hand and smiled at me. Wrappers I guess.

"I hope we can become friends Kiseop. You're really nice, goodlooking and your hair is this cool firey red colour. So enjoy the candy." She waved at me as she ran down my drive way and into the street. I opened my hand and saw a bunch of assorted wrapped candy in it. She walked all the way to my house to hand me candy and tell me she wanted to be friends. That must have taken a lot of courage for her to say it, but it brought a smile on my face. Maybe she isn't all that bad and with that I locked the door behind me. 

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Chapter 27: Really sad that this story did not update,it was one of my faves.I want to know what happens in the end,please update.;W;
Monkeybread0609 #2
Updaye please
update soon~
@Lovely-fox I should shouldnt I c: ! Okayy
Im loveing this sooooooooooooooooo much!!!! I think you should add a some ,It will put a little spice to the story XD.
Oh no,what's going to happen next. So excited,can't wait.
weedaya #10