I have amnesia...?

Do You Remember...?
"WHATTT?!!! NO WAY!! I JUST GOT OUT OF JAIL AND THIS HAPPENS??!!!! CAN'T BELIEVE MY LUCK!!!!" Btw, the exclamation from Yongguk was censored because he cussed like crazy. He ran back into my hospital ward and shook my shoulders lightly and asked patiently, "Sungrin-ah... Are you sure you can only remember Joonhong, not Jongup?" My brother awaited my response, which was a simply nod, and then started having a anger spasm. Wow. I thought brother when for anger-management councilling... They didn't help him? Just on cue, contrary to my thoughts, my brother calmed himself down and said, "Do you know that you have Post-traumatic amnesia? It was caused when that stupid of a 'boyfriend' pushed you down a flight of stairs during an argument when you found out that he was cheating on you. That son of a Joonhong..." "Oppa!!" I interrupted him just when he was about to continue cussing, "Don't say that about Joonhong!! I don't believe he cheated on me. He promised never to stop loving me. Plus today is our third anniversary don't ruin it for us!!" I pouted. "Huh?? What do you mean 'third anniversary'? Wasn't that like 3 years ago?" Oh man, she doesn't even know what this year is? "Sungrin, how old are you?" "Oppa!! You can't even remember my birthday? I am 15 silly!!" When my brother heard that, his eyes widened to the size of football fishballs from Old Chang Kee (a famous fried food company) and rush to the doctor and pulled him into the ward. When the door slammed open and brother returned with Doctor, he pointed to me and commanded to Doctor, "Explain her situation to her yourself!!" Despite getting yelled at, Doctor remained composed and smiled sweetly at Yongguk, "Dont worry honey, you are too protective of your little sister. Let her learn to be independent." "What do you mean I am protective! I am trying to show concern plus she has been independent for almost a decade already! Plus I am not your honey!!!!!!!!" brother yelled. "Big brother, don't scream. We are in the hospital. You would disturb the other patients..." I gave him my googly eyes and opened my big doe eyes, the ones I do when trying to calm oppa down or when I want him to buy me something. Works miracles, tried, tested and approved. Immediately, Yongguk calmed down and blinked, like he was hypnotized or something, and nodded apologically and apologised to the other patients who seemed too tired to respond. "Sorry guys!! Didn't mean to do it. It's just that this stupid Doct--" "OPPA!" "ok. Sorry." "Sungrin... It seems like you have Retrograde amnesia. It is the loss of pre-existing memories to conscious recollection, beyond an ordinary degree of forgetfulness. This type of amnesia first targets the patient's most recent memories. The amount of memories lost depends on the severity of the case. The person may be able to memorize new things that occur after the onset of amnesia (unlike in anterograde amnesia), but is unable to recall some or all of their life or identity prior to the onset. The effects of retrograde amnesia (RA) occurs on fact memory to a lower degree than it occurs on autobiographical memory, which can be affected over the whole lifespan of the patient by RA. Blah blah blah...." (btw, I am not an intellectual and this was copied from wikipedia, if you were wondering how I got so smart. Heh!) __________________________________________________________ Hi again guys!! Soo sorry I didn't update of ages. -bows onto the ground- I just finished all my mid year examinations and today was the last examination which is my higher art theory (SOVA) paper. My hand hurt so bad afterwards and I was cramming (because I am getting old. Nah. I am not old in case if you are wondering. I am even younger than Jongup. SO I AM NOT A PEDONOONA!! 3 years to be exact. But no one should know bcos there might be some sandwiched in between chapters and btw, I am not as innocent as you think I am. Even if you don't think I am innocent, that's good cos I am one of the most dirty-minded erted people on my school. MWAHAHAHAHAH) Anyways, stay tuned as I might be continuing this at night at like 3 am in the morning. Don't forget to subscribe and. Comment!! Yours faithfully, Rachy!! (WooJinYoo)
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please update soon!!! <3
yofunkeemonkEY #2
yofunkeemonkEY #3
Update or I will spam this page almost everyday!! update update
Jello was a meanie >\\\<
PLEASE UPDATE~ the story line is unique xD I like it :3
yofunkeemonkEY #6