First Meeting! Not so pretty! -.-

A Lost of Taste


“Aish! I’m gonna be late…again?!” I cussed under my breath buttoning up my white dress shirt.


Oh…did I forget to introduce myself… I’m Lee Sungmin…24 years old. Aaaand…I’m going to stop my introduction right here because I’m late for work?! Ahem…rephrasing that…MY FIRST DAY OF WORK?!


“Alright key’s check, briefcase check, brushing teeth…eh…no…not checked” I sighed loudly as I ran to my bathroom brushing my teeth quickly rinsing water I headed back downstairs grabbing whatever I could for breakfast and wearing on my best shoes looking at myself in the mirror seeing my reflection I looked very…boss. Yeah. That’s because I am boss. I mean I know martial art, I know how to play the guitar, dude…I’m a Multi-Tasker!!! Yeah if there was a ‘Multi-Tasker Club’ I’d totally be leader of the club…


I shook my head at my own gloating comments and smiled widely, “Shishus…let it be a good day today!” I closed my door heading to my pink car. No need to explain what kind of car right? I mean it’s pink! That’s enough for Lee Sungmin! Turning the key the car and I was headed to work…as a matter of fact I shall continue my introduction from here on since I’m just sitting in the car driving.


Right so where was I... RIGHT! Ahem! Lee Sungmin 24 years old…yeah you got that…well the job I work for right now is the famous idol company SM Entertainment. Wow…it was hard to even get in…but I managed to get in thanks to my ‘Multi-Tasking’ skills…hehe… And there I go again gloating about myself…I don’t blame myself though my mom’s the one who gave birth to me I got all of this from her.


I shook my head disapprovingly heading out of the car continuing my ‘introduction’ somewhat? Okay…continuing before I get interrupted. So I’m walking in the huge building nervous…okay…narrating myself won’t help. Anywa-




“Hey! I was introducing myself what the hell do you think you were doing?!” I yelled angrily at the person in front of me. Wow. When that person…which was a guy. Ahem rephrasing again. A handsome guy! He had brown hair moved on one side of his face, his perfect picture features on his face…I’m not GAY! Did I forget to mention that? “Uh are you alright?” The guy said with a smirk on his face I just stood there staring I heard him chuckle and continuing, “I know I’m good looking…but stop staring at my beautiful face it will be ruined~!” He sang with a smirk appearing on his face. I frowned scoffing, “Well excuse me! You’re the one who crashed into me!” He just laughed lightly yet…evilly. “Well it’s enough that I can’t taste anything and now I’ve got a little…angry bunny accusing me I bumped into him…tsk tsk!” The guy said still with the same evil smirk plastered on his face.


I gritted my teeth frustrated but stopped when I replayed what he just said, “Did he just say he can’t ‘taste’ anything?” I looked at him suspiciously he was looking another way and I bet he saw me staring again and he frowned, “What you bunny?” I clenched my fist together bringing it up to his face which startled him but I didn’t hit him. “Why are you calling me bunny?! I don’t even know you and you’re already giving me nicknames!!! I know martial arts and I’ll whip your with it!!!” I said in triumph he just stood there astounded, “Heh…that’ll teach him to not mess with me!” I smirked when he got back to his senses muttering, “Oh bunny doesn’t suit him…how about…rabbit!” He said smiling happily I blushed, “Is this guy trying to make a fool out of me or what?!”


“Well…you like it rabbit?” He said with another teasing smirk on his face I rolled my eyes, “Tch! I don’t have time to waste! I have a job so leave me alone!” “Wow…that was a stupid comeback…good job Lee Sungmin…good job” I ignored my own thought already heading for the building. “Heh…you’ll be mine soon little rabbit” The guy said also heading inside the same building.


“Lee Sungmin…come to Lee Soo-Man’s office immediately” I heard the speakers in the building I sighed nervously as I made my way to his office taking the elevator. After some time I was already in front of the door I knocked first, “Come in” I heard a gruff voice say I gulped nervous I turned the door knob bowing at my boss. The big boss. Guess I ain’t as boss anymore…NAH! Who the hell am I kidding I’m still boss!  “Yes Mr. Soo-Man…what was it that you needed?” I asked politely he just looked at me skeptically, “I need you to help one of my newest trainees I’m sure he has a lot of potential I showed him all my staff members including yourself…” I gulped as he continued, “And he decided to pick you, Lee Sungmin.” He ended off with a small smile I just smiled back nervously, “Is this person good? Bad? Stupid? Wait…why would this person even be stupid…anyways I’m sure I’ll make this person a star cause you know…aha…I’m a Multi-Tasker” I thought while Mr. Soo-Man interrupted my thoughts.


