
Lucky 7




It is weird how the number 7 has played such a huge part in both Jiyong and my life. We often hear others say that we all have lucky numbers. It’s funny how we always laughed it off when friends or family say stuff like that, but I believe it now, especially after everything that has happened up to this point in my life.

We’ve been together for 7 years to the date, when he proposed and we became engaged. We, along with all that knew try to not let the news of our engagement slip to the outside, but 7 weeks later, it broke on all major media outlets. We were planning to let people know just not so soon. But there was nothing we could do about it now. After weeks, which turn to months, we finally figured out all the fine details of our wedding, without a date in mind. Like we had both agreed on earlier, we were in no rush. I could care less if we were engaged for years, as long as I was with him and he with me. I was completely content. But Jiyong wasn’t going to have any of that nonsense, as he said. But with Big Bang’s schedule there wasn’t much we could do but wait. Everything was done; we just had to send out the hundreds of inventions sitting on one of our tables with the exact date on it. I could tell he worked hard in trying to get their schedule to work out so that we could get married within the upcoming year.

Exactly 7 months after news broke about us, we held our wedding, which just happened to be July 7. 7/7, I mean really, we didn’t plan at all to have it on this day, it just so happen that Big Bang’s schedule left that week as well as the week after that open. Jiyong of course jumped on it and made sure his managers knew not to schedule anything at all for those 2 weeks. He was determined to wed when he found out the open slot in his schedule. And so we did. I officially became Mrs. Kwon. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

With him being so busy after we got back from our honeymoon, with schedule here and schedules there. Cross-country, cross-continents, cross seas/oceans, our parents as well as friends were shocked when we told them the fantastic news.

Just like marriage, he and I both talked about it, but neither of us planned on it to happen so soon. We were thinking along the lines of a few years down the road. But 7 months after our wedding, I found out I was pregnant. It was totally unexpected. I was still on the pill even after we wed, but I was now pregnant? Then it got me thinking, when we went to Japan for a concert about 2 months back, I had forgotten to pack my pills, but thought it was just 3 days. Even if we made love, I’d been on the pill for years; I couldn’t possibly get pregnant overnight by just missing 3 days. I mean we weren’t bunnies/rabbits; we made love once while in Japan. And that one time when I didn’t take the pill lead to me one morning with a positive pregnancy test in hand. Our baby, he or she was conceived while in Japan. And the check up with my doctor just confirmed that; because I was 2 months along.

Telling Jiyong that I was pregnant and that we were to be parents was so difficult for me. I knew he was busy with his career and we both agreed to wait. I didn’t know what his reaction would be. I was excited and I hoped that he would be too. I kept it to myself for 2 days before I told him. I still remembered his tired self walking into the bedroom and laying down on the bed, closing his eyes.

“Honey, I have something I need to tell you,” I said as I sat down beside him.

“What is it baby?”

“I know you’re so busy right now and I know how your schedule is so tight and that we both agreed we’d wait, but…”

He sat up and looked at me, “What are you trying to tell me? Do you want to go on a mini-vacation? I know I could sure use one.”

“No I don’t need a vacation. I…”

“You want me to spend more time at home so we can be together?”

“No. I mean yes, but we’ve been like this for years. It’s not like I married you and didn’t know this side of you. I know how passionate you are in your work.”

“Then what is it, baby. Just spill.”

“Jiyong, I’m…” I started but then stopped.

“I’m listening baby,”

“I’m pregnant,” I said out loud after saying it numerous times in my head.

I looked at him and he looked at me. I knew by the look on his face he was processing the information. Then slowly but surely his lips began to grin as he smiled at me from ear to ear. With one leap he had engulfed me in his arms, hugging so tight I really thought I wasn’t going to be able to breathe.

“Do you know how happy I am right now?” he said as he still held on to me. “Even after this long day, tired as I may be. I no longer am.”

“We are going to be parents,” I said into his shoulder.


I could tell as I lay in the hospital bed gripping the sidebars and his hand that if he could he would take all the pain away. The word epidural came out of his mouth so many times. But if mothers all around the world including both our own could give birth to us without any medicine, than I was going to have her as naturally as I could.

September 7th at 7: 07pm, 18 hours after my contractions started, out came our little bundle of joy weighing in at 7llbs and 3 oz. The moment I heard her cry for the first time I too was so overwhelmed that I cried right along with her. Jiyong immediately cut her cord and then came over to me, planted a kiss on my lips and whispered, “I love you so much,” as he looked at me and then to our baby girl, as the nurses wiped her down and wrapped her up. Seeing him hold her and look at her only brought more tears to my eyes. No words could even begin to describe the picture I was witnessing at this very moment.

Coming up with a name was hard at first, but after careful consideration we both finally agreed. Just like all parents out there, it wasn’t easy but we wanted her name to mean something to the both of us. With everything that has happened with us around the number 7 we both only felt fitted that we name her Lucky Seven Kwon. She was our little golden nugget. She was the creation we both made out of our love for each other.

Who knows how many more surprises will come our way in the years to come, but as of today and now right here in this moment, I am completely satisfied. 8 years ago, if I was asked where I’d be in 10 years, I would of probably answered along the lines of in being teacher or a special needs educator. But being married, and having a baby, definitely never crossed my mind back then. After everything that he and I have been through, my life with Jiyong has just truly begun. 



The End.



A/N: Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate it. Stay tune for more/better stories from me in the near future.

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 4: That was really good. Thanks for sharing.
Chapter 4: So cute! <3
I want to marry JiYong! TT-TT
CB_Zinger #3
Cuuute :3
so sweeeetttt >< this is so lovely lol :)
I love it!! It's soooo sweet!!!
Oh My. I really love it. Jiyong was so sweet and the way he asked her to marry him, was just the cutest thing xD Update soon! :)