The 5 Stars in the Sky

Gunshots of Love

Listen to (Taeyeon – Can You Hear Me):

I didn’t see Jonghyun or anyone from SHINee throughout the whole weekend. And when I came back to school I found myself being more awkward than ever around Jonghyun. He’d tried saying hi to me a couple of times during passing period but all I’d do was grin and quickly walk away. Even the thought of me possibly falling in love with him scared me to death. I was in complete denial about the way I felt about him. So I ended up avoiding him for the most part. On the outside I knew that it was the right thing to do to prevent myself from getting hurt again but in the inside I desperately yearned for him. Going a week without even seeing his laugh or smile was complete torture deep down. And it was pretty hard, too, considering I sat next to him in most classes. But I gave him the cold shoulder, and soon he stopped trying to talk to me. It hurt inside to know that he was possibly giving up. But it was for the best. I could get to Kim Jaejoong another way. I didn’t want to hurt Jonghyun in the process.

                But my little routine of brushing off Jonghyun and avoiding him backfired a week later. I was riding my skateboard home after school again, and I passed by Jonghyun walking home with Se Kyung. His hands were in his pockets, while Se Kyung’s hand was dangling down by her side. They weren’t talking, and Jonghyun was just staring off into space. Se Kyung saw me riding towards her so she leaned in and gave Jonghyun a quick peck on the cheek.

                I know I’d seen them make out before. I know that before I came they were madly in love. And they probably still were, for all I knew. But this one little kiss on the cheek sent my heart shattering for some reason. And I didn’t want to just stand there and watch, so I pushed harder on my skateboard, passing him without even a glance, and headed around the corner.

                I was just riding along, trying to shake off the thoughts of Jonghyun out of my head, when all of a sudden I hear my voice being called.

                “LEE ______!”

                I jumped off of my skateboard and kicked it up, turning around. There he was, Kim Jonghyun himself, standing a few yards away from me. He was panting a bit, like he’d been running.

                I was going to just get on my skateboard and leave him, to avoid any talks, but Jonghyun’s words stopped me.

                “Don’t you dare run away from me ______,” Jonghyun snapped. He marched up to me and forcefully grabbed my arm, turning me around to face him. “Can we talk?” he asked desperately.

                “What is there to talk about?” I asked.

                “Don’t start ing around with me ______,” Jonghyun said, all out serious. “Why are you ignoring me?”

                “I’m not ignoring you,” I stated.

                But Jonghyun saw right through my lie. “______, do you know how much you’re frustrating me right now?”

                “I’m sorry…,” I said. “It’s complicated.”

                “What’s complicated? Your feelings for me or what?” Jonghyun asked.

                “Well how am I supposed to figure out my feelings when you’re always with Se Kyung, Jonghyun? How am I supposed to know if you’re telling the truth when you’re still dating Se Kyung?” My eyes pierced right through his. “If you really meant what you said…why are you still with her?”

                I knew I’d made a big impact on Jonghyun because his eyes shifted feelings. What I’d just said...was undeniably true.

                Jonghyun turned away. “It’s complicated,” he said.

                I sighed. “Exactly.”

                Jonghyun’s phone started to beep and he answered it. “Hello? Yeah, she’s with me, why? The Micky? Now? Aight. Be right there.” Jonghyun looked at me and said, “Key just called. He says he has something to announce to the both of us.”

                Oh great what was he planning now? But all I did was nod as I followed Jonghyun to his car, which was parked down the street.

Listen to (Infinite – Can You Smile):

                The car ride was quiet, and extremely awkward. But none of us said anything.

                Upon arriving at the Micky, Jonghyun and I headed inside to find SHINee and Se Kyung sitting down on one of the velvet chairs. As Jonghyun and I walked past her to sit down, she glared at the both of us. This couldn’t be good.

                “So,” Key started, “G-dragon just called. He’s having a party tonight. And he’s inviting all of us.”

                Taemin’s eyes widened. “All of us? As in SHINee, Se Kyung, and ______?”

                “Yes. But GD described ______ as more of ‘the who’s always with Jonghyun and ruins every single plan he puts out’.” Key smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. “So anyways, the grand ball that he’s holding at his mansion is tonight. Other people from our gang chains are also coming. We need to look spiffy tonight.”

                Se Kyung suddenly got up and wrapped her arm around Jonghyun’s. “Oppa, I’m your date, right?”

                I looked away, and I could feel Jonghyun taking a short glance at me before saying, “Of course, Se Kyung. Like always.”

                I felt my heart break, but I chose to ignore it. Like always.

                “Then ______’s going with me.”
                Wait. Who the just said that?

                Everyone had their eyes turned to Key who had, undeniably, said what he’d just said.

                “W-What?” Jonghyun asked. Se Kyung tightened her grip on his arm.