“But there is just one flaw about him” He said serious I just looked at him curious, “And what would that be Mr. Soo-Man?” “He says that he has no taste” I just tilted my head confused, “Say what?!” “Yes apparently that is what he told me…anyways I will let him in the room” Lee Soo-Man spoke on the speaker’s minutes later someone knocked on the door. “Come in” He said once again loudly I looked back behind me with a wide open mouth, “I-it’s you?!” I just pointed a finger at him. The same guy I bumped to this morning. Which was totally his fault by the way so don’t blame me. He smirked, “Oh it looks like little rabbit here will be training me…hope I didn’t pick the wrong person” I heard him whisper to me while passing me making my eyes widen in anger. But I calmed down. Because I’m a good bunny right? BUNNY?! Enough of that !


“Alright I’ll let you two off! Make sure you take care of him well Lee Sungmin I’m counting on you!” “Yes sir!” I bowed also the guy did too we got out of the door going into one of the practice rooms once we reached there I asked, “What’s your name?” He just shrugged smirking…as usual. I knitted my eyebrows, “Kyuhyun…Cho Kyuhyun” He said coolly. “Hmm…so why don’t we start? Oh…I’m your friend now alright? So let’s star-” I was cut off by the bastard guy. “What? I didn’t ask you to be my friend I have plenty of friends” He said with an annoyed tone of voice I rolled my eyes, “Well if I’m helping you with you and your…’taste’ problems we’ll have to get used to each other won’t we?” Kyuhyun just rolled his eyes in response, “Ugh…annoying kid…I’m going to make sure Hell Girl comes and takes him to hell! Hehe…evil bunny thoughts…evil! Or shall I write a Death Note? Or or! Sent him off to watch Happy Tree Friends to himself so he’s scared to death by cute animals…like myself…keke!”


And that was the start of our first meeting…not so pretty right? But it will get better you’ll see! I actually intend to help him out with his tasting problems…that sounds very weird? Tasting problems? That’s something I’ve never heard of-


“Are you talking to yourself again?” I heard Kyuhyun say with a sly smirk I frowned, “I was…UNTIL YOU INTERRUPTED ME?!” I yelled running after him. Yes…that’s how our friendship started.




Poko24Makashi's Note:

How was the first chapter? A total fail...yeah maybe T.T I'll be sure to update soon! ^^

- Comments and revieews?! XD <3 

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 3: hahaha so funny!! xD
nice author nim~
RayhanAdni #2
Awwww adorableeee. Make more fanfic like thisss ^^ Hwaitingg
arinaabrar #3
Chapter 3: eww .. the pickup lines .. so cheesy .. >//<
aegyodonkey #4
This one is so funny :D I laughed a lot~
Evil bunny Min & Cheesy Kyu XD
that sweet! cheesykyu was so funny!
alleksandra #6
An update! So, to sum up your lovely fic, I'm giving you my little review :) I LOVE Sungmin's POV! He sounds pretty silly sometimes, though. But I can forgive him because of his ultimate aegyo! ^^ Kyuhyun's cheesy pick-up lines knocked me out xD xD xD and of course, everything because of Heechul the diva! I cracked up at the description of ' SM couples' :D it's nice that you included Eunhae and Yewook, always pleased to read about them! I really enjoyed this fic. I don't want to make any promises, but I'll try to check out your other stories ;)) keep up your good work, dear!

PS: are you sure, you meant to write "bamboo's " up there? Shouldn't it be ''baboon's''? But maybe it was because of Sungmin's own little mistake... :)
@dengekidaisy Hehe thank you! ^.^ Keke right I mean it's Lee Sungmin he's the ageyo king! >:D Haha!

@alleksandra Haha thank you very much for subscribing and commenting on this story the last chapter is up I'm hoping to get a pretty good response? ;D
alleksandra #8
I was missing Kyumin in my subscribtions, so I started browsking the topic and found you here! What a pity it's only a three-shot! But still, I like it very much! :)))
yeah! also like the second chapter!

hahaha... that aegyo king... no one can resist his aegyO..

i think i can imagine what happened till they were kicked out from the cafe... ahahaha... must be funny!