It's a New Beginning

My Heart Will Go On

*Sorry for the late updates; I'm currently dying under AP Exam Cramming and I'm in the process of becoming a Senior. Dear Shisus, help me*


"So, what brings a rich girl like you around a entertainment company?"  I asked her, curious about what she actually was here. She sighed and looked at the stars above us.

"Well, I needed something out of my normal life. I was tired of doing the same thing over and over again...I sort of just disobeyed my mother's orders and became a trainee. I have a passion for what I do, and I wasn't going to let some boring, continous life get in the way of it."  she said, sighing. "She knows already, but there's no way she can stop me. I'm actually happy she can't."

"Ah, I see. What kinda trainee are you?"  I asked, curiously. She looked around in her pocket and found her ID card, handing it to me. I looked through it. "So you're training to become an actor. It says here that you weren't born here, but rather in the States." I said, pointing it out. She nodded.

"I was born in the United States, and came here with my family to persue my goals. They weren't so happy about it because they only spoke Spanish and English, but they learned to speak fluent Korean. My mother owns a daycare center where I work at every weekend, and my father is the owner of a Mexican-American company. He's stationed here for some business, since his company trades with the Korean market. We somehow made it." I gazed at, awe-struck.

"You're family seems like their hardworkers. You said earlier that you had an arranged marriage?" 

"Well, you see, my father wants his company to become larger and larger, so he stuck me with one of the most prosperous Korean C.E.O's son. Apparently, if I marry his son, my father's company will prosper more and more."

"Do you like him?" concern filled my voice. She looked at me and half-smiled.

"Not really. He's an airhead, actually. All he cares about is absolute power, and women. If he's not trying to figure out a way to make more money, he's figuring out a way to get into a girl's pants." her voice struck me. She really didn't want to marry him. She was being forced to marry someone who only cared about money, and a women's assets. He sounded like a total jerk to me, honestly. "But hey, it's life isn't it? I should just get over it, right? I mean, I really truly do love my father and do want his company to prosper, but I'm tired of having to live the same life over and over. Have the same arrogant, self centered people around me. I'm tired of living a life that is nothing but continous. I want to be free from this cage I'm stuck in."

I starred at her, awed at her wisdom. Even though she was close to taking her own life away, she had wisdom. She knew what was wrong, and she knew what was right. She knew what she wanted, and that was to be free. It was like her life only revolved around tea every afternoon, crumpets every morning, and polo every evening. She wanted out of it. 

"Well, enough about my sad life, let me hear your story. What are you a trainee for?" she hugged her knees and stared at me, her innocent eyes shining with curiousity. She looked beautiful under the moonlight sky.

"Ah, well I'm here as a boy-band trainee. YG papa wants me to become one of the members of a new boyband he's creating." I stated. She smiled, interested.


"Is it BIGBANG?" she asked. I nodded. "Ah! I’ve been watching you guys from afar. I’m actually a fan of you guys.”

“A fan? Well, we haven’t even become famous, yet, so that makes you our very first fan. Congratulations.” I smiled at her. She giggled.

“I feel special.” She shivered. “Oh gosh, it’s getting chilly out here.” I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, smiling down at her. She looked up, a tint of pink appearing on her cheeks. A door banged open. We both looked behind us, noticing it was SeungRi.

“Ah, SeungRi! “ I yelled, urging him to come over. Lily and I got up, brushing our knees.

“Hyung! I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Everyone thought you left the building or someth – why hello there.” He said, smirking at Lily. She bowed.

“H-Hello! I’m L-Lily.” She said, stuttering at her own words.  SeungRi smirked at her and stood next to her.

“A fair lady like you shouldn’t be out here in the cold. HYUNG. Why did you keep such a cute girl out here in the cold!?” he scolded me. I stared at him. He coughed. “Well! You should come inside miss Lily! The boys are about to eat dinner and you could be my guest of honor!” He grabbed her hand and began walking towards the door. I sighed and followed behind.

Maknaes will be maknaes, huh?


*Lily’s point of view*

I walked alongside the boy named SeungRi, who I had recognized to be a member of BIGBANG, too. He must’ve been the youngest since Youngbae had called him ‘maknae’. He was really nice to me, and friendly; it sort of frightened me because no one had ever been nice to me, other than Youngbae, especially since SeungRi didn’t know my status. I was surprised, but extremely happy. As we walked down the stairs, to the dining hall, SeungRi talked to me about his experience at YG with Youngbae and the rest of BIGBANG. I’d laugh at the adorable yet embarrassing stories of Youngbae’s past, and how he had never even looked at a girl before.

“So you see, it’s kinda weird that he’s talking to you. Whenever he’s near some chick, he gets all sweaty and starts stuttering. It’s sorta funny too. One time, while eating at a porridge place, this waitress tried flirting with him. He got all nervous and sweaty, that the other members thought he was allergic to the soup. It was funny, we could’ve sworn he was going to faint!” SeungRi said. I laughed and looked back at Youngbae. He looked away, a shade of red appearing on his face. “Yah, noona, why were you up in the roof?”

“I was just looking at the stars.” I lied. “And, you don’t need to call me noona. I think I’m younger than you…” he eyed me. “I’m turning 18 later in December.”

“So you’re underage?!” SeungRi said, surprised. I laughed and nodded. “Aigo! No wonder you’re so cute!” he pinched my cheeks. I pouted and rubbed them.

“So what if I’m younger? How old are you anyways?”

“Well, I’m going to be 21 in December. Hyung over here’s going to be 25.” He then whispered, “he’s a bit on the old side. It shows sometimes.”

“Yah! I’m not that old!” Youngbae said, defending his age. He smacked SeungRi on his head.

“Ow. See what I mean? He’s a grouchy old man.” Another smack. “Yah, hyung! Stop that, it hurts.”  I laughed.

“Hey, what’s with all the noise?” a deep, DEEP voice said. I looked forward and saw a tall, handsome guy in front of us. He had the most mesmerizing eyes a girl could ever lay her eyes upon. I swear, if you as so caught of glimpse of his eyes, you’d get pregnant. BOOM!

“Yah, hyung! Youngbae keeps smacking me because I called him old.” He pouted.

“SeungRi. I’m older than Youngbae.” He said in a serious tone. SeungRi gulped and laughed nervously.

“Erm…Did I ever tell you that you look very young? Older guys with the young look is really sek-si for noonas.” SeungRi said, laughing nervously. The guy starred at him, his eyes never leaving his. SeungRi gulped.

“Hm…” he said. His gaze then turned to me. I quickly looked down. “Hello.”

“H-Hello, I’m L-Lily.” I stuttered. Good going. Stuttering.

“Hello. My name is SeungHyun. I haven’t seen you around. Are you a trainee here?” his deep voice asked. I nodded still looking down.

“She’s training to become an actress.” Youngbae said, standing next to me. I let out a small sigh of relief. Thank you Youngbae.

“I see…Is she joining us for dinner?” SeungHyun asked. Youngbae nodded. He then smiled. “Good. We need new company.” He walked towards me and held out his hand. “Shall we, Miss Lily?” I smile and took his hand, nervously.

Well, so far so good.



Well, I guess I've been slacking off lately on my writing. I really ought to manage my time better. Next chapter should be updated by the start of next week! I'm sorry for updating REALLY slow. School . Well, comment if you'd like! It's very much appreciated and it motivates me~!


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lovis89 #1
ahhh a trainee for actress
lol Seungri.
youngbaeby #3
WAAAH, YOUNGBAE TO THE RESCUE<3!!! I can't wait for more :D