Chapter 10

Is This Destiny ?


on that moment onwards, is the moment where Top and Hyo doesn't want to change at all. how he hated his world, his world that would hurt her. Top went to store, he rang the door bell. the old lady answered it,

"oh, ur the boy just now"

"ahh, hi. where is her room?" Top asked the old lady politely.

the old lady gave Top the directon to her room, Top simply nodded and carried Hyo to her room. there he laid her on the bed, 

"you don't know how much  missed you" Top whispers under his breath.


Hyo woke up the next morning, a little late then the usual morning that she should woke up, 

"omg, i'm late" she mumbled.

she rushed downstairs to just meet the old lady's eyes and smile. 

"where are the customers?" Hyo asked confused at the same time.

"haha ! it's holiday hunny. take your time, go take a wash your smelly" the old lady jokely said. 

"omo yahh, i'm not that smelly" Hyo proclaimed.

the old lady gave a are-you-kidding-me look to Hyo.

"ok, i'll go take one now. bye" Hyo said playfully.

the old lady watches Hyo rush on up stairs 

"how i wished i have a daughter" the old lady smiles


Top called Hyo, 


"ahh, Hyoyeon. emm, do you have some time?"

"ahh, Top i think i have..."

"just for a moment"

"fine, place?"

"the usuals"


Top tucked his phone inside of his pocket and continue to get ready. 


Hyo enters the coffee shop and spots Top at the corner of the table. she walk over and sat herself down.

"what do you want to drink?" the waiters asked them

"mango shake, two please" 


"you still knew my favorite drink don't you?" Top told Hyo

in that moment, Hyo realised what she just did. she had this habit to just know Top's favorite things what he dislikes and what he likes. 

"umm, it's just a habit. i got use to it"

"you shouldn't" Top said in a serious tone.

it shooked Hyo, but if this is a tough game. she'll keep defending.

"so?" Hyo said, in a simple words.

"here" Top gave her a present wrapped.

"what's this?" Hyo asked

the waiter brough their drink and served to them. "enjoy" they both nodded

"it's something you should use, in the future." Top explain while slurping down his drink. 

Hyo nodded and starts to drink her mango shake. they stare at each other. Top lean closer towards Hyo,

"i'll miss you, take care, the present use it with benefit" Top whispers.

Hyo nodded and watch Top walk away. she sighs 

"what happen to us?" she said, while a tear escapes her eyes.


Hyo got home with her presen on her hands. 

"ahjumma ! i'm home" 

"ahh, Hyoyeon-ah. did you had dinner?" she asked Hyo

"just snacks" Hyo said 

"ok, i'll reheat the soup and we can starts eating"

"neh, i'll be upstairs if your finding me k?" 

"ok, go take a shower ok"

"neh" Hyo rushs upstairs and sat on her bed and decided to open the present later. she took a shower and walk over to her present. she sat down and slowly unwrap her present.

to: Hyoyeon

'hey, this is a precious present take care of it'

she smiles and open up the present. to find a gun is in it. with her name incraft on the handle. the word 'hyoyeon' is writen with an italia writing. she opened her desk and closed it. 

i'm sorry if my story is short, but i wanted a detailed story so. i hope u guys enjoy :3

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Chapter 12: is it already finished? but i need some more~
Ahhh cute
i reallllllly love it..
poor top.. she cant remember him..
i like the moment when they life as a little wifey n dinosaur husband.. hahaha
kei_sainter #4
this fic isn't finished yet right? i feel like i want more more more!
hehe aside from this confusion- thanks for sharing your story! I love TOP and Hyo, but I haven't seen any other fic on them, there should be more!

on a side note my favourite moment was when Hyo calls TOP 'dinosaur husband' hehe.
btw, please dont let this be the end!
@itsmeyami1 - UPDATED :3
itsmeyami1 #6
Update soon :)
@pattreeya - i love HyoTop too :)

*updated :D
pattreeya #8
can't wait for next chapter i love hyotop keke
@princesshyo32 - hey :) haha ! i love HyoTop too , don't worry .

new reader here
first i love hyoyeon and top !
so i will enjoy :D