What Really Happened

Lingering Traces


Important Note: Please take note of the dates and time. Thank you.


Start of Chapter 4:




--23rd of April 2011—


Dr. Lee continued watching the woman who was a maid at L’s mansion.


“These past few months, Haneul still continued talking about Master Myungsoo. She continued talking about him as if he was… As if he was still…” She cried harder, unable to continue her sentence.


“During our therapy sessions, Miss Haneul also talked a lot about Kim Myungsoo. I always asked her if she was talking about Kim Myungsoo, her childhood friend. I wanted to confirm if she knew who and what she was talking about. She always said yes.” Dr. Lee said. “Back then, I already knew she had been having delusions. She was seeing things that weren’t real.” He paused.


“Our Haneul must have been very depressed.” The woman said as she sobbed.


“Yes. Delusions also occur in people who are under a psychotic mental depression. She was also having a lot of hallucinations. She… She thinks that her lover, Kim Myungsoo, is still alive.”


[flashback] –8th of April 2010—


Firings of guns, shouts, explosions—they were everywhere.


That day, everything was in chaos.


Haneul cried silently as L wrapped his arms around her. “Sshhh… It will be alright, I’ll protect you.”


“They’ll kill us!” She sobbed hysterically as she hugged him.


“I’ll be here to protect you.” L tried to calm her down.


They were apparently in some place for they were kidnapped. As the son and daughter of two rich companies, this was what they get: danger.


They got kidnapped by someone from the other rival company who was jealous of the two other companies merging together because the son and the daughter of the two companies were getting married.


Haneul and L were lovers. L used to be a playboy but he changed because of Haneul. They were dreaming of having a family—a comfortable one with each other.


But the marriage was now unlikely to happen.


They were able to escape from the criminals as the police arrived. There were so many of the bad guys. Some of them were exchanging shots with the police while the others were out looking for the two of them.


“I’m scared…” Haneul said.


L kissed her on the lips. “Don’t worry.”


L checked if there was anyone around them.


“The firings seemed to stop now. I think all the criminals are now gone. I’ll go look for help.” L said.




“You’ll stay here. You need to be safe.”


“But I don’t want you to be in danger!” She hugged him tight.


Tears started forming at the edges of L’s eyes. He knew it would be dangerous. But it was the only way to save Haneul. He needed to come out there and do something.


L swallowed and fought back the tears.


“Listen, if they catch me, take this gun.” He handed Haneul a gun. He had another one which he slipped in his own pocket.


Shakily, she gripped the deadly weapon.


“If they ever see me, just… just run. Whatever happens, don’t come out unless you are sure it’s safe. Hide! Hide, okay?”


She was sobbing uncontrollably. He gripped her hands tightly. “Live, okay? Live.” He gave a firm command.


“Don’t go…” Her heart was telling Haneul to not let go.


“I need to.”


And he ran, to where he thought it would be safe for her.


To where he knew it would be dangerous for him.


And there were more gunshots.


More noise.


More explosions.


More screams.


Haneul was going out of her mind. She didn’t want to hear everything.


She clutched her head tight.


Finally, everything was quiet.


“Myungsoo-yah?” He called out softly.


No answer.


She stood up.


“Myungsoo-yah?” She called louder.


And there was still no answer.


She ran in panic. She ran to where she knew L would be.


And she saw him.


Along with the other criminals whose bodies lied on their own pools of blood.


And L was in the same state.


Haneul’s breathing seemed to get stuck.


She shook her head in disbelief.


There her beloved was, lifeless.


She screamed.


She screamed out of hurt and pain.


She screamed out of sadness.


She screamed to escape reality.


[still in flashback] –10th of April 2010—


Haneul sat inside the hospital room.


A nurse came in with a friendly smile.


“Miss Haneul, this is Dr. Lee, he will be your psychiatrist starting today.” She said.


Dr. Lee smiled at the expressionless young woman in front of him.


After a few introductions to which Haneul never responded, the doctor asked, “Haneul-ah… What do you remember?”


“I was with Myungsoo...”


“Who is he?” The doctor already knew about Haneul—that she was engaged to Myungsoo, that she was a daughter of a rich family.


“He’s my childhood friend.”


“Do you have some kind of… romantic relationship?”


“He doesn’t love me…” Haneul said sadly.


The doctor shook his head quietly. He then knew that Haneul’s memories went back to a few years before the crime incident. Her memories were back to when L was still a playboy.