                “Well, since no one else is going to be her date. I might as well,” Key said.

                “Wait, but what about Nicole? Isn’t she going to be there?” Minho asked.

                Key glared at him and said, “What have I told you about saying her name out loud?”

                “But bro, seriously, I thought that you’d never get over her,” Minho replied.

                “What do you mean?”

                “Ugh, forget about it. You’re hopelessly clueless.” Minho sat back down on the couch.

                “So I guess it’s settled then,” Se Kyung said smoothly. “C’mon Jjong, I want to pick out a new dress.”

                Se Kyung pulled Jonghyun out of the Micky and he turned back to look at me but Se Kyung pulled him back towards her. Key went over to me and said, “Don’t tell me you’re falling for him.”

                “Psh, no…,” I scoffed.

                “Riighht,” Key said sarcastically. “Sorry to burst your bubble , but you’re gonna be going to the ball with me.”

                “Why did you want me to be your date anyway?” I asked.

                “Because I thought that a desperate girl like you would be ecstatic to be going to a fancy gangster party with me, the almighty Key.” Key looked at me from top to bottom. “Consider yourself lucky.”

                “Well consider yourself freaking stupid.” I flicked his forehead.

                “OWW!” Key cried.

                “Shut up,” I mumbled. “You deserve it.”

                “Yah, you wouldn’t have stood a chance with Se Kyung anyways,” Key said.

                I looked down. “That’s…probably true…”

                Key blinked. “Y-Yah…you’re not…you’re not crying a-are you?”

                I glared at him. “NO! What the , do I look like the type of girl who’d cry over a guy?!”

                “W-Well…no…but you never know.” Key shrugged.

                He was, partly right. But I didn’t have time to think about that right now. Because Key was urging me to go to some boutiques with him to get ready for the ball. So I bid goodbye to the other SHINee members and followed Key to his car.

                He drove for me to do my hair, and to another boutique for me to do my makeup. Then we went over to a seemingly expensive dress shop.

                “Okay, here’s the thing with Se Kyung. She turns everything into a competition. Therefore, you’re going to need to beat her out on looks this time,” Key explained as he led me inside the dress shop. “Odds are, being the person she is, she’s going to choose something red, her signature color. And something very, very, very short.”

                My eyes widened. “Where are you going with this?”

                Key smirked. “We’re fighting fire with fire, of course. Since she’s already wearing red, we’ll fight with the next hottest color in the fashion world: black. Sleek, y, like a snake. Not a huge rotting pore like her.” Key’s eyes scanned the racks of dresses, on full concentration.

                Suddenly, his eyes lit up and a mischievous grin spread across his face. “This one. Definitely.”

                He held up the dress.

Your dress:

            I held up two fingers. “2 words: HELL. NO.”

                “Awww! Come on! At least try it on,” Key urged.

                “I said NO.”

                “If you don’t try it on than I will kiss you,” Key said.

                My eyes widened. “B-BWOH?”

                “Exactly. Now go try it on, .” Key smiled.

                I hesitantly walked over and snatched the dress from Key’s hands. That douche. I hate him.

                So when I stepped out of the changing room I felt Key’s eyes roam my body. Then he started smiling and nodding up and down. “This one. Definitely. It’s a must!”

                “But I can barely move and what if I need to bend down to bow?” I asked.

                “So? Just wear spandex under it or something, I don’t know. But we’re getting this dress. No exceptions,” Key declared.

                I made an effort to protest but then decided not to bother. Key would win either way. He was unstoppable.

                So that night, Key picked me up at my real house. Not at one of those apartments that I lead Jonghyun to. I guess this was the good thing about hanging out with Key. He knew my secret, so I didn’t even have to hide anything. It made being natural so much easier.

                Key was wearing a tuxedo and I gotta admit, he looked damn good. That’s as far as I’ll go to complementing him.

                “Whoa, I did a good job,” Key said as he opened the door for me.

                “You’re so modest,” I said sarcastically.

                “Behave tonight,” Key warned. “We’ll find out the truth tonight, I promise.”

                I stared out the window as Key started the engine up. “I hope you’re right.”

Listen to (DBSK – Keep Your Head Down):

                I came to find that GD’s party was very exclusive and secretive. His mansion took a 45 minute drive led by Key and there’d been a special code on the invitation that was needed to be said in order to get passed the front gates. Things being this way, I’d half expected to come to the party with just SHINee, Se Kyung, and me. But after getting through the front doors of the mansion, I’d realized how packed the place was. Tons of people were at the party, dressed in fancy dresses and tuxedos, holding glasses of wine and champagne.

                “We’re here,” Key said. “Are you ready for this?”

                I swallowed hard and nodded. “Better than ever.”

                “Good. Now just follow my lead, alright?” Key whispered in my ear.

                I nodded. “Okay.”

