Playing Doctor, Fried Rice, and Heaven

The Queenka's Rise to Fortune, Fame, and Romance

Onew carried me all the way to the nurse’s office, even though I complained I was probably too heavy for him. But he just shook his head and said I was as light as a feather to him.

We turned the corner into a large pristine room, designed to look like a small but more stylish hospital. There was a cute boy lounging in a chair on a lollipop. When he saw me, he raised an eyebrow. Onew lay me down on a cot. “She got beat up by some of our fan girls. Make sure she doesn’t have any broken bones, she’s so delicate, okay?”

The boy, whose name was Key, nodded and walked over to me with an ice pack. Onew walked out to the door, turned to wink at me, then disappeared.

I suddenly felt a cold sensation on my forehead and jumped up out of surprise, knocking Key with my forehead.

“Aish,” he groaned, placing a hand on my chest an pressing me back into the cot. “It’s just ice. Relax princess, I don’t want you to get hurt anymore than you already are.

“I’m so so sorry!” I yelp at the same time, apologizing nonstop. It’s my first day here and I’ve already gotten into so much trouble.

“Shush princess.” Key lightly places a finger on my lips. Just then the door is hurled open and another handsome boy stomps in.

“Hey Kyuhyun, what do you need?”

“Henry won’t stop shoving his fried- Hey, who’s she?” asks the new boy. I notice that his eyes were all dark and gloomy, but after looking at me, they light up with curiosity. I wonder why that is.

“I’m Crystal Diamonds,” I whisper shyly, and Kyuhyun grins.

“Gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl,” he winks, then goes into the back room of the nurse’s office. “Later Key.”

Key shakes his head, muttering, ‘that boy’ under his breath, then goes back to gently prodding me and making sure I’m alright. “I wonder why they take such an instant liking to you,” he wonders aloud. “Onew and Kyuhyun are very hostile to all the girls, especially outsiders, but Onew carried you here and Kyu’s eyes lit up when he saw you. This is very interesting.”

I feel like I shouldn’t eavesdrop, but it just makes me more interested. Then Key moves back to my face, gently dabbing the ice pack over my swollen lip. Staring up at him with wide eyes, I try not to breath so fast, but he notices instantly.

“OMO! Am I hurting you?” he quickly worries.

“No, no, I’m feeling great, thank you. It’s just that my eyes got wide and I stopped breathing because your face was so close to mine,” I explain.

Key smirks, leaning forward so that his lips are inches from mine. “Do I dazzle you?” One of his eyebrows raises slightly with the question, and he just looks so y at the moment that I feel butterflies in my stomach.

“On another occasion, yes, but now I have to worry about girls wanting to kill me because they are jealous of my beauty and the kingkas strange interest in me. I don't know why they like me so much. And my lip really hurts!” I complain. Gosh, when did my life get so complicated?

“Aw, princess,” he moves so our lips are just grazing each other’s. “Kiss it better?” he asks, presses his soft lips to mine, adding just the right amount of pressure.

“Key-AH!” Kyuhyun’s voice barks in surprise from the doorway again, staring at Key furiously. His eyes are smoldering with passionate anger, but then he rushes over to me and his face looks soft and caring again.

“Are you okay gorgeous? He wasn’t forcing it on you was he? That .”

“I’m fine! It was just an accident!” I try to explain myself, but then Key looks really sad. “I mean, not really,” I stutter out, but now Kyuhyun looks angry.

Key speaks up. “Relax bro. Her lip was hurting, and she was hitting on me anyway.”

Kyuhyun stands up and stomps out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I wonder why he’s acting like that. It couldn’t because he’s in love with me, right?

Or… could he?

I quickly leave the nurse’s office and run down the hallway, trying to keep myself from crying out of confusion, when I see a large cafeteria that looks grand and expensively decorated. I smile, because food always calms me down. I can also eat anything I want without gaining any weight.

Entering the kitchen area, I see many modern chairs and an ordering counter. It’s organized more as a restaurant, so I order a small low-calorie iced nonfat mocha latte with two no lactose creamers and natural cane sugar plus a dash of whipped cream with sweet caramel and cinnamon, my absolute favorite drink. Then I take my drink and sit down outside in the pretty garden to enjoy it. There are lots of colorful flowers and insects decorating the area around a path made of seashells. This path leads up to a bridge that goes over a pond and leads to what I assume are the dorms. Three cute boys immediately take a seat next to me.

“Hi, are you the new girl?” one of them gives me an eye smile and I gasp at how adorable he is. “I’m Taemin, what’s your name?”

“Hey!” another interjects. “I wanted to say hi to the pretty noona first!” Then he turns his attention to me. “I’m Dongho, and these are my friends Taemin and Henry. We’re the cute kingkas of the school!”

I smile, shaking each of their hands and introducing myself. “But I’m not your noona,” I say, doing aegyo. “I’m just really smart so I take advanced classes. Sometimes I don’t even have to come to school because I’m so smart and get bored easily with the slow lessons.”

The boys coo over how adorable I am and marvel at my smartness.

Henry leans over to me with a bowlful of fried rice. “Here, you look hungry, so we made this for you. Let me feed you.” I blush and let him feed me with chopsticks as Taemin and Dongho look on in jealousy and try to grab my attention.

“Crystal, can you tutor me after school?” asks Dongho, and I nod. How can you say no to that adorable face?

Taemin stares off into my eyes, thinking for a moment. “Hey, I have a great idea! Our school is having a talent show soon, you should dance with me! Wouldn’t that be fun?”

“A talent show? I don’t know… I’ve never performed for people before,” I say nervously. I sing and dance by myself all the time, but I don’t know if I’m any good.

“Why don’t you sing for us then?” they all ask, leaning forward with wide cute eyes. “Please please please?”

“Okay, okay,” I laugh, then pause a moment, feeling a little nervous. But these boys seem so nice, they won’t judge me harshly. I open my mouth and start to sing “Heaven” by Ailee.

Immediately, their jaws drop and their eyes get wide. I finish the first chorus and stop. They are speechless.

“So, was I any good?” I ask.

“I've never heard a more beautiful voice!” they answer with nothing but praises. "That was amazing! So angelic! You'd never need autotune or practice, you're perfect!"

Taemin grins evilly. “It’s official, you are singing and dancing with me in the talent show.”



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Oooh~ I LIKE it so far~

I don't like that girl... that fake girl.

I like Crystal Diamond, though

Update soon~
HeartGold426 #2
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I like it.
MoonPanda #3
.... You got the pure and belly is cute from boyfriend didn't you? *sigh* they do not have the best pick up lines
MoonPanda #4
Isn't money love fashion fame??
AsianAddict #5
Hell To The Yes New Story That I Love.....But Only If Yuu Update Soon And Constantly!
Hell to the yes I will ;P
you better make this stupidly cliche.