Mint coloured Hair

Let the Musique Guide You

(Your P.O.V)

You felt yourself bumping into someone and then falling and landing on something muscular.

'Wait, muscular...' You thought and then realised you had fallen on someone. You quickly got up and reached out your hand while saying "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going"

He took your hand and stood up. " It's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going either" He said while dusting of some dirt fromhis chlothes.

You looked at him. He was wearing a red coat that went to his knees, black jeans, black boots and black shades. 'He's quite goodlooking' You thought. But what stood out most about him was the hair. It was a strong mint colour. You also noticed that he talked with a, or atleast you assumed he was, korean accent.

You noticed that he was looking at you so looked at your watch so he wouldn't think you were staring at him and then you noticed that it was already 2:54PM.

"!" You said out loud. You noticed The mint guy,as you have decided to name him, looked at you curiously, probably wondering why you said that out loud.

"Once again, I'm sorry for bumping into you but I have to run" You said while picking up a bag you dropped before and then running to the dance studio since your shift starts in 6 minutes. 'I have a weird feeling we will meet again soon, mint guy' You thought wihle running through the door's to the studio.

(TOP's P.O.V)

I was out walking in NY looking around when I bumped into this girl, falling to the ground while she fell on me. when she notices she was lying on someone she stood up and reached out her hand while saying " I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going".

I took her hand and stood up and said " It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going either" I dusted some dirt of my coat and looked up at her. The first word's that came to my mind where pretty but a bit boyish. She wore a purple hoodie, black jeans and turquise skateshoes. But her hair stood out the most whit it's strong purple colour. 'But I shouldn't say anything. I mean, purple hair is probably normal next to mint'

She looked at her watch and suddenly said "!". I was a bit startled but also curious to why she said it.

She looked at me and said "Once again, I'm sorry for bumping into you but I have to run" she said while picking up a bag she dropped earlier before running of to wherever she was going.

I looked at the clock and noticed that I should get back to the hotel since it was already 3PM. 'Maybe we'll meet again soon, bolasaeg' I thought while walking toward's our hotel.

Hi, hope you liked the chapter. Got a little delayed because my computer decided to be a . 

Bolasaeg means purple (atleast according too google)

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Sheana21 #1
UPDAAAATE! its been one month already since the last update!
Good story btw ^^
VickyTheFrog #2
Hahaha, Vi är de fyra musketörerna! :D ''victoria doesn't drink alcohol so she's always the driver'' hell yeah!
maineteukie #3
Please update soon ! Fighting ^^