Set them gay!

I really love Boys Love. It's so cute! I mean, I'm not really into the hardcore stuff, but I really like the fluff. But I'm bored. The exiting about reading BL isn't as exiting anymore. I havent really got tired of it but it feels like I've read it all. But that's O.K. Cause I have a plan~


The day before in School~~

"Sarah, I'm boooored~" I texted my friend in Sweden.

"Why?"she answered.

"I don't know. BL isn't as interesting as it was when I started TT_TT"

"You're kidding?? :O"

"No, I mean I like it, but I've already read the stories and now it just feels like they just repeat themselves :'("

"But write an own?"

"You know I can't. My mom took my computer away when she found out why I was reading (thank god I have an iPhone) but I can't write that on it :("

"hmm... Go find BL in the real world then, hahahha xD"

"haha, I wish xD aish, I have to go, my teacher is comming bye!"

I put my mobile in my pocket and pretend I'm listening to my teacher as the lesson begin. In front of me two of my classmates are joking around. Lucky for them the teacher hasn't noticed it yet. They are sitting right next to eachother and one is poking the others side. The poker is Gongchan. The one to be poked is Jiyoung, who responds with tickling Gongchans arm to make him stop. They seem so close.

As jinyoung tickles Gongchans arm he suddently shrugs. Jiyoung, after seeing the shrug, takes his sweater of and puts it on Gongchan who smiles apologetic as, omg is he blushing??! Gongchan turns to the teacher but I know he was slightly blushing! Jiyoung just ruffles Gongchans hair lightly as he smiles warmly. How warmly are you supposed to smile to a friend?

Maybe ive just read to many BL stories, I think to myself and shake my head. But then an idea starts forming in my head... What if I really can do what my friend said and find real BL? I smirked.

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cookiebestfriend #1
Chapter 5: Update soon? Love the fic!!
Chapter 5: OMG! its end is so _______ed Jinchan especially chapter 5 actulize hope someday, ejemm ~ ~ ~ ~ I lemmon Jinchan * ¬ *