Helping out these 'taste' problems!

A Lost of Taste


It’s been months…yeah…to be exact…it’s just been 2 weeks since me and Kyuhyun have been well you know…‘hanging out’. Yeah…were still pissed off at each other. And if you thought ‘hanging out’ was something bad, your wrong. How many times do I have to say…I’M NOT GAY! Sure I like pink and sure I like bunnies…their cute animals…LIKE ME!!! Haha there I go again and talk about myself…I’ve been spending too much time with one of my staff members…to be clear who I’m talking about. It’s the great Kim Heechul, yeah…he’s not as great as me! I’m a flipping ageyo guy no one can resist! He’s just…Milky White Skin Kim Heechul. Nuff said. Anyways I was at SM Entertainments washroom…wait why am I telling you I’m in the washroom? Right…cause you would have dirty thoughts?


“Yah! Sungmin ah! You take forever in the washroom…you’re suppose to come with me to visit Hannie today~!” I heard Heechul sang out the washroom door. Damn! He was loud…oh I forgot…he’s gay too. But I love him, in a brotherly way he’s awesome! “Yeah yeah coming!” I washed my hands heading out the door to be glomped on by Heechul, “Neh neh you think my Hannie will miss me?” He asked, “Of course you guys are…boyfriend and…boyfriend?”


 He looked at me un-amused then smirked, “Aww little Minnie Min doesn’t have a boyfriend for himself? Jelly much?” I stared at him with a wide mouth open before snapping, “HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU I’M NOT GAY?!” Heechul used both of his hands to cover his ears and rolled his eyes, “God Sungmin do you have to yell?! Aish! Seriously…I was kidding with you…I know you’re not gay…but you will be” I frowned at him, “First, say Shis-” “Not gonna happen” He said coolly I continued to frown at him, “Second, yes I had to yell” I said with a smirk now he just looked at me annoyed. “And lastly…NO WAY ON HELL EARTH I WILL BE GAY!” I ended off with a huff.


He just looked at me unconvinced and shrugged smiling evilly, “Oh but Sungmin you should know me by now…all your reasoning won’t really affect me, and yes…you will be gay! I bet on it! Especially since I know you’ll fall for that new trainee!” He said with a teasing smile I just stared at him disgusted, “Ew! Fall for him no! I’m only helping him with his problems…oh I have to help again today anyways so I won’t be seeing you and Hangeng PDA-ing in front of me…again.”


“Fine go be with your little lover then Minnie~ I’m hoping you two will be married in the future~!” He sang happily giving me a wink I shuddered, “Married? Gay? WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS GUY TAKE ME FOR?!” I just nodded to get over with it just to hear him squealing and skipping away I sighed relief, “Phew…at least he’s gone now” I turned around to be a few centimeters away from Kyuhyun’s face I felt my cheeks turning really hot. I back away quickly turned around putting both of my hands on my face, “NO NO NO! My heart is not beating! I command you my heart, to stop beating this instant! Or else I’ll bring out the big guns!!!” I thought angrily to myself pounding my chest to get the weird feeling out of me, “Uh…Sungmin hyung…are you okay?” I looked back at him with a sheepish smile, “A-ah just fine” Then he started to smirk. Ugh. I hate that smirk. I started to frown as he started coming close again.


“Hm…are you blushing because of me?” My cheeks were turning red again I just know it! Stupid heart…why is it beating so fast for him I mean he’s just a trainee…and a guy who has taste problems SO WHAT?! This doesn’t mean I’m gay right? RIGHT?!  “Uh…yah weird rabbit bunny thingy how long are you gonna stand there and stare out in the open?” Kyuhyun questioned me I shook my head out of the trance. “Ahem…never mind me…we have to figure out your problem let’s go to a café now! Since we’re done and all…” I trailed off as I saw excitement in his eyes…surprising? Usually he’d give me teasing eyes he seems happy…too happy? He nodded his head, “Sure! Let me go get my stuff and we’ll go!” Kyuhyun said quickly running off leaving me dumbfounded, “First he acts like a stubborn bastard and now he’s acting like an innocent angel…there must be something wrong with me” I shook my head putting on a determined face. Okay no more playing around, get over Kyuhyun’s problem and I’m free~! Ahh freedom!!! I can ‘taste’ it now…Yeah pun not intended.


