Finally...but sweetness was the answer?

A Lost of Taste


It’s been months since I’ve been coaching and helping Kyuhyun with his problems…I’ve made him into a star! Keke I’m such a good role model~! Ahem. Anyways as I was saying I’ve made this new trainee turn into a great superstar! Though that was still was with his own skills. His voice is beautiful enough to make me fall in love with him. Yeah. I told you right? I like Cho Kyuhyun…but during the past months of helping him I can’t help but to fall for him even more…yes…I love Cho Kyuhyun. Even though he is still a bastard. Cough! He’s in a group called Super Junior K.R.Y. Along with two other members in his group Yesung and Ryeowook the two were very sweet boys. I didn’t know their managers were together, well Yesung’s manager and Ryeowook…and since I was Kyuhyun’s…NAH! It’s not going to happen.


Anyways Yesung’s manager was Lee Donghae, and Ryeowook’s Lee Hyuk Jae…other words Eunhyuk my two close friends during these months. Since we’re managers of the three we hanged out more often!  Eunhyuk and Donghae are actually a couple? And thus, EunHae was born! You want to start crying? Go ahead. Because there is still another couple I haven’t mentioned yet, the YeWook couple! I found it sweet Yesung and Ryeowook falling in love and they’re in the same band…aigoo~! And then we’ve got my very nice friend Heechul and his boyfriend…and here we are with our third couple HanChul!!! Yeah. These couple names…I didn’t make them up…it just spreads around like a wildfire in SM Entertainment…Sigh. These people, really? Anyways asides the success I’ve done…haa~ I love saying that! Okay off topic I’m waiting backstage with Eunhyuk and Donghae who are not present right now…that couple.


Well that goes the same for the HanChul couple…OKAY! Uhm…where was I? Right right…I’m waiting backstage for Super Junior K.R.Y. After they finished their song I could hear the loud screams from the fans. Wow. They had a lot of fans. I see Kyuhyun chatting with the two happily, man I wish he’d take notice of me right now. Damn you Cho Kyuhyun! I love you but you’re friggin dense. I saw him glance at me then smirked I blushed madly avoiding his gaze, “Stupid Kyuhyun…” I muttered I heard some shuffling behind me and saw Yesung doing his usual weird dances I chuckled at the boy, “Man this boy is weird…can’t believe Ryeowook likes him…he could do so much better” I sighed shaking my head disapprovingly just to hear a soothing voice right in my ear. “So could you…” Blushing immediately I moved forward staring at the man in behind of me.


“What the hell Kyuhyun?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! Aish…” Yelling furiously he just smirked. Typical Cho Kyuhyun…typical. “The little devil bunny cares about me right?” He hinted I didn’t get it but I could see the sincerity in his eyes then he moved away heading back to his dressing room leaving me dumbfounded. “What’s up with him all of a sudden…he’s such a jerk then he just goes all soft…SERIOUSLY WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT KID?!” I huffed before following him into the dressing room. I mean I am his manager as well right? Once I got in the room I saw him flirting with one of the cordi-noona’s which made me angry but I didn’t bother to show it just kept an emotionless face he caught a glimpse at me then smiled teasingly. “That stupid kid, bastard!” I whispered hoarsely to myself, “Neh hyung~ what’s up with you all of a sudden?” Donghae asked me walking inside the room with Eunhyuk slinging an arm over his shoulder he gave me a confused expression as well as Eunhyuk.


I shook my head giving a small smile, “It’s nothing…don’t worry about it Hae” He just nodded until Eunhyuk asked me a question, “Hyung let’s go out tonight! Celebrate the 1st anniversary for Super Junior K.R.Y what do you say? I know a good bar we can get a discount?” I thought about it for a while, “Well…HELL YEAH I WANNA GO! Ugh…but Kyuhyun will be there…wait I got an idea! Soju…Kyuhyun…equals…Minnie’s Confession hehe!” The two looked at me still waiting for a reply I nodded my head enthusiastically the two nodded, “Okay I’ll text you where it is I’m gonna be with Hae you should pick up Kyuhyun and come together arraso?” “Yeah yeah got it Hyuk…we’re you guys at it again?” I asked with a raised eyebrow the two blushed furiously. Yup. They did it…why am I surrounded by people…I better not be too I don’t wanna lose my bunny innocence!


