The Note

Falling For You

I finally have the strength to pick myself off of the bathroom floor.  I peek out the door.  "Hyung?"  I call. There was no answer, I walked out into the living room.  He couldn't have left, he does realize that this is his house right?  I walk around the room for a moment figuring out what to do.  Should I wait here for him?  No, that will make it seem like I liked it.  You did like it.  Shut up little voice!  I do NOT need your help here!  Anyways.. where was I?  You were figuring out how to get out of this mess.  Thank you voice, THANK YOU.  I sigh and continue my thoughts.  I could leave a note, but what should it say?  A lightblub over my head and I search for a pen and paper. Once I finish writing the note stick it on his remote (the most likely place for him to reach). Now where do I go? I guess back home to the retards I have to live with.

I climb into my car and start the engine.  I look on my dash board to see the picture hyung drew me when we are kids.  I was a picture of us singing on a stage, with the whole crowd singing along.  I smile when I remember our conversation about or future.


"You know what we're gonna be when we're older Ji?"  Seunghyun asks.

"What hyung?"

"We are going to be rappers, and we are gonna sing together on a big stage."

"Really? Cool!" I answer.

Seunghyun puts his arm around my shoulder.  "We are gonna stick together forever. K?"




I hadn't noticed the tear that started to fall down my face and onto my jeans.  We still stuck together, after all these years, I'm afraid that what just happened is going to change something.  I take a deep breath and drive away from the Villa.  Time to go home.



I don't know if I should go back yet.. I guess I'll see if his car is still there.  I walk up the road I just came down and peek into the parking lot.  I spy Jiyong sitting in his car, holding up a picture.  I recognized it, it was the picture I drew him when we were kids.  I didn't know he still had that.  That's pretty amazing, you know after all these years.  I waited until he drove away to come out of hiding.  I open my door and step inside.  I slowly take my jacket and shoes off and sit on the couch, I go to reach for the remote but stop when I realize a not was attached to it.  I picked it up and read.  'I felt sparks'.



I walk up the stairs to the house door and unlock it.  As soon as I set a foot inside I was bombarded by my band mates.

"Welcome Back!"  Seungri smiles.  I nod in reply.

"We got some groceries.. want any soju?"  Daesung adds.  I nod head as I push them out of the way and head to the kitchen.

"Hey man..You don't look so good.  What happened?  Seungri asks.  I don't reply, I just chug my soju staring at the wall, not thinking about anything in particular.

"Did you have any fun with Seunghyun?"  Taeyang butts in, wiggling his eyebrows.  This set me over the edge.  I jumped off the counter and pushed past Taeyang, almost knocking him over.  "Did I do something wrong?"  Taeyang asks, confused.


A/N: So this isn't really much of a chapter, more of a filler.  Just so the next Chapter fits in nicely.  Thanks subs!!  It really means a lot! :)

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LOVED it!! Please update soon!!
lovelydarling #2
nooooooooo why did you stop there????? update soon please.
elisechoi #3
Please update:)
lovelydarling #4
PPPllllleeeeeaaaasssseeeeee update soon :D
I suscribed 'cause this is just too cute U_u Plus I wanna know what happens next:D Update soon! ♥