“Haa…ok…ay…let’s go!” Kyuhyun said panting hard catching his breath giving me a dazzling smile which made my heart skip a beat. He grabbed my wrist dragging me out the building I glanced at our hands, well his hand…and my wrist. I felt my cheeks turning pink I shook my head furiously, “NO! I don’t like him! Even though he’s got such a nice figure, a dazzling smile that melts my heart…ew. Did I just say that?” I saw him looking back at my impatiently as he was tapping his foot on the concrete ground with eyebrows knitted in frustration, “Are you going to unlock your car or what?”  I just widen my eyes fumbling with my keys in my jacket pocket, “Y-yeah I am!” Unlocking the car he got in the passenger and I was in the driver’s seat…obviously.


Starting the car I started driving unconsciously from time to time I would take a glimpse at my wrist still having the warm feeling there when Kyuhyun was holding it. “YAH! CAREFUL!!!” I shot my head up to see I was on the other side of the car lane he sighed relief as he took the wheel making the car go back on the right lane then he shot me a glare, “What the hell do you’re doing?! And why do you keep looking at your wrist?!” I just stuttered out words, “I w-was just thinking of something! Y-yeah! T-that’s what I meant to say!” I face palmed myself inwardly, “Idiot Lee Sungmin! What’s wrong with me…I can’t be possibly falling…NAAH! I’m just too paranoid that’s why I’m thinking that…Yeah! That’s why! Phew…curse stupid Kim Heechul for making me fall for this trainee!” I widen my eyes shocked at the thought letting go of the wheel once again.


“Yah! Stupid bunny! You’re going to kill me! DO YOU INTEND TO DO THAT OR WHAT?!” Kyuhyun spat out angrily as he took the wheel from me again I just gazed at him dreamily and looked at me with a weird expression, “What? Why do you keep staring at me like that?” I moaned out softly, “I t-think…I might…” I saw him turn into like ten different shades of red I tried to stifle my laugh. Yeah I was trolling him the whole time. Hehe evil bunny I am. Like I said. I’m not gay! So it’s not like I did that for real, just teasing cause I’m the Lee Sungmin like that!  “W-what?” He sputtered out still heat radiating from his face I couldn’t hold it in anymore I just laughed out like that. He looked at me surprised but then was fuming, “What?! Why are you laughing?!” I wiped the tear at the corner of my eyes trying to stop but couldn’t I just continued and tried to explain still laughing. Didn’t work out well.


“HAHA! Y-you HAHA! B-b-blushing beca- HAHA -use of me!!! WHAAHA~!” He gave me deathly glare and let go of the wheel I took hold of it still laughing. We finally made it to the café. Man was that a fun ride…well in ages I guess. He stepped out the car first slamming the door I got out of the car to follow him into the café he was seated at one the seats of the café I sat in front of him. Dead silence. Ugh silence just what I need right? “Neh are you mad at me?” I gave him my puppy dog eyes hoping he’d forgive me instead he got up abruptly heading towards the café counter ordering some snacks for himself I sighed slumping my shoulders on the seat. Aish! I was just having fun and now he’s pissed off! Tsk, seriously?” He came back still with the same emotionless yet angry face I decided. Time to use operation: Evil Bunny uses ageyo to get Cho Kyuhyun to forgive him! That’s a long operation right? Hehe, but with my skills I’ll be sure to win him back! …I didn’t just say that…so let’s forget I said that.


“Kyuuuu~!” I said pouting still giving my doggy eyes to him I saw him look at me flinching I could see his face turning pink. Why is his face turning pink? Oh well duh I know! He likes…AGEYO RIGHT!  Haha right? He can’t like me…no one likes me like that. Sigh. How sad for me…anyways back on doing my operation, “Kyuhyunnie~ Pwease don’t bwe mad anymowore! Minne no like!” I puffed out my cheeks letting my lips purse out I saw him blushing crazily, “Y-yah you weird bunny stop t-that!” With a red face he looked away from me. Oh hell naw did he turn away from me. NO ONE turns away from Ageyo Lee Sungmin! I went close to him and started clinging on his arm like a five year old and pouted, “Pwease no mowore mad okay Kyuuu~” I begged doing as much ageyo I can to get him to forgive me. And as the same result I see him blushing even more. “F-FINE! BUT STOP BEING CUTE! You’re wrecking my image!” Pft. What image? I just nodded cutely, “Kaaay~ Now let’s eat now Kyu~”


