Drabble Six

Nameless Secrets

Characters: Tao / LuHan / Kai


Petals danced above him, and below. The twirling patterns of freefalling flakes painted the black void into a nullifying whirlwind of white.

It blinded his sight; enough for him to remember who he was.

The Isolated...

He didn't know how long has been there, just as he no longer remembered his own name.

"Do I exist?" he would find himself mumbling; his words falling upon nothingness. "This feeling of loss, how much longer will I be able to bear it?"

He raises a calm hand and the petals suddenly freeze; time had stilled.

“Even if I shut my eyes, even if I stop everything; it makes no difference.”

Closing his raised hand into a fist, the flower petals start moving once more, but there was a hint of melancholy to each movement.

The Isolated; he was a being that was not a being, the one that was not allowed to speak, the one that was forbidden to approach.

He shouldered the pains; isolated to bear the solitude and loss of meanings of each precious memory.

When the Balance forgets, when the world finally crumbles, it will be his duty to be the reminder; his duty to abide the memories of what had happened, and what will happen.

“Did those days of the past, actually exist?”

He remembers a bright smile, a warm hand that ran through his hair – Baekhyun…

“Or is it all just a figure of my imagination?”

Useless words fall and echo towards a void; his voice was, and always will be, wasted and lost. No one would hear him. No one will reply.

Drawing the sword that rested at his side, the blade glinting as a reminder of who he once was, he moodily swings it; cutting air.

Two white petals rip and flutter about as four tiny pieces.

We are one…

“Lies,” he says, “Lies. Lies. Lies.”

A growl escapes his clenched teeth. “To never look into each other’s eyes, to never speak to them, to never say that I love them… This is all a lie.

“But you still tolerate it, don’t you? Tao?”

He blinks, unfazed. Twirling the sword in his hand, Tao doesn’t acknowledge the voice and simply resorts to ignoring it.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t hear me, ZiTao.”

“If you show yourself, then maybe I’ll actually greet you,” Tao mutters, the petals that floated in the vast space swirled like a whirlwind with the flick of his wrist.

“You know I can’t do that.”


“Why are you here, Kai?”

If Tao squinted, he swore he saw the outline of a lean figure just beyond the flurry of white petals.

“…LuHan says it’s time.”

A sharp pang to his chest; the blackness and everything it contained, stilled.

“…now?” Tao breathes.

No. It shouldn’t be. It doesn’t feel right.

“Now.” There was no room for argument.

“It’s too late to turn back, isn’t it?”

Kai was already gone.

But in his place, a lone butterfly stood; wings fluttering and defying the time warp. Tao watches it with a careful gaze as it makes its way towards him. The small creature gracefully dodges the numerous obstacles, and lands upon Tao’s raised finger.

“We have everything to lose, and nothing to gain.”

Letting the butterfly fly away in memory, Tao lifts his sword; letting the invisible light of the room reflect upon the blade.

“But everything depends on us.”

He breathes deeply, and with one push of his mind, the flow of time distorts to his will; allowing for the rift in the Balance to open, allowing for two moons to rise, and two suns to set.


“Have you found it?”



A sigh.

“Get off my back, Kai,” LuHan murmurs, silver globes floated in a circular motion around him.

“You told me to gather everyone, to get them ready and aware.” Kai paces just beyond LuHan and his orbs. “But you haven’t found it.

A growl of annoyance. “Shut up. Why is it that you haven’t changed at all… Still the same annoying brat--”

“Enough jokes, LuHan.” Kai interrupts, he stops his pacing and stares at The Prophet; the seer of the past, the searcher of the future.

“Everything that we’ve done. Everything that we were trained for. Everything that made us who we are… it was only for this moment; for this one chance of escape from hope and failure.”

"I know..."

LuHan’s hands still in midair as his eyes focused on a globe. He saw a lonesome figure seated on a chair in the space called the limbo, staring off into nothingness with an emotionless mask ; LuHan’s broken heart panged with grief.

“He told me to tell you something,” Kai murmurs, blending in and out of the darkness, “but you probably already know what he said.”

LuHan nods, and with a bite of his lips, he motions the image away from his line of sight.

“We have lost too much, and gained too little. We suffer, we cry; all of us are frustrated, yet still carry on because we know it's our duty. Because it's our part to play in keeping the balance."

LuHan's eyes glaze with unshed tears of longing. "Do you remember the times when pain and pollution didn't plague our worlds? When humanity yearned for our presence and cared?" The all-seeing orbs around LuHan suddenly shifts; Kai narrowly dodges a collision with his head.

"The pretense, the cries and shouts of war behind anonymous masks of felony, and the tears that are shed with sacrifice... To find the beginning, we must bid the end farewell."

"But, where is the end, when there is no beginning?"

LuHan curls his fingers into a fist, and places it over his heart. "We need to start listening, to start caring and finding our faults in being heartless. And then, maybe, we'll find it..."

Kai watches with a silent eye. "What do we do now?"

"Wait." LuHan murmurs, "it's a game of patience now, isn't it?"

The black of the room expands and grows ominous; LuHan's silver orbs loses its shine.

 "Who will be the one to say the last words? Us? Or that anonymous mask?"


Escape; to break free from confinement and control.





out of all the drabbles i've written for this series,

i'm not too satisfied with this one.

and it's the last one too.

/goes back into closet

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working on the last two stories for this... hopefully it will be posted soon :]


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ShazamJusticeLeague #1
Chapter 7: This was amazing!!!!
Chapter 7: Im happy you wrote this, im really missing Mama T_T
Chapter 7: OMO~ that was intense, and strangely, quite beautiful..
Poor Tao, slowly loosening his mind :((
Great story Q_Q
OMG. I don't even know what to say anymore...
/cries/ babies are having so much pain for the sake of the whole world ;;~~~;;
HunHan </3


/tears ; u;
Amazing. That's all I can say. <3
Wow..very deep..n..sad..i pity da boys...despite their love for each other..dey r still willing to sacrifice it for the balance of the world..sighs..
omomom..so sad..but it will bttr dis way