The two left the room with a peck on each other’s lips smiling at each other with lust in their eyes…once again. Donghae giggled as he jumped on Eunhyuk back and they headed towards the endless rainbow! Sniff. I’m crying! I’m crying a bucket- NO! Scratch that! I’m crying an endless river because of the beautiful ending. BRAVO EUNHAE! BRAVO!!!


Annnd, back to reality. Think I, Lee Sungmin was crying over this…pfft! If you thought that, then you obviously don’t know me that was something called sarcasm. Well asides my sarcasm-ness might as well continue. I glanced over to the YeWook couple who were holding hands to one another I walked up to the both guys smiling giddy, “You guys gonna come tonight?” The two nodded in agreement, “Totally gonna sing my heart out~!” Yesung sang to himself making me chuckle amused, “Heh have fun with that and Ryeowook” He peeked from the fringes of his hair smiling at me softly, “Of course hyung! I can’t leave my Sungie alone when he’s drunk you know how he is!” Ryeowook said cutely clinging onto his lovers arm. I have to admit it. I’m feeling jelly over the YeWook couple same to the EunHae couple…but I don’t wanna be like them, yeah way out of line for me. I sighed smiling at the two once more, “You guys know I’m jealous of you” I spoke honestly the two gave me questionable looks.


My smile turned into a sad one, “You guys know that I’m…” I motioned the two to come close so I talk quietly and continued, “Gay…right? Well it’s not like I asked to be gay! I’m friggin straight it was just…’you-know-who’ made me fall for him” I whispered frowning the two giggled like little kids, “Neh neh hyung we can help you know that right?” Ryeowook said I just nodded dumbly and then it came to me. “How could I be so stupid? I could ask these guys to help me! GAH! Lee Sungmin you have officially lost your title at becoming an evil genius! I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT!!!” I started pouting unconsciously not noticing the YeWook couple already left me and Kyuhyun came in front of me with a weird expression on his face. “Why are you pouting like that bunny hyung?” I snapped out of the trance glaring at him, “I’m not pouting!” “Yeah you were”


The smirk plastered on his face I rolled my eyes in annoyance, “Whatever” I muttered turning on my heels to leave when I felt his hand wrap around my wrist telling me, “Wait!” I could feel the heat coming back to my face and I didn’t dare turn around, “W-what?” “! Can’t keep calm!” “Hyung look at me” I heard him say in a serious voice I tried to calm down I sighed small hoping he wouldn’t hear and turned around to see his face inches away from mine.


I stared at him dead in the eye knowing my cheeks were as red as a bamboo’s . Yeah. Not a good example right? I’m working it! Aish! Mesmerized by his deep brown orbs my eyes went down to his chisel nose and then. Gulp. His…his…philthrum. BWAHAHA! Got you didn’t I? Haha, I’m starting to act like Yesung now, that weird kid. No but seriously getting back to the point. My eyes landed on his lips I swallowed a huge buck of saliva as I heard him say, “You like what you see?” In a teasing voice blushing hard I shoved him away walking away, “NO! Psh, I’m not gay!” I said unknowingly I could see a hasten of sadness in his eyes I was taken aback. This guy…why would he be so sad? I could see the fury in his eyes just that second, “So hyung…when will you pick me up?” I stuttered out the words as he threw me cold glares. “U-uh a-anytime y-your ready i-it’s fine” I could see a triumph smirk form on his lip, “Alright, see you at…7:00 bunny~” He sang already walking away I just stood there…motionless.


Damn it. He did it again. The damn smirk wanting me to give up on life…or some cliché thing like that. “Ugh damn this guy…seriously…oh! I should call Heechul!” I yelled to myself earning weird glares from the other staff members I shrugged taking out my phone calling…


[Poko24Makashi's Note: When Heechul talks it's in that was obvious! xD] 


“…Yo Minnie Min~!”


“Hey hyung, you wanna come to a bar with me, Hyuk, Hae, and K.R.Y? Eunhyuk said he’d get a discount there? You in?”


“Psh, no need to ask me twice Min I’m there, what time gotta make my late arrival~!”


“Hyung stop smirking over the phone, I know I can’t see you but I can tell you are, and tonight”


“Hehe little Sungmin dear~ You don’t tell THIS DIVA to do you know that right? And yes, as a matter of fact I AM smirking…cause I’m gonna have to punish Geng for ditching on our last date”


I heard a big huff from him I sighed, “God seriously…such a diva I wonder how I’m even friends with him…” I was interrupted from my thoughts when Heechul kept complaining, “Alright you can punish Hangeng on a bed or something at the bar” I shivered at my wordings. Ugh. Never again mentioning ‘bed’ to Heechul. He’ll keep on blabbering about how they do it. . I’m scared.