He just nodded going back to his original color I heard him whisper something to himself but too bad I heard, “Can’t believe this stupid bunny is making me fall for him more” Mwo? Fall for me? Me? Lee Sungmin? I felt my heart beating rapidly as he raised his head up I looked into his eyes mesmerized until he broke it off, “Oh here’s the food let’s eat…well I’ll try”  He said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly with a nervous smile making me blush I had to admit. If you were in my situation right now and saw this man…Cho Kyuhyun doing this you’d fall for him…I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think…I like hi-


“Yah you rabbit are you going to help me or not?” He said smirking. I felt my whole heart raging in anger. I can’t believe I was about to say I liked him…THIS !!! I forcibly smile, “Sure Kyuhyun!” I said dangerously he just shrugged it off making me more pissed. Ignoring his stupid remarks I wanted to help him, “Try this cake…tell me if you can taste it?” I shoved a cake in front of him he looked at me then back the cake smiling evilly, “Oh little rabbit here wants to feed me well then okay” He took a bite of it into his mouth I don’t know but I knew I was blushing again when my eyes wandered off to his…lips. “AIE! Lee Sungmin you’re not gay! Why are looking at his lips…ugh…can’t take it anymore…I LIKE HIM OKAY?!” I can’t believe I just thought that. You happy conscious? I already said it…I like Cho Kyuhyun.  


“Neh…the cake taste so bland” He said with an un-amused smile plastered on his face staring at the cake blankly. “Bwo?” I said surprised…did this kid really have tasting problems? Well I’m just going to have to help him out like hell. Fighting Lee Sungmin! “Talking to yourself again?” Kyuhyun said with a teasing smile, “Damn it Cho Kyuhyun!” And like that we were kicked out of that café that day…yeah…I think you know what happened right? If not…I’ll leave that to your imagination. But no thinking dirty! Lee Sungmin is out!




Poko24Makashi's Note:

Hehe a little longer! :3 Keke last chapter to work on you guys tell like it so far? Huhu comments please and subscriptions! ^^

- Comments and revieews?! XD <3 

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 3: hahaha so funny!! xD
nice author nim~
RayhanAdni #2
Awwww adorableeee. Make more fanfic like thisss ^^ Hwaitingg
arinaabrar #3
Chapter 3: eww .. the pickup lines .. so cheesy .. >//<
aegyodonkey #4
This one is so funny :D I laughed a lot~
Evil bunny Min & Cheesy Kyu XD
that sweet! cheesykyu was so funny!
alleksandra #6
An update! So, to sum up your lovely fic, I'm giving you my little review :) I LOVE Sungmin's POV! He sounds pretty silly sometimes, though. But I can forgive him because of his ultimate aegyo! ^^ Kyuhyun's cheesy pick-up lines knocked me out xD xD xD and of course, everything because of Heechul the diva! I cracked up at the description of ' SM couples' :D it's nice that you included Eunhae and Yewook, always pleased to read about them! I really enjoyed this fic. I don't want to make any promises, but I'll try to check out your other stories ;)) keep up your good work, dear!

PS: are you sure, you meant to write "bamboo's " up there? Shouldn't it be ''baboon's''? But maybe it was because of Sungmin's own little mistake... :)
@dengekidaisy Hehe thank you! ^.^ Keke right I mean it's Lee Sungmin he's the ageyo king! >:D Haha!

@alleksandra Haha thank you very much for subscribing and commenting on this story the last chapter is up I'm hoping to get a pretty good response? ;D
alleksandra #8
I was missing Kyumin in my subscribtions, so I started browsking the topic and found you here! What a pity it's only a three-shot! But still, I like it very much! :)))
yeah! also like the second chapter!

hahaha... that aegyo king... no one can resist his aegyO..

i think i can imagine what happened till they were kicked out from the cafe... ahahaha... must be funny!