Chapter 6

An Abyss of Passion






Taeyeon was now in front of his mansion. He heaved a sigh, as he was now preparing himself for what was coming. He opened the doors saw that it was rather empty, so he went upstairs and walked to his room.


As soon as he opened the door, he saw a maid that took care of him when he was young.

"Oh, I'm sorry young master. I was just fixing your things" She said as she bowed once she noticed Taeyeon entering the room.

"Don't worry about it. If you want, just leave it there and I'll finish up the rest later" he said as he showed a sincere smile to her.

He grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket, and started dabbing his face with it, to wipe away any unnecessary sweat.

"How come now you're talking so formally to me, when you never used to do that before?"

She looked at him and smiled.

"Well, that's because you were just a child before, and now you are different."

He looked at her confused.

"But I'm the same as always"

"Well to me you're not. It seems that you have changed a lot, and become someone different."

"Why do say that?" he asked.

"Well, before, even if you were just a kid, you were more simple ....... And now look at you, so elegant with those city clothes, that here in this village, we never get used to ....  I can even assure you, that you don't even remember why your mother took you far away."

Taeyeon was still confused, and thought for a bit.

" ....... Well, it was so that I may be able to study in a better place" he said.

" *sigh* ....  They took you away, because you were inseparable from little Tiffany. You see how you've changed? You even forgot that" she said.

"No ma'am, there are things you never forget. You just stop thinking about them, so that they'll hurt less" he said as he remembered all the things that happened during those 12 years.

"Well then, excuse me young master" she said as she bowed to him and left.

Taeyeon was left there to reminisce the past. He remembered everything from childhood, including the people living in the village.

" ..... Little Tiffany ...." he said.




 Night: Still at Kim Residence

*knock knock*

"Come in" Taeyeon said.

The doorknob was turned and in came a tall, well-built man.

"Hey Taeyeon, how are you?" he asked.

"Umm ...  Hi" Taeyeon responded, not sure whom he was talking to.

"You don't know who I am, right?"

"Umm .. no, not really"

"It's me, Sooyoung, son of Mr. and Mrs. Choi"

Taeyeon was left to think really hard, trying to remember who he was.

"Ah, yes ... now I remember ~ I'm sorry, but it's just that, it has been so long since I left the village and since you and I were never really close ... "

"Yeah, you're right. Besides, I wasn't even here when you left, I was on vacation in Japan. But when I returned, my mom told me that you had ran away with Tiffany"

" Haha, yeah, those were just dump things that we do when we're kids."

"Well yeah, but you have to see how gorgeous she became. To bad she has a bad image around the villagers, ever since her mother left"

This made Taeyeon look at Sooyoung intently. He never knew that Tiffany had a bad reputation in the village. He wanted to know what happened. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you don't know? Well, it seems like she was labeled a after the whole entire village heard about her mother eloping with your father. She has had a hard time around here. Not many people treat her well, but there are still a few who consider her feelings and ignore the rumors."

"... Do you know who started this?"

"I'm not sure who started it all, but it had suddenly started spreading around a few weeks after you left. Why do you ask?"

"No, nothing, just wondering."

"Ok then, I just came by to say 'hi', and see how you were doing. I'll take my leave now, bye"



Taeyeon was left pondering about the earlier conversation he had with Sooyoung, and think about what could have happened after he left.




Taeyeon soon made his way into the living room, only to find his mother sitting on the sofa, reading a book, never noticing his presence.

He walked up behind her, and covered her eyes with the palm of his hands. "Guess who?"

".... Taeyeon?" she responded

He slowly removed his hands, only to reveal his self to his mother.

"Hello mother, how have you been?"

"When did you get here? How come I haven't seen you?" she said as she pulled him in for a hug.

"I got here last night, but I wasn't able to stay inside the house much. I had to go around the village to see how it looked, and even try to have a few chats with my uncle" he responded as they released the hug.

"How did you get here?"

"I took the bus"

"What!? Why? You could have just rented a car"

"I know, and I even thought about it, but then decided not to. I would have loved to arrive in a horse, but they don't rent them. It's been a long time since I haven't rode one, and I still have the desire to ride one"

"About that ... we need to talk" she said, as she turned to the side.

"I also have many things I want to talk to you mother" he responded with a serious tone.

"Yes, but let's leave all of that for tomorrow. I still haven't recovered from the impression that you suddenly appeared out of nowhere. And you know how strong emotions affect me." she said, as she tried to avoid the situation, feeling a tense atmosphere forming in the room.

"You still have problems with depression?" he asked worriedly

"No one will ever recover from that my dear. There are days when I feel great, but others in which I honestly feel awful"

He felt depressed knowing that his mother had still not recovered from the loss of his father. He pulled her in for another hug, trying to sooth away her pain, and soon let go as he stared at her with sincere eyes.

"It was great seeing you mother"

"Same here ... though I am still against the fact that you had appeared out of nowhere without telling me first. But anyway, I'm glad that you're finally here" she said.

"Yes mother" he smiled at her.

"Well .. have a good night son, I hope you rest well" she said again, as she kissed his cheek in a motherly way, before disappearing in the halls, leaving Taeyeon alone in the living room.

After a few minutes, Taeyeon also decided to head towards his room, and await for the next day that was to come.








Hello my dear readers, I am deeply sorry for not updating this story lately

I know I have been neglecting it, and have not updated since, like June (I think). I know I am waaaayyyy overdue, but please cope with me, and just bare with the late updating. It's getting a bit complicated for me to manage my time and write my stories.

If any of you would like to read my other story, here is the link to it:  Equation of Love


Anyway, I appreciate you all for reading this, and taking in your time to look at this story

Thank you



Bye-bye  _(^-^)/

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Sbiedjmfkfkfmrkkeoe #1
I wonder why you stop writting such as beautiful story :( I hope you can continue it....
is it gender bender?im confused...
deeculary #3
i want taeny to hav their closeness back like when they were still a kid :( LOLS fany is cute! trying to gt away from tae HAHAHAS
HAHAHA, Can't stop laughing at chap. 1 the last part the GIF thingy ahahhahah..
erik190 #6
what!!!???? So confusing! update soon!!
kpoprambler #7
dis is interesting and cute too.. i wonder why taeyeon pushed tiffany away.. haiz.. update soon plss...
erik190 #8
waaa so cute!!! sounds interesting!!! update soon!!!!please
Taehyun #9
Sounds interesting!
Update soon!
EMT0304 #10
Taeyeon's fiance from SNSD too? If not Jessica or Sunny. ^^
But I want TaeNy...........