The Time Has Come

All Of A Sudden Conversion


When CNU finally woke up for school, he saw Jinyoung just burying his face on the bed. He hit his head and Jinyoung quickly get up and said that he's going to shower. “What's wrong with that idiot?”, CNU said as he scratched his head. After they both finished preparing, they headed to WM. CNU was teasing Jinyoung saying that he looks like a panda not knowing that he didn't get to sleep that night.


Fast forward to afternoon, you arrived alone on WM to visit Young Ae and Mi Ae. You headed to the gym but then there's some people who are greeting you. You wondered who are they and you felt bad again but then you just pulled a smile and a bow so you'll still appear respectful. *Maybe they are my blockmates.* You continue to walk going to the gym. You checked your time before you step inside, checking if you arrived on the right time for training. You slowly made your way to the training room. Mi Ae saw you and you waved at her. She quickly go outside the room and looked so happy to see you.


Good thing, you planned to visit us.”

Can we talk, plus Young Ae?” Mi Ae then dragged you near Coach Choi. Your coach looked so happy to see you. Mi Ae asked Coach Choi if she can excuse herself and Young Ae for awhile because they need to talk to you. Good thing, he agreed so the three of you went out of the training room and stayed on the bench inside the gym. Away from the people who are having their training.


Your memory's back already, Sae Hee?” Young Ae cheerfully asked.

Not yet.”

Ah jinjja?” Young Ae and Mi Ae hold your hands and smiled.

I need to tell you something. Something happened and I don't know what to do.”

Go and tell us.”


You started to tell everything that happened on your hang-out on Jinyoung's house. You even told them that after what happened, he never talked to you nor send you messages. You told them that you wanted him to explain to you but you didn't see any signs of Jinyoung for almost a week.


SEE WHAT WE TOLD YOU!” You got shocked on what Mi Ae suddenly said, you expected her to be calm and give you advice but you got it wrong.

What?” You tried to say it calmly but your eyes started to well up.





You felt so dismayed on their reactions. All you want is to ask for help and comfort but look what they gave.


Look, guys! I came here because I want you to help if you can. I'm not asking for another scolding because my mind kept scolding me since then, since the day I can't remember anything. I just want to ask you if I should talk to Jinyoung, should I contact him or just let this things pass! I guess, I discoursed to the wrong person, I should have come to Jinyoung instead. If I just know!”


You got really pissed so you haven't watched out on what you have just said. They got shocked also and realized that what they really did was wrong. You walked out of the gym and the two tried to call you back to say sorry but you're gone already. They felt so guilty so they just go back to training. While you, you where walking fast in going out of the campus and wiping your tears fell before anyone think that you are going crazy. You sniffed and chinned up but you saw Jinyoung walking the opposite direction. He stopped when he saw you and you walked towards him. You hugged him and you started crying again. Your hug was really different. Jinyoung felt that that hug means that you need him. He rubbed your back and told you to tell him what's going on not minding the students passing by. Hoping that Jinyoung will understand you and try to fix things, you started telling what just happened on your talk with your two friends. After that, he broke the hug, wiped your tears and hold your hands. You're waiting for him to speak.


Sae Hee, I guess.. They are correct. I should stop doing this. We should stop what we have right now. I don't want to appear bad again to you. The moment you remember everything, everything will be back to normal and you will remember what I really did to you. So we better, you know,.... we better not talk again. Like what you are doing before you get into your baseball accident.”


You never expected him to say those things. Why everything unexpected is coming to you? Your emotions are rising up so you pushed him hard and slapped him with all your power. He just kept his head down as you ran away. Again, he didn't ran after you. You kept on running and running on you way out. You suddenly bumped to a strange person and sadly, you fell and your head hit the ground. When you opened your eyes, you saw your mom.


Umma.” She rushed to you, looking so worried.

Sweetie. What happened to you? Are you okay?”

Umma, please don't tell anyone that my memory is back. Let me handle this. Please?”


Yes, your memory is back again after of your head hit the ground. You can clearly remember everything again. My mom was so happy for you so she hugged you like forever and rubbing your back. You suddenly thought of Jinyoung. Your hatred to him even increased because of what happened on WM. You clenched your fists because of anger but you couldn't do nothing and you ended up crying. Your mom heard you sniffing. Sweetie, why?” You shook your head and decided to have rest some more.


The next day, you'll be able to go home. You're still thinking of so many things. You should be happy since everything will be back to normal but there's something that bugging you. For days, you were just locking yourself on your room. You will just go downstairs to eat with your mom but after, back to your room. Your mom wondered why you act like that and she's getting more and more worried but she couldn't find time to talk to you. She couldn't find the right timing. Baro kept on sending you messages also and even attempted to call you but you just ignore it.


Jinyoung, too, was a being a bit anti-social. He will just talk if someone asked him something. He often left his phone on the dorm when going to school. He didn't tell anyone what happened between you and him on WM that's why their only clue is it's because of you and nothing more about it. One training day, he got even scolded by Coach Shim for being not attentive on training. On the weekend, he stayed on his real home but the moment his mom saw him,


Jinyoung darling!” Jinyoung just looked at his mom with an expressionless face.

Is Sae Hee coming here again? I want to talk to her more and your appa too.” He just shook his head and headed directly to his room. Didn't even bother to open the lights. Well, it's still day. That night, he video called his noona again. Seeing her dongsaeng's long face, she knows that something not good is happening.


Mwalhaebwa, Jinyoung.” So he told everything that happened and he was so confused.

Noona. I don't know what did I do? I mean, I don't know if what I did is right? She looked so hurt and the way she slapped me. That was the strongest!”

Of course, she's hurt. You hurt his feelings. Even though if she likes you or not, when she discovered that things, no wonder that she'll be mad Jinyoung. You know what. I won't give you any advice. Not being a bad noona here but I want you to learn from your mistakes and fix those things you messed up. I'm a girl too, so you know.” He just nodded and bid goodbye coldly to his noona. He tried to send you some messages but decided not to since he knew that you won't reply or you'll just get mad even more plus he's scared.


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I hope you guys will still wait tho it will take forever to update my my story.


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daeljoejinyoung96 #1
Omo. I just found this story, and when i saw the name of a female lead character, my eyes keep blinked because her name 'daeljoejinyoung96' similar likes my username xD
Hi ^^ I love your story. I already finished reading this story long time ago but I still don't have account at that time, so.... I just want to say I love your story. I mean all your story, Such a good writer ^^ 'KPOP'the good work! Hehe Fighting!
Chapter 49: what a great story!

i love the ending!! xD
Chapter 49: DAAAAADADADADADA!!!!!!! :)))))

Chynna #5
What a nice storyyyy :))~
omgoshh. this is a really lovely fanfic xD keep it uP!!
Sarahjoyce #8
BUWAHAHAHA!!! Marathon!!!
I made...
I finished reading it without cuts (sleep)!!!
YEHEY!!! ^O^
sunshineangel28 #9
I like the story. nice job
AyraLovesKibum #10
daebak!! :)
just finished this story and its really good!