Oh, Curses!

The Queenka's Rise to Fortune, Fame, and Romance

The bell rings and the three boys leave for class, blowing kisses as they leave me alone. I take my schedule from the pocket of my lacey cream shorts and unfold it, looking for the class I'm supposed to be in right now. Even though we've lived here for two days, I can speak and read Korean perfectly because I'm a genius.

"Can I help you find your next class?" asks a girl as she walks up to me, tripping over her ten-inch red stillettos and hiking up her skirt that shows the bottom of her underwear. "I can tell you're a foreigner because your hair is naturally shiny and gold and you don't follow the style rules for being popular."

I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "I know where my class is... but what are these style rules you're talking about?"

She flips her dyed chestnut hair over one shoulder. "Honey, you're outfit is cute, but sooo freshman. I can tell you're really innocent, but boys like innocent girls who dress like me," the girl cheers, shaking her see-through shirt in my face. "I'll need to buy you a new outfit, but you have long legs and really big s, so you'll be easy to work with. Come on, let's go get you prettied up!" She stands up, extending a sharp, red-nailed claw out to me.

But by now, I can see through her ty fake diguise. "No way! You're totally shallow and see-through! Why would I want to be a like you?"

She gasps angrily. "!" Then she picks up my drink and pours it over my head. "We'll see who's the biggest when you walk through the school with a wet see-through shirt clinging to your bra! Then everyone will think you're the ! HAH!" With that, she clumsily stomps off and I break down crying, then running into the school. Maybe Key has an extra shirt in the nurse's room. On my way their, a pair of strong arms wrap around me and I gasp as the unknown person tosses me over his shoulder.

"Hey there sweet thing, how about you and me have a little fun in the janitor's closet?" he asks huskily. I squirm around, trying to get out of his strong grip.

"No, no no! Please, don't do this! I'm too innocent! Don't take my ity!"

"JONGHYUN! YOU PUT THAT PURE AND INNOCENT GIRL DOWN NOW! GO CORRUPT A OR SOMETHING!" hollers a familiar manly voice, yanking me out of Jonghyun's grasp.

I look up into the face of my savior. "Onew oppa!" I shreik in delight. He glares at Jonghyun, who quickly runs away. Then Onew looks at me again.

"You're soaked." he states.

"So I've noticed. Could you take me somewhere where there are spare clothes?"

He carries me back to Key, who gives me a new sprakly purple silk shirt, and I change in the bathroom. When I come out, Key and Onew are looking at me with strange faces.

"What?" I ask, hoping my new shirt isn't distracting them too much. I'm tired of the attention; it's like a curse!

"Well... hehe... there seems to a problem in the rooming. No girls have a bed left for you to stay in, so for the next seven months, you'll have to room with some guys. They call themselves MBLAQ, but don't worry, they're nice... mostly," Key laughs nervously as he relays this information to me.

I gasp and blush. Rooming with guys? Oh no...


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Oooh~ I LIKE it so far~

I don't like that girl... that fake girl.

I like Crystal Diamond, though

Update soon~
HeartGold426 #2
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I like it.
MoonPanda #3
.... You got the pure and belly is cute from boyfriend didn't you? *sigh* they do not have the best pick up lines
MoonPanda #4
Isn't money love fashion fame??
AsianAddict #5
Hell To The Yes New Story That I Love.....But Only If Yuu Update Soon And Constantly!
Hell to the yes I will ;P
you better make this stupidly cliche.