So Fine

Set them gay!

I've decided to make my BL-dreams come true! There is one problem thought.. They are both straight! It seemed like the perfect oppotunity and all, but.. if they are straight I cant change that.. or can I? They way I see it they could be gay, but.. just dont realized it yet? Its worth a shot! Kekeke...

I said that.. but fisrt I have to do some reserch. I mean, If both are 100% straight they may see though it, so I have to look if theres a chance before going at it. And besides, if there really isnt any way for them to be a couple I would've wasted my good grades for nothing. Okay, so lets first see what the chances are. Hmm, I think I'll do it in three steps.


Step one~~

 Lets begin. Firstly I have to watch them together. I mean, maybe that time in class was only a one-time thing? I have to make sure. And to that I will watch them today at school plus Saturday. After that I will see if I can continue. Fortunately its friday today which means, doubleday of stalking haha! I dont really have any experience with stalking but I've watched enough movies to know about how to do it.

I wanna see them both in and out of school, because maybe, they change how they act at different places? Casue since that time in class I havent seen them doing something like that again. Okay, so lets watch them today!

I didnt have any classes with them at all before lunch, but I did my homework and knew that I would see them in two classes after lunch. And most importantly, I could spy on them eating lunch!

oh, did I sound like a there? Its just my BL nervs, Im sorry. But seriously, everything thats got to do with BL is so cute! even eating lunch. They ate together with two other friends, I only vaguely recognize as CNU and Jungwha. But enough about them, let me give you a little update about Jinchan! Btw, my nicename for them is cute, right?

kk, anyways. They were all eating together, talking and all four of them were sharing and tasting eachothers food. Hmm but "just friends" could do that too, just like the other two was sharing their food with them. Kkk, but then Gongchan sneakly took the last meat for Jinyoungs lunch. He even dared to do a merong pose. Jinchan pouted and then it looked that he would attack the boy, maybe another tickling-attack, when the bells started. Stupid school bells.

Jinyoung forgot a book at home and Gongchan offered to share, as a compensation for the meat maybe? Anyways, they had to sit really close together so be able to read it at the same time. It was cute but they did look a little uncomfortable. Especially Gongchan. He kept turning to the side and as fast as Jinchan got a little closer to be able to read properly he slighty moved away. Jinchan didnt seem to notice but I did. And it worried me a little. Maybe he didnt want to be so close after all?

The last lesson was PE. Gongchan and Jinyoung wasnt in the same team, but they seemed okay with it and played the football game anyways. Well, at least until Gongchan stumbeled and suddently fell to the floor. I know this sound like a real BL-story now, which I have to say, it isnt. Its a bit unfortunately but at the same time thats what makes it more fun. Its.. unpredictable.

So when he fell Jinchan didnt come rushing forward to carry him princess-style to the nurse. Instead Gongchan got a helping hand from another friend and went limping towards the side and watched the rest of the game from there. Jinyoung hadnt seen the fall, but that was a good thing since I cant really say that it was a gracious fall. He fell head first and although it seemed really funny he did a cute pose to laugh it off and it didnt escalate to a big nightmare laugh from the whole class.

Jinyoung didnt come up to him until the game ended, but afterwards he at least helped gongchan carry his bad and so. But Gongchan looked a little of. Maybe he had been more hurt than what Ive thought? Either by pride or physically.


I dont know yet how this will go, but from what ive seen theres about a 50% my plan will sucseed. I have no make my desition, but not before whating them tmorrow. kkekeke.

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cookiebestfriend #1
Chapter 5: Update soon? Love the fic!!
Chapter 5: OMG! its end is so _______ed Jinchan especially chapter 5 actulize hope someday, ejemm ~ ~ ~ ~ I lemmon Jinchan * ¬ *