8th of April 2011

Lingering Traces


Important Note: Please take note of the dates and time. Thank you.


Start of Chapter 1:




She stood in front of the mirror, her long eyelashes clearly visible in a side angle; her short hair still wet from her bath; her dark-colored eyes stared sadly at her own hands placed on the sides of the bathroom sink.


She had nothing on. She had thrown her towel about half an hour ago for she wanted to feel the cold air on her pale skin.


Droplets of water rested still on her skin, making her look like a goddess.


But if you examine her closely, you’ll see her sorrow, the scars on her wrists.


Yes, she had attempted suicide... Not only once but perhaps thrice.


But the death god didn’t seem to like her very much for he never came to get her.


That was the reason she was still alive—the reason she was still living...




--8th of April 2011, 3:14 PM—


L walked alongside his childhood friend, Haneul. “Yah, Haneul-ah, that Howon jerk is coming this way again.” The amazingly gorgeous playboy said with a low, y voice as he whispered in Haneul’s ear. Haneul would have melted because of her friend’s beautiful voice if not for the words he said.


“Huh? Howon oppa?” She repeated his name with a hint of confusion in her small voice. She spoke the name so dearly that it disgusted the playboy beside her.


Hoya appeared and touched the girl’s short hair dyed with blonde.


Hoya smiled gently. She smiled back.


L watched the scene, annoyed. “You two are acting like a couple when you’re not even one. Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves?!” he said harshly, disgust evident in his voice.


Haneul blushed at his comment.


“Oh, sorry, Myungsoo. I was just glad to see my beloved once more.” Hoya said as he wrapped his arm around Haneul’s waist.


L saw it and couldn’t help but stare, irritated... Really pissed off.


“Howon oppa, stop saying that... It’s embarrassing.” Haneul blushed even more as she looked down at the ground.


Hoya pulled her closer to him. “But it’s true, Haneul-ah.”


L wanted so bad to punch the damn guy. He didn’t know why, though. Instead, he raised one of his eyebrows and walked away.


The two said nothing.


Haneul moved away from Hoya and nervously placed her hands on her reddened face.


“I think Myungsoo-yah got mad.” Haneul said, worried.


“So what? It’s not our responsibility to keep him happy, Haneul-ah. Besides, he’s probably with his tons of girlfriends by now so you have absolutely nothing to worry about.” Hoya said gently but there was somewhat anger in his voice.


Haneul suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her head. “Ahh!” She winced as she gripped her head.


Hoya quickly held her. “Haneul-ah!” He worriedly took a look at her. “I’ll take you to my father.” He led her to his car, concerned.


In the hospital, Hoya’s father made her drink some pills which made her feel a lot better.


Hoya’s father was a doctor.


Dr. Lee had been Haneul’s doctor for more than a year. She usually went for a check-up every week but she recently stopped as she was feeling better.


It was silent inside Dr. Lee’s office.


Haneul stared at the table in front of her.


“Anything bad you’re feeling lately?”


Haneul nodded. “I feel lonely and sad these days.” She took a deep sigh.


The doctor kept quiet as she urged her to keep on talking.


“I... Myungsoo had been mean to me lately.”


“Kim Myungsoo?” The doctor asked. “Your childhood friend?”


She nodded. “Doctor, I... I love him. A lot. So much that I can’t stop!” Tears started flowing out from her eyes.


The doctor looked at her sympathetically.


“I feel so depressed. I...” The doctor noticed how she was always short of words.


He let her cry for a while to relieve her depression.


“Do you take your antidepressants?”


She hesitantly nodded.


“Are you sure?”


“I sometimes forget to take it.” She looked at him apologetically.


“I see... Make sure to take it daily, is it clear?”


She nodded.


As Haneul walked out of the door, the doctor watched her worriedly as if he was worried that the girl would be a danger.


A danger to herself.


--8th of April 2011, 10:48 PM—


The anger and irritation never left L since he saw Hoya flirt with Haneul. He didn’t like seeing them together. Although the two matched and looked perfect for each other, there was something about them that L didn’t like.


At first, he tried to ignore it.


Fortunately for him, he was able to do so but not until he realized that he wanted Haneul for himself.


He thought that Haneul was his and his alone.


He didn’t think that Haneul thought the same, though.


But really, Haneul and Hoya were not a couple. That made Haneul still "his," right?


Sure, he was a playboy and he admits it. And he considered Haneul as his most precious “toy.”


The problem was that he was a possessive owner.


...A very possessive one.


As the rain poured hard, L ran towards the big house that belonged to Haneul’s family.


He’d been there a lot of times before.


Once he reached the house, he pounded hard on the door, calling her name.


Finally, she opened the door. The house was quiet. No one except Haneul was inside.


As soon as she appeared, L hugged her and kissed her hard on the lips, his wet body coming in contact with her fragile one.


She tasted like strawberries. He liked—no, he loved strawberries.


As for Haneul, although it had happened a lot of times before, she still couldn’t help but feel shocked.


She could not move, nor could she push him away.


Then, he broke the kiss. His eyes stared hard at Haneul’s.


His wet hair looked y... gorgeous. That fact made her grip those dark locks of his.


They stared at each other for a long while, not caring about the coldness of the wind or about the damn, pouring rain.


“Let’s have .” He whispered.


“What?” Her eyes widened. Yes, this had definitely happened before... A lot of times before.


But it was still too shocking. Too... mesmerizing.


In a minute, he had gotten her on her bed, nothing to cover herself but her arms. She covered her chest, too embarrassed to look him in the eye.


“Don’t be shy now. We’ve done this a lot of times before.” He whispered seductively.


Yes, they had done it lots of times before just as he had said. He had probably done this twice as much with other women.


Yet in the next moment, they were doing it... again.


And as their bodies became one, as their bodies moved to the same rhythm, as she closed her eyes tightly to feel him, she could see something else at the very back of her mind.


She could hear gunshots.


She could see herself looking anxious, confused—lost.


She could see herself enter a horrible place, full of hatred, full of greed, full of sorrow.


Before she knew it, she was crying.


“Haneul?” L asked, worried but trying not to show his emotions.


She quickly wiped her tears. It seemed that L was done with the act.


“I—I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s happening to me.”


“What were you thinking of?”


“I just saw some kind of a crime scene... I—“


L cut her off by pressing her onto the bed. “You were thinking of something else while I you?!” L was clearly angry.


“I’m sorry...” She looked at the wall on her side. Her gaze landed on a calendar stating the date. It was the 8th of April 2011.




End of Chapter 1

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Chapter 4: OMG. This story is just too sad ㅠㅠ
Poor Haneul.
But now they're happy in heaven.
Touched. Gosh.
Chapter 4: seen that comin but still... amazing.
Chapter 5: This is so beautiful!! why did it end? It could be longer!!
whatsinyourmind #5
Chapter 5: Congrats!!
KylieDesu #6
Chapter 4: YOU'RE GENIUS OMG I LOVE THIS //faint
MrsLKimNam #7
Chapter 5: One of the rare fanfics which made me cry almost.
Chapter 4: Damn...
It just, blew my mind!
I really liked it and i am really crying while reading this.. I felt like I was in the scene.OMG, i love the ending! (: goodjob!!
Chapter 4: Oh my goodness
I cant-

This story is really amazing
Good job authornim!