“Sounds good to me, by the way how’s it going for you and your lover Min~?”


Damn it I hate this guy! I hate how he was right…but he still doesn’t know I like Kyuhyun right? Good I tend to keep it that way! MUWAHAHA!!! “Ah hyung, I’m going now I gotta pick up Kyu- I mean a friend…hehe yup…friend”










“…The number you have dialed is-”


“Damn it Heechul! You friggin shut the phone on me!” I was cussing at my phone getting weird glares from everyone once again I shrugged it off looking at my watch, “! I’ve been talking for a god damn hour, gotta get ready!” I yelled already running outside the building and getting into my car. Had to look nice tonight. For Kyuhyun at least.


Getting home fast I changed into a new pair of clothes and went off to pick up Kyuhyun. By the time we both got to the bar we saw the EunHae and YeWook couple already making themselves comfortable on one of the tables. Donghae took notice at us and motioned us to go them, “Hey hyung~” Yesung slurred the words I looked at him awkwardly glancing at Ryeowook who just mouthed the words ‘don’t ask’ I nodded in response. Kyuhyun slipped a seat near Ryeowook while I was on the other side beside Eunhyuk we all chatted for a while I was talking to Ryeowook in the meantime as he left his lover alone…forever alone shall I say? Hehe, anyways Yesung just went to the bathroom I was talking to Ryeowook I could feel Kyuhyun glaring at me and by the way he was in front of me…so…awkward. Still he kept glaring Ryeowook finally asked, “Hey hyung what’s wrong you don’t look that good?” I just frowned glancing at the idio- I mean the younger one in front of.


Looking back at Ryeowook I forced a smile, “No it’s nothing Wookie! Hey guys are we gonna start drinking or what I’m thirsty~!” I sang they all nodded expect for Kyuhyun who just kept an eye on me everyone was ordering on their own I looked Kyuhyun dead in the eye giving back the same glare, “What do you want Cho?” He scoffed a smirk, “Nothing bunny~ Aren’t you gonna order?” “Yeah I am, but how about you?” I asked curious he just shrugged in response I sighed, “I’ll order for the both of us then” He just raised an eyebrow before nodding in agreement I could see the fear in his eyes. Why is he afraid of alcohol or something? What the hell. I swear to god if this kid was trolling me these few months not being able to taste anything I will piss off. LIKE I WILL PISS OFF!!! But then again…I did spend time with him…oh god Lee Sungmin what the hell is wrong with you?!


We waited finally the drinks came with this ty girl flipping her skirt at times she was dressed really…y and . Ew. That’s disgusting. Kyuhyun ignored her just staring at the drinks in front of him she had a scowl on her face I smirked she saw and huffed leaving annoyed smirking in triumph Kyuhyun just stared at me blankly. I had a weird expression on my face, “What?” He still just stared blankly and took a glimpse his drink. “Oh right I forgot…I wonder…since he can’t ‘taste’ anything wouldn’t he be drunk?...HUHU! Operation starts now!” I thought smiling evilly I took a sip from my wine drink. Man, I LOVE WINE! I glanced at him from the golden-like liquid through the glass. Smirking inwardly I looked at the others the EunHae couple just making out on their own. Revolting. Makes me shiver I then looked at the YeWook couple which Yesung was already going drunk singing out loud and Ryeowook following along as they slurred the lyrics of the song.


I chuckled amused by the innocent couple and brought my gaze back to Kyuhyun. I could see his eyes drooping and his breath smelling strong I winced at the smell I was never a big fan of beer. I saw his hand reaching to mine grabbing it on tightly yet softly he looked at me with lust in his eyes giving me fright. Widening my eyes I stuttered out words, “K-kyuhyun…what a-are you d-doing?” I saw his face coming closer to mines I could feel his hot breath on lips I shuddered at close stance his eyes were still drooping but gave a pleading feeling I felt myself blushing and my heart beating when I heard. “I love you Lee Sungmin…” Frozen. Did he just say what I think he said…H-he…loved me…Lee Sungmin…the leader to all evil bunnies.


Before I could even take a good look at him properly to see if he was still drunk or not I felt something soft on my lips. Soft. Opening my eyes widely I saw him. Him. The one I despise. Despi-OKAY! Not getting anywhere! Kyuhyun was kissing MEEE?! Not lying, but I’ve been waiting for this moment. It was a short and simple kiss he moved away looking at me deeply and smirked whispering, “You taste sweet…” Bwo?! Sweet…?




