Taemin and You

SHINee One Shots

When you and Taemin decide to go out, it doesn't turn out well. 

"Taeminnie...but  I want to go to the movies..." You say. 

"But I want to go to the park..." he was whinnying again. You hated it when he whinnied. You could never say no to that face of his. "Pleassssseeeeee.." He was looking right at you with big eyes. There was only one thing to do. Say yes.

"Oh ok fine. We can go to the park." 

"Yeah!!" he put his arms around you and pulled you close. "And that's why I love you." He whispered in your ear. 

You turned bright red. You pulled away from him. "Come on. Lets go." You said with a smile as you walked out the door. 


The day was beautiful. It was one of the best days all year. You and Taemin walked through the park holding hands. "Look! Ice cream!" You looked at him smiling face. He was so cute! 

The rest of the day was spent eating ice cream and a few sweet kisses when no one was looking. Before you knew it, it was getting dark out. 

Both of you ended up on the top of a big hill. It was dark and the stars were out. 

"See that." said Taemin pointing up at the stars. "The only difference is that you are way brighter and far more beautiful." 

You blushed and asked. "Then what are you?" 

"The black hole that you up and never lets you go." said Taemin as he rolled on top of you. "Even your eyes are brighter then the stars." He said as he pushed his lips on yours. God he loved you. You put your arms around him. 

You stayed like that of a long time. You put your arms around his neck as he put his hands around you too pull you closer to him.

These were that times that both of you craved. To just be together. To go to the moon and back, loving each other the whole way. 


So there is Taemin and You. Hope you liked it! This was for Saori10kai who wanted a moment with Taemin! Love ya! and thanks so much for your subscribing! Hope you liked it!

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Sakura_24 #1
Chapter 6: I love taemin!!
yogurtlegs #2
Chapter 5: so uh i read the key shot in during a class.
yeah uh
trying to hold in these screams right now LMFAO
my face is like O///______________///O
and the teacher is like

e n e.....
bunny5760 #3
Chapter 6: coo coo your crazy why would they say those things to you weird
Ahh! I love SHINee! I loved all of their like chapters. I liked Minho, Jonghyun, and Key. I mostly love Onew's but Omg These were just soo good! ((:
KYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....that's all I can...scream lol. >U< KYAAA!!! *arm flailing*
strawberrylumps #6
Omg, that is soo cute :3
GlassHeartedAngel #7
AWWWW soooo cute^^ i loved it!!!
so cute!