Meeting Crystal Diamonds

The Queenka's Rise to Fortune, Fame, and Romance

My name is Crystal Diamonds and I have pretty blonde hair and long legs. Every girl hates me and calls me ugly and I get bullied. But now I’m moving to Korea because my daddy is super rich and stuff so I’m going to this private school.

“Don’t forget that a lot of people will pay attention you because of your pale hair and creamy skin, because you are a foreigner! Bye honey, have a good first day!” my mommy waves goodbye to me as I walk out the front door and skip towards my new school.

Apparently a lot of people called “KPOP IDOLS” go there. I’m walking to the school right now and there are a ton of fan girls in front of the large expensive gates.

Suddenly, one of them grabs my hair. I scream.

“I hate you! You think you can waltz in there and steal our oppas from us! I’m going to kill you!” she screams and starts to punch me but a hand grabs me and pulls me out, picking up my body bridal-style like a weigh nothing.

“Enough!” commands a really gruff manly voice. His biceps are really strong and trembling and he tightens his grip around me. “Do not hurt her!” All the fan girls sweat drop.


“Why don’t you love us?”

“We love you!”

“Don’t like that girl, she is ugly and we are better! We can love you better and she doesn’t deserve your love!”

He flicks them away with a wave of his hand, then looks down at me.

“My name is Onew, one of the kingkas of this school. I will be your personal body guard from now on, and I will protect you from those crazy people.”

I sniffle with wide eyes up at him and he smiles.

“Aigoo, you have the most precious face ever!” he pinches my cheeks and giggles with happiness.

“I’ll take you to the nurse’s office and my friend Key will take care of you. He’s not the nurse, just a motherly kingka, and he will like you right away,” he continues to talk as we walk through the mansion-style school. Then he leans down to whisper, “There’s something different about you. You aren’t like the other girls who are mean and caked in make-up and fake. You are pure. And your belly is cute.”

Blushing, I notice that my shirt has ridden up to reveal my slim stomach and low-rise designer jeans that show off my curves perfectly. Onew is looking over my exposed skin with a gleam in his eyes.

I gulp. Things are about to get interesting.


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Oooh~ I LIKE it so far~

I don't like that girl... that fake girl.

I like Crystal Diamond, though

Update soon~
HeartGold426 #2
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I like it.
MoonPanda #3
.... You got the pure and belly is cute from boyfriend didn't you? *sigh* they do not have the best pick up lines
MoonPanda #4
Isn't money love fashion fame??
AsianAddict #5
Hell To The Yes New Story That I Love.....But Only If Yuu Update Soon And Constantly!
Hell to the yes I will ;P
you better make this stupidly cliche.