                Key held out his arm and I hesitantly took it, leaning in close to him. The two of us walked over to whom was supposed to be G-Dragon. He had platinum blonde hair, was smiling really big, and had a girl beside him.

                A girl who also had blonde hair.

                My mind flashed back to the warehouse and how I’d found a long strand of blonde hair just lying in between the cracks of the wooden floors. Could it be?

                “Kwon Jiyong,” Key said.

                G-dragon turned around and faced us, a smirk coming across his face. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Kim Kibum. Where’s Yoochun? Thought I’d invited him.”

                I noticed that they called each other by their real names.

                “Dad’s not coming,” Key said. “Said he doesn’t want to see your face.”

                “Aw, and why is that?” GD asked in fake empathy.

                “Don’t know. He didn’t say,” Key sharply replied.

                “Hm. I see.” GD turned to the blonde girl next to him. “Well guys, this is CL. My girlfriend.”

                She waved, her long red fingernails wiggling back and forth.

                Key rolled his eyes and said, “Have you seen Jonghyun?”

                “Yeah. With Se Kyung right?” GD asked.


                Speaking of them, I spotted the couple out from the corner of my eye, arms linked of course. They approached us and I clung tighter onto Key’s arm. I saw the rest of SHINee with their dates behind them.

                Key was right of course. About Se Kyung’s dress. It was super short, and RED.

Se Kyung’s dress:

            Jonghyun was wearing a tuxedo and his brown hair was styled normally. Like he hadn’t even put that much effort into it. He and I met eyes and his eyes widened at how I looked tonight. Then he eyed from Key to me, and then to our linked arms. And for a moment, it got very awkward between us.

                He cleared his throat and said, “Nice party, G-dragon.”

                GD grinned. “It is, isn’t it?”

                “You did a good job hubby,” CL purred.

                GD chuckled and said, “Of course I did. Dinner will be out in a couple of minutes so-

                “BOSS! BOSS!” Some men in black came running up to us. I recognized one of them to be T.O.P. He recognized me too but said nothing.

                “What is it?” GD asked.

                “The securities up in the front are unconscious,” TOP said.

                GD raised a brow. “What?”

                “Yeah. They were knocked out. And slashed on their cheeks is a star.”

                GD started trembling. “S-Star?!”

                And suddenly, the lights were turned off, sending the whole mansion in darkness. The only lights were from the moon shining through the big windows and some of the candles that hadn’t been blown off. It was damn creepy right now.

                “What’s going on?”

                “Who turned off the lights?”

                I scanned my eyes around the mansion, and saw 5 figures approaching the mansion from outside. They were walking side by side, and I would’ve mistaken them for SHINee if they weren’t right next to me.

                “No way…” GD said. “T-They’re…together again?!”

                “What is he talking about?” I asked Key.

                I heard Key smirk. “The 5 stars in the sky…are shining again.

                The French doors to the mansion were slammed open, erupting a big BOOM throughout the mansion. The 5 figures stepped in, walking side by side. The moonlight illuminated their bodies in the darkness. I didn’t even realize that my mouth was hanging open because they looked so intimidating. Everyone had their eyes on them.

                The lights were suddenly switched back on, and the faces became clear to everyone now.

            Xiah Junsu.

            Micky Yoochun.

            U-know Yunho.

            Max Changmin.

                And smack in the middle, more handsome than ever, was none other than-

 Hero Jaejoong.

A/N: ;D i'm pretty sure that this marks the midpoint of this story. it's not ending yet! :)

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Reading this in 2018 and I can't help but cry. Jonghyun is dearly missed.
Chapter 28: is so nice story!!!
Chapter 28: I'm hooked. Finish this in couple of hours. Lol ♥♥ love this story so much and make me missing our dino jjong :""
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 28: It's so good!!!

I really didn't expect a lot of stuff from this story ^^ There was a lot of twists in the story that kept me on the edge of my seat!!!

I really enjoyed reading this story ^^ Great job authornim :D :D
Shineelovingshawol #5
Omg I've only read the foreword and already I'm hooked! Can't wait to carry on reading this!
Blingsterswds781 #6
I'm lucky I know this fanfics ㅋㅋ, this story is number 1 in my list now.. :D
This was one of my first fanfics and it's still one of my favorites <3 This is such a sweet story! Please make more SHINee fics author-nim! <3
Chapter 28: Awesome story!!!
Chapter 14: OMGGGGG! “The 5 stars in the sky…are shining again.” Love this!
EXOticBabyB2uty #10
Chapter 28: Awwwwwwws!!!!! This is so daebak! I love your stories authornim. From now on, whenever I see fireworks, I'm gonna remember this fic and then cry in a corner cause I'm nota spy and I'm not gonna get a badass gangster boyfriend. Lol jk. But love the story! <3