Putting my head down angrily my eyes darkening I got up abruptly glaring at the boy in front of me, “You…” I whispered deadly with his knowing smirk he just shrugged his shoulder arrogantly I quickly grabbed his collar shaking him back and forth madly…that’s what she said. Haha sorry I urge to be in the ‘That’s what she said’ era right now. Ahem! Continuing, “YOU FRIGGIN TROLL!!! NO YOU !!! NO! YOU-” I screamed at him looking at him dead in the eyes truly frustrated still smirking, “Problem?”


WHAT. THE. HELL. I swear this guy could be another one of those Trolling people he gave me that typical Troll face. LIKE LEGIT. Right now he’s giving it to me. This kid WILL die.


And like that I felt the same pair of lips on mine but this time it was more passionate breaking from the kiss Kyuhyun gave me a loving look in his eyes muttering something, “You wanna know why I couldn’t taste anything?” I was just dumbstruck as he gave me my SECOND KISS?! I just nodded unknowingly he gave an angelic smile, “Because-OWW!!!” He held his jaw in pain I could see the damage in his eyes I was dumbstruck for a second time, “W-what’s wrong Kyuhyun?!” I asked worried looking at his jaw but just to see him staring deeply into my eyes saying, “When I kissed you my mouth hurts” I just frowned.What?!” But he continued, “It only hurts because you are SOOOOO SWEET~!” He sang with a grin on his face. What.


I just sat there staring at him emotionless he continued, “Are you going to kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary?” He said with a smirk smeared across his face. “Why the hell is he being cheesy all of a sudden?!” I thought with a weird expression, “Have you always been this cute, or did you have to work at it?” Seriously. I think this kid is drunk. “Ohh you think I’m drunk?” He said to me I just stared at with the same face I could hear him scoff a small laugh smiling evilly, “I’m not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by you~!” I blushed madly, “Y-yah! What’s up with you and all these cheesy pickup lines?! I’m beginning to think you’re really drunk!” I glanced at the others who were giggling at each other looking at the two of us making me more embarrassed. Kyuhyun smirked, “All I’m asking you…Lee Sungmin…are you taking any applications for a boyfriend?” Blushing at his comment I slapped his arm playfully not saying anything instead I was just looking down at my lap. Of course I wanted to be his boyfriend!!!


 I’ve been waiting for this all my life! I could feel a huge grin as he tackled me into a hug I looked him in the eyes pouting he just gave me a worried expression, “What’s wrong Minnie~?” Minnie? I smirked inwardly, “Kyuuu~ I don’t any more pick up lines alright!” I said sternly but still with a hint of ageyo he just smirked as it was silent at the table. The EunHae and YeWook couple drinking and watching our little drama. “Hey Minnie?” “Hmm?” I hummed in response, “Do you believe in love at first sight?” I gave him a puzzled look he continued, “Or should I walk by again?” “Damn it Cho! No more cheesy lines~!” I said embarrassed as I stuff my head in his chest I could hear laughter from our table…and behind us. Behind us?


“Ah! Heechul hyung! What took you guys so long?” I exclaimed he just smiled proudly, “I told you Minnie Min I’m here to make my late arrival duuh~? Neh Gengie?” Heechul said hugging onto the Chinese man beside who was smiling happily. Heechul took a good look at us and smirked, “I told you Minnie Min you’d be with him” He winked I blushed, “N-no!-” “Deniaaal~” Heechul said in a know-it-all tone I pouted as he changed his gaze to Kyuhyun and smiled maliciously, “I told you those cheesy pickup lines would work~” Heechul sang Kyuhyun just grinned nodding, “Thanks hyung” I just stared between the both glaring at Kyuhyun, “What?” He just put on a sheepish smile rubbing the back of his neck, “I did it for you my little bunny~ you’re happy aren’t you?” I blushed looking away but stopped when I heard Heechul talking to Hangeng in a…y voice.


