Your Highness


Crown Princess. 

They listed me to be one of the candidates. I don't even know a lot about the Crown Prince. People here encourage girls to not read a lot of books because according to them knowledge is just for men. But I don't listen at all and still read Analects of Confucius when my father is not around. So I know pretty much about politics. But I paid little attention to the Crown Prince. Many people say he's good looking but, that's what everyone says. So that they will become future queens of Joseon.

I go inside my father's study and bring out his books about some certain laws. I was so interested in a book about the analects of Confucius that I did not notice my father. He just came from the palace and he looked really tired. I put the book back swiftly on the table and bowed to him. 

"____." he sat down next to me. "We'll be visiting the palace tomorrow morning." 

I smiled and nodded. "Ye, Abeoji. I'm really excited to visit the palace."

"Remember what I've thought you about the palace?" he said with warmth and love in his voice. He wants me to become confident and ready. The tests won't be  easy.

"I should always make sure I say things I know are good and true, " I recited. " For when I get in there, all eyes and ears will be on me. People will judge me and look down on me but I will make sure they will see the real Kang ____. I will not be afraid to speak out my mind, Abeoji, for this country needs a good Queen who will take care of everyone. From the peasants to the people inside the palace. "

My father gave his nod of approval. "Get us some tea and rice cakes." he called out to the servant. "____ and I will read our favorite books."




This is so boring....

The teacher kept saying things about the Thousand Character Classic. I'm starting to have a headache because of him. Maybe I'll tell father to fire him immediately and bring me a new younger teacher who will talk to me about sports. 

I flip open my book to a new page that revealed more of those annoying stuff I have to memorize. My eyes landed on a small insect that rested on my teachers hat. He was so busy telling me stuff about  Cheon (heaven) and Su (water) that he didn't notice the insect that was crawling on his hat. I pressed my lips together to prevent myself from laughing. 

oh no

it's making its way to his face now.




My teacher looked at me suspiciously, that's the time he noticed the creature on his face. And then he started to jump around and shout causing the court ladies and guards to enter our study room. The teacher fled outside and I was left laughing.

"Jeoha!" One of the court ladies cried. "Why did you do that? This is gonna reach the King!"

My laugh dissapeared instantly. I know I didn't do anything.

But my father wouldn't believe that.


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hana1029 #1
Omg I was in love with 해를 품은 달!! One of the best dramas I ever watched.
mustaches #2
Chapter 16: are you going to continue this?
rainbow_unicorn #3
Chapter 16: Aww. Please update soon I really like this story!
I'm just re-reading my comment and I couldn't help but giggle at it.
Anyhoww