.4 (Wings)

Let the heartbreak go

My head hurts from last night. Hopefully, that was a dream. I mean, seriously.
Who would be able to fall from the sky like that? Was that person trying to commit suicide?
Well, there weren't alot of buildings in the area, so I really doubt. The complexes
were short, so I doubt he take his life from jumping of the apartments. I open my eyes
and I breathe the fresh air. Then, I finally realized. I'm on my futon, and I look to
the side.

There he was, his face just an inch away from mine, totally breathing my air. 

What. The. ****.

I almost scream on the top of my lungs, seeing the stranger wrap his big arms around me. I admit
that they were soft and inviting, but this is no time for me to awe at him. I struggle to
get away, and when I think that I finally am out of his grasp..

He opens his eyes, and blinks at me twice.

"Who are you?" he asked, his husky voice sending me chilling shrivers up my back.
I gasp, quickly getting off the futon and hiding behing my kitchen counter.
I look around, for a weapon. I couldn't risk losing anything I had, even if 
I helped him. Searching my cabinets, I see my frying pan. Perfect for frying eggs and
knocking out enemies. I jump up, him dazed at the pan. I pointed the pan at him, trying
to scare him away. "S-Stay back!" I threated, hesitation in voice.

He looks at me in a strange way, tilting his head. His eyes penetrate mine, and he sighs.
"I'm not here to hurt you." he said, pausing before he asks a question. "But may I ask why
I'm here?" 

I look at him, cautiously before he tries to do anything. I lowered my pan a little, and groaned.
"You fell out of the sky." I replied, still very scared of him. A giant like him could KILL me if he
wanted to, but only if I didn't do what he says. He listens before putting his hands up, showing 
me that he wasn't of harm.

"I'm not going to hurt you." he said, making me put my pan down but my hands up. "Can I explain 
myself first?" he asks, again. I looked at him, seeing a soft warmth in his eyes. I sigh, and
nudge my forehead. "Alright." I mumbled, and he smirks. It's the type of smirk that I dislike,
like the playboy kind. Somehow, I predict that I won't like him.

We sit on my couch, and I nibble on a cookie. He sits properly, like a saint or something. He
sighs, and begins his tale.

"I'm an angel." he said, and I choke on my cookie. "W-What?!" I spitted out, already having the 
impression that he's a maniac. An angel?! Seriously?! If he's an angel, I'm a donkey! What
is he trying to do?! 

"I'm serious. Do you need proof?" he asked, looking at me like a freak. I think for a second, before 
having an idea pop into my head. "Show me your wings." I said, almost sarcastic. He nods, and I couldn't
believe it. But there it was, white wings that were popping out of his back. My eyes were wide open and I
almost couldn't breathe. He really is an angel, but why would he come here?

He closes them back in, and I'm scared. My eyes never decieved me, so this was truly a ground-breaker.
He then sighs and looks at me. "I'm here, because the higher power wanted me to lead your way." he said,
and I choked on my own spit. What. The. Hell. Is. He. Thinking? He didn't need to prove to me then, and I
just crumbled into a ball and stared up at him. He light comes to me, and I blush. His mysterious eyes were
into mine. I tried to speak words, but my mouth was so dry. Then, I really had some nerve to ask him. 
"What's your name, and how are you going to lead me?"

He smiles at me, a real pure smile.

"I have many names, but you may call me Seunghyun." he said, before pausing.

"And I'm supposed to make you feel loved."
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isn't her parents died?

update soon!
@ketop4 Thanks for all the comments and support! ^^ <3 I'll be sure to update everyday!
:and i'm supposed to make you eel loved"

update soon soon!!
omo! wounds ..
why toptop fall here
update soon!
gahh sounds interesting!!

update soon and soon
i love chapter 2 and 1