“You know how they say skin is the largest organ on the human body? Not in my case. Let’s go Hannie~” Heechul said with a seductive look in his eyes making me shudder Kyuhyun put his arms around my waist making me look away from the scene smiling gently, “Don’t worry bunny~ We won’t do that anytime soon!” He said with a cute wink I blushed, “Of course Chullie~” Hangeng replied lifting up him up in bridal style, wow. HanChul couple. EunHae, YeWook, and us…wait I don’t know what to call us? How abou-“Talking to yourself Minnie~” Kyuhyun said with a playful grin. I grew furious, “DAMN YOU CHO KYUHYUN!!!” Running after him it reminded me of how we first met, stupid Cho Kyuhyun. Everyone had a great time we even sang some karaoke by ourselves man…what a night.


By the time it was morning we were still at the same bar and the manager came scolding us threatening us to kick us out. We all laughed at Eunhyuk who was begging on his knees for not letting us get kicked out. Well…I guess this is it then…I’ve finally got my lover and I’m gonna get back at Heechul for…well…everything. Oh, did I forget to mention I finally found a name for me and Kyuhyun…wanna guess? I think you’ll know it~




That’s right, we’re the KyuMin couple, the evil bunny leader with the game freak. Trust me…I saw this coming. Hehe, what a troll I am, “Minnie~ you shouldn’t be talking to yourself so much, you should be talking to meee!!!” Kyuhyun whined with a pout I just chuckled amused looking at my lover with loving eyes, “I know Kyu! Aish, I just need to talk to myself sometimes you know how I am!” I said pursing out my lips he just laughed ruffling my hair, “Of course my precious bunny, you wanna go to the café?” I laughed lightly slapping his arm playfully, “The one where we got kicked out?” “Yup~!” He said grinning mischievously I just nodded, “Let’s go!” He grabbed my hand intertwining it together and we headed towards my car and we were there. We got kicked out again.


God, I love this man, such a naughty brat…but he’s mine. “Hey Min” “Yeah?” He looked at me with those knowing eyes. Damn it. I bet it’s another- “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together~” I started hitting the back of his head frowning, “Kyuhyun I told you no more cheesy pick-up lines!” He just laughed grabbing my arm from hitting him anymore and smiled, “Let’s go home” I nodded and like that we were walking back. I’d have to say…this isn’t the typical relationship me and Kyuhyun have…well not the typical relationship I expected. Sigh. But I still love him…forever and ever. Alright this is your Multi-Tasker leader/ Evil bunny leader signing out- “Stop talking to yourself~” Kyuhyun said with a taunting voice I clenched my fist running after him again. Sigh. And here we are…I’m running after like any ending of a happy fairytale. Lee Sungmin out!!! 




Poko24Makashi's Note:

Ahh, finish! -.- This took me a while to write but I hope it was good? :3 Please leave comments telling me if it or not T_T' Same to you silent readers! :D See you guys in another KyuMin story~ ^.^ And please check out my one-shot fic: 

Amusement Parks = Destiny

- Comments and revieews?! XD <3 

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 3: hahaha so funny!! xD
nice author nim~
RayhanAdni #2
Awwww adorableeee. Make more fanfic like thisss ^^ Hwaitingg
arinaabrar #3
Chapter 3: eww .. the pickup lines .. so cheesy .. >//<
aegyodonkey #4
This one is so funny :D I laughed a lot~
Evil bunny Min & Cheesy Kyu XD
that sweet! cheesykyu was so funny!
alleksandra #6
An update! So, to sum up your lovely fic, I'm giving you my little review :) I LOVE Sungmin's POV! He sounds pretty silly sometimes, though. But I can forgive him because of his ultimate aegyo! ^^ Kyuhyun's cheesy pick-up lines knocked me out xD xD xD and of course, everything because of Heechul the diva! I cracked up at the description of ' SM couples' :D it's nice that you included Eunhae and Yewook, always pleased to read about them! I really enjoyed this fic. I don't want to make any promises, but I'll try to check out your other stories ;)) keep up your good work, dear!

PS: are you sure, you meant to write "bamboo's " up there? Shouldn't it be ''baboon's''? But maybe it was because of Sungmin's own little mistake... :)
@dengekidaisy Hehe thank you! ^.^ Keke right I mean it's Lee Sungmin he's the ageyo king! >:D Haha!

@alleksandra Haha thank you very much for subscribing and commenting on this story the last chapter is up I'm hoping to get a pretty good response? ;D
alleksandra #8
I was missing Kyumin in my subscribtions, so I started browsking the topic and found you here! What a pity it's only a three-shot! But still, I like it very much! :)))
yeah! also like the second chapter!

hahaha... that aegyo king... no one can resist his aegyO..

i think i can imagine what happened till they were kicked out from the cafe... ahahaha... must be funny!