“Doctor, Myungsoo is in the next room, right? Can I see him? Please?” She said in a tone of worry.


“I-in the next room?”


Haneul nodded. “Myungsoo went here last night. He said he’d be in the next room.”


The doctor rubbed his temples. He wrote on Haneul’s medical record: She has amnesia and is having hallucinations and delusions. Need therapy and pills.


[still in flashback: What really happened] –8th of April 2011—


Haneul sat alone inside her room. It was the 8th of April.


At the back of Haneul’s mind, she knew that something dreadful happened that day a year ago but whenever some fragments of memories crept into her conscious mind, she would try to push these memories away.


She didn’t want to remember them.


Her brain automatically “deleted” the bad memories.


Her brain creates new ones extracted from her past.


That 8th of April, she could see herself with Myungsoo.


She went out alone and saw Hoya. They were talking when she felt her head hurt. Hoya brought her to his father who was her psychiatrist.


Dr. Lee was telling her gently that Myungsoo is already gone but her ears refused to hear those words.


Her heart refused to believe it.


And on her bed, she cried as her heart reminisced the times that they made love.


But in her mind, her subconscious was making a new memory which wasn’t real. In her mind, she was with him. What she saw really happened but it happened when they were still not lovers. There was definitely something wrong with the timing in her mind.


In reality, she was just crying on her bed, staring at the calendar as it reminded her of that dreadful day.


[still in flashback: What really happened] –10th of April 2011—


Her depression wasn’t getting any better.


She sat alone inside a bar, staring at the glass of alcohol.


But again, her mind was brewing some bad scenes in her head. Of course, those things weren’t real.


In her mind, she saw Myungsoo telling her that she was a , a , a flirt.


But in reality, she was just alone. She saw Myungsoo saying those words to her because she kept on thinking of things to degrade herself because she was feeling depressed since Myungsoo died.


She was definitely losing her mind.


[still in flashback: What really happened] –11th of April 2011—



She had with Hoya. She thought it was the only way to forget about L.


But she was wrong. Once again, she was having delusions of Myungsoo getting angry at her because of what she had done.


Her hallucinations were like that because she knew that she felt guilty and if Myungsoo was alive, he’d surely get angry at her.


[still in flashback: What really happened] –18th of April 2011—


She wanted to just kill herself. She just wanted to follow Myungsoo to where he is.


She was going insane.


No, she was insane.


But if she died, Myungsoo would welcome her, right?


[still in flashback: What really happened] –21st of April 2011—


Haneul parked her car in a corner of a dark place. Her heart ached so much.


She missed L so much. She knew that he was gone.


But she still wouldn’t believe it.


She cried her heart out as her head ached as memories threatened to appear on her mind again.


And before she lost all consciousness, she saw Hoya look worriedly at her. Hoya went out looking for her when the maids from L's mansion called his father that Haneul was missing.


But in Haneul’s mind, it was L who rescued her.


[still in flashback: What really happened] –22nd of April 2011—


She stared at the edge of the building.


If she fell down from her position, she’d die. She’d see L again.


She’d be happy.


They’d be together again.


In her mind, Myungsoo was with her.


But in reality, she was alone, anticipating that moment when they’d finally meet again. For real.


And she fell down.


She was falling and it felt good.


As she fell, she felt someone envelope her in an embrace.


She saw Myungsoo.


She smiled.


It was the real Myungsoo.


She was seeing the real Myungsoo.


“Ah, I’m probably dead now that I’m seeing you.” She told him as she succumbed to the sweet taste of death.


They were together again.


For eternity.





End of Chapter 4







I hope it was clear.



The story is like a movie in my mind. Like the flashback and everything.



Hope you liked it!

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Chapter 4: OMG. This story is just too sad ㅠㅠ
Poor Haneul.
But now they're happy in heaven.
Touched. Gosh.
Chapter 4: seen that comin but still... amazing.
Chapter 5: This is so beautiful!! why did it end? It could be longer!!
whatsinyourmind #5
Chapter 5: Congrats!!
KylieDesu #6
Chapter 4: YOU'RE GENIUS OMG I LOVE THIS //faint
MrsLKimNam #7
Chapter 5: One of the rare fanfics which made me cry almost.
Chapter 4: Damn...
It just, blew my mind!
I really liked it and i am really crying while reading this.. I felt like I was in the scene.OMG, i love the ending! (: goodjob!!
Chapter 4: Oh my goodness
I cant-

This story is really amazing
Good job authornim!
