Chapter 3

Lucky 7




I immediately bolted from the chair and up into his arms. Wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist I just cried more happy tears into his shoulder as he held onto me.

“I love you baby,” he said over and over kissing the side of my head.

I was literally crying so hard that I couldn’t even speak. I could only nod my head to respond back to him that I knew he loved me.

When I was able to lift my head off his shoulders I looked at him, tears still streaming down my face and said, “ I love you too.”

Our lips meet with so much passion that we could of bitten each other lips or tongues off if we weren’t careful. Only breaking apart after our lunges cried for oxygen.

He gently placed me down on my own two feet as he stepped away from me into the dark corner of the room. I watched as he retreated a huge bouquet of red roses.

“84. A dozen for each year you’ve been with me and put up with all my crap.”

“Jiyong,” I said as he place a kiss on my lips and handed me the ever-huge bouquet.

I leaned my face into them and inhaled their ever so sweet scent. When I lifted my head back up Jiyong wasn’t standing in front of me anymore. He was on one knee kneeling.

“JIYONG!” I gasped. “What are you doing?”

My heart was racing once again at the speed of light. I was having trouble breathing. My face was stained with tears. My eyes were blurred because I couldn’t stop the crying. My lips were quivering at to what just happened. And my legs felt like silly putty, ready to give way.

Still kneeling he grabbed the bouquet out of my hands and placed it on the floor next to him. He then grabbed my right hand with his right as he pulled the box out of his pants with his left.

“Baby. 7 years we’ve been together. 7 years I’ve spent loving someone who meant more to me than anything else in the world. I’d don’t think I’ve ever been this happy with anything in my life. You made me, me if that makes any sense. I feel at ease with you. I don’t have to lie or cover up the real me. I’m real when I’m with you. Everyday that I’m able to wake up next to you brings me great happiness that I can even explain or describe. And I want to continue to have the feeling for the rest of my life. I happy already beyond comprehension, but would you make me even more so by becoming my wife, the mother of my children, the light at the end of my tunnel. Baby, will you marry me?”

Of course at this point I was already balling my eyes out, snot dripping down and out of my nose. My hands were shaking even though he was holding them.

I knew Jiyong was the one for me, but realistically speaking I didn’t think it would happen so soon. I mean look at Han-Byul and Dong-wook, they’ve been together for like what, 15 years. Jiyong and I have only been together for 7. I know I really should not compare relationships, but they’re basically in the same business. Each day that we were together made me more than happy enough.

Marriage, of course is one of many dreams every girls dreams about, including me. But I was not just dating someone who led a normal life like me; I was dating Kwon Jiyong of Big Bang. I mean we talked about marriage at times, but it never cross my mind that he would actually ask now. I was only 25 and he 26. I was thinking more along the lines of our mid 30’s, if we even made it that far together.

But here I am standing looking down at him on one knee with ring in hand in his studio on the day off our 7th anniversary.


It took him calling me again to snap me back from my thoughts.

“Yes,” I said.


“Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you,” I said loud enough for him to hear.

I watched as he quickly pulled the ring out of its box and slip it on to my left hand ring finger. He got up from and I quickly pulled him in, wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

Still crying of course I pulled away and tried to stop myself all the while wiping away all the snot coming out of my nose.

Jiyong pulled my hand over to his couch and we just sat while embracing each other. I lay on his chest listening to his heartbeat as he ran his hand up and down my arm.

“Jiyong-ah,” I called.


“We’re engaged,” I said looking at my ring.

“Yes, we are,” he said as he placed a kiss on the crown of my head.

I snuggled into him some more he and I just both looked at the ring on my finger.

“Is this a secret or can I tell my sister?” I asked.

“You can tell her, but she already knows,” he said.


“Both our families knows, baby. I told them all already,” he said looking at me. “I had to ask your parents and sister for their permission to have your hand.”

“I saw her yesterday for lunch, and she didn’t even look like she was holding onto this secret. My sister is so easy to read. She must have been dying yesterday.”

“She was. She called me to tell me that she almost let it slip,” he said.

“She did. I didn’t catch on,” I said.

“I’m glad that you didn’t,” he said.

“Jiyong, what about the others?”


“Your boss, your members, the YG family, your fans?”

“Boss knows and so does the members. The rest not a clue, but I can’t wait for us to go in together and tell them. As for the fans, they understood our relationship; they’ll understand about our engagement and our marriage,”

“We don’t have to get married right away,” I said looking up at him.

“I know. We’ll take our time and get things in order. I want to give you your dream wedding. No matter how long it takes for us to get there. I’m happy that you’ll your by my side.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.”




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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 4: That was really good. Thanks for sharing.
Chapter 4: So cute! <3
I want to marry JiYong! TT-TT
CB_Zinger #3
Cuuute :3
so sweeeetttt >< this is so lovely lol :)
I love it!! It's soooo sweet!!!
Oh My. I really love it. Jiyong was so sweet and the way he asked her to marry him, was just the cutest thing xD Update soon! :)