Chapter 9

Is This Destiny ?

There he stood, outside of the restaurant store. been thinking if he should go in and take Hyoyeon back, but from where he saw her. she seemed free, problemless, she had her smile plasters that would lighten up the whole room. he let out a sighed,

"hyung, we're in a hurry" said the youngest to him. Seungri

with that, he nodded and got in the car. 

Hyo turns her head on the movng car, she swore she felt she was watch. but she just let it slip her mind and continue working. 

"miss ! one kimchi please !" a young female customer said..

"yes ! coming" she rushed herself to the kitchen.


the next day, went the same. Top would keep looking at Hyoyeon at a distance and just smiles at himself. finally he felt himself happy, there he realised his long lost felling that he kept shut this whole time. Top would just watch Hyo, even when it was cooled, even when it was raining he would take umbrella with him.

"hyung, it's time" again the younger ones told him

he just nodded and got in the car.

"hyung, not that i'm interfearing with your love life. you should stop seeing her like this, it's obivious" Taeyang told him.

he widen his eyes and he just couldn't what they just said to him. he let out a small sigh and said

"what's wrong with this ?" he asked

"do you love her?" Taeyang asked Hyo

"what kind of a ques..." 

"just answer the question" Gd gave Top an annoyed look

"well..." trying to think of a great word to explain it simple and steady. 

"gosh ! just yes or no k?" Seungri said. 

"well, yes"

"then, stop seeing her" Taeyang said.

"what? are you even helping?" Top asked looking at Taeyang.

"well, i am. do you want her to get hurt? are you stupid? you do know our world is not what she should get involve in, you do know that how they would hurt the ones you love right?" Taeyang said while looking outside of the window.

Top nodded, he knew how cruel his world is. he was borned and raised in the world where people doesn't promise what they say, they kill for fun and smiles on your falling times. Top closed his eyes and nodded again.

"i'll avoid her" 


that night Hyo couldn't sleep, she was thinking about the black car that every morning would stop nearby the trees and leave a moment later. she was curious, then again she let it slip and decided to go walk around the stores and buy some snack. she got down and looked at the old lady.

"why are you awake?" the old lady ask while fixing the tables around the store.

"i was going to take a walk, and buy some snacks" Hyo replied and smile, while helping the old lady fixing some table.

"ohh, take care and be careful. you know that there are many bad peoples walking around" the old lady told Hyo.

"yes ahjumma, it's late already. how bout you just go to sleep and i'll fix the tables before going to the store"

"ohh, ok take care Hyoyeon-ah"

Hyo smiled and watch he ahjumma slowly walked upstairs. she doen't know why, but she felt the ahjumma gave her love like a mother would, she was thankful. Hyo likes it when the old lady calls her Hyoyeon-ah. Hyo smiled and slowly took a walk to the store. the store was quiet far, but she just takes her time. she walk pass a dark alley and she queit felt she was followed. she took a glance and saw someone is following her. she took big and fast steps and she walk. she could hear the person behind her was also fasting his pace. Hyo count in three, two, one. she ran for her life. she turns her head and saw the person also chasing her. she panicked and starts to have tears at the edge of her eyes. suddenly the people grabs her by the neck with his whole arm.

"are you lonely little girl?" the man said. 

"let me go!" Hyo screamed

"shhh, you dont want to die here right?"

she felt tears flowing down her eyes life rivers. the man tackled her down and grabs both of her hands. 

"your pretty aren't you?" the man said.

in that moment, Hyo felt she's going to die. no, she wants to die as an old lady, not die in a dark alley after . no, this is not it. of all sudden, she screams

"Top ! help me !" she screamed with her tears flowing down her eyes.

suddenlt the man was hitted by a man, she couln't queit see what happen with her tears on her eyes. she wipes her tear with her hands and saw the man who helped her, approached her. the man hugs her, this is the feeling she was feeling, she felt safe.

"it's me, i'm sorry i'm late" 

"Top?" she cried even harder.

"yes, i'm here. come on" he stood up and helped Hyo, he piggyback Hyo.

"how do you know i'm here?" she asked between her sobs

"well, i was deciding on talking to you at the store. but i ask the old lady, she said you we're away. she told me you went to a store.  was looking fro you, but then i heard you screamed my name. i rushed over. i swore i can kill that man" he explained while having a little angry feeling

"i know you can" she smiled and slept on his back. 


ok, updated :3 sorry if there is any grammar mistake, i'm in a hurry so, ENJOY :D

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Chapter 12: is it already finished? but i need some more~
Ahhh cute
i reallllllly love it..
poor top.. she cant remember him..
i like the moment when they life as a little wifey n dinosaur husband.. hahaha
kei_sainter #4
this fic isn't finished yet right? i feel like i want more more more!
hehe aside from this confusion- thanks for sharing your story! I love TOP and Hyo, but I haven't seen any other fic on them, there should be more!

on a side note my favourite moment was when Hyo calls TOP 'dinosaur husband' hehe.
btw, please dont let this be the end!
@itsmeyami1 - UPDATED :3
itsmeyami1 #6
Update soon :)
@pattreeya - i love HyoTop too :)

*updated :D
pattreeya #8
can't wait for next chapter i love hyotop keke
@princesshyo32 - hey :) haha ! i love HyoTop too , don't worry .

new reader here
first i love hyoyeon and top !
so i will enjoy :D