Falling Delusions

Lingering Traces

Important Note: Please take note of the dates and time. Thank you.


Start of Chapter 3:




--22nd of April 2011—


Haneul stared at the white hospital walls, still dazed. She was waiting for him—the person she was always thinking about.


Then, the door opened as she felt anticipation creeping through her heart, hoping that it was the person she had been waiting for. But the door revealed a man wearing white clothes.


It was Dr. Lee, Hoya’s father.


She smiled at him as he smiled back gently.


“You look disappointed.” Haneul looked away from the doctor as she tried to keep the smile pasted on her face. “Were you waiting for someone?”


“I was… I was expecting Myungsoo to come here.” Haneul said bitterly.


“Myungsoo?” The doctor sounded surprised. “Kim Myungsoo? Your childhood friend?”


Haneul nodded. Whenever she told the Dr. Lee things about L, he would always ask whether it was Kim Myungsoo, her childhood friend. It was as if he was always confirming if he heard her right.


“He still visits you?” He still sounded surprised. “I mean, do you still see each other?”


Haneul nodded.


The doctor stared at her, biting his lips anxiously as he had his hands clasped together. He then sighed. “I’m going to ask the nurses to give you your medicine, okay?”


Once more, without saying a word, Haneul nodded.


“Okay, I’ll be going now. If you ever feel bad again, especially if you’re having headaches, call me, okay?”


As soon as the doctor left the room, Haneul felt her head ache badly.


She hissed in pain.


She clutched her head as she heard someone say, “Are you okay?”


She opened her eyes and her heart started beating faster as a smile formed on her lips.


“Myungsoo-yah.” She called him. “I’ve been waiting…”


She smiled at him and invited him to the hospital’s rooftop. The wind was blowing slightly.


It was cold.


Haneul walked towards the edge of the rooftop.


“Myungsoo-yah, you know why I asked you to come here?” L merely shook his head. “It’s because I want to say everything.” She looked at him. “I love you, Myungsoo-yah… since we were six… I always have. I always will.”


Myungsoo kept quiet as he waited for her next words.


She then turned to him with a sad look on her face. The wind blew her hair lightly. She looked fragile like that.


“But I feel broken… It’s just that it hurts so much when you told me that I’m a mere toy, a . It hurts…”


She stepped backwards, towards the very edge of the building.


She smiled with a broken smile.


“I… I feel the same. I… I…” He hesitated for a moment. “I love you, too…” He whispered, careful not to shock or scare her.


One more step backwards and she’d fall.


“Too late…” she whispered. She stood there, her skirt blown by the the wind.


She looked like an angel.


A goddess.


Even though she was just about to die.


She stepped backwards and, like a slow-motion film, he ran up to her but he was unable to get her.


And from the edge of the building, he watched her fall.


He could make out her last words.


“I love you. Forever.”


As she fell, she reached her hand out to him.


She would always love him.


And she reached a hand. And someone enveloped her body.


Surprisingly, she saw L embracing her.


“We’ll finally be together.” She heard L say.


She closed her eyes as tears fell down her eyes.


Thoughts ran through her mind. Flashbacks rolled inside her brain quickly.


And then she remembered.


These past few months had been a delusion.


They weren’t real.


--23rd of April 2011—


Dr. Lee sat at Haneul’s funeral.


Someone sat beside him.


It was one of the elder maids from Myungsoo’s mansion.


They sat unspeaking for a few minutes.


With a gloomy voice, the woman said, “She finally followed him, huh?”


“I guess so. She loved him so much that she had finally followed him.”


The woman started crying.


“Doctor, thank you very much for taking care of her. Haneul-ah had been like a daughter to me. I had been Master Myungsoo’s caretaker since he was young and Haneul had always been with him.” She cried harder.


The doctor patted her back soothingly.


“I’m happy for them. I know that they’re now together.” She wiped her tears. “The past year had been really difficult for Haneul.”



“Yes, it had been very difficult for her, indeed.” Dr. Lee said sadly.


She looked at the doctor. “Thank you. Thank you for being her psychiatrist.”





End of Chapter 3


So Dr. Lee is Haneul's psychiatrist. 


Confused? Read the next chapter to find out what really happened the past year and the past few months.

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Chapter 4: OMG. This story is just too sad ㅠㅠ
Poor Haneul.
But now they're happy in heaven.
Touched. Gosh.
Chapter 4: seen that comin but still... amazing.
Chapter 5: This is so beautiful!! why did it end? It could be longer!!
whatsinyourmind #5
Chapter 5: Congrats!!
KylieDesu #6
Chapter 4: YOU'RE GENIUS OMG I LOVE THIS //faint
MrsLKimNam #7
Chapter 5: One of the rare fanfics which made me cry almost.
Chapter 4: Damn...
It just, blew my mind!
I really liked it and i am really crying while reading this.. I felt like I was in the scene.OMG, i love the ending! (: goodjob!!
Chapter 4: Oh my goodness
I cant-

This story is really amazing
Good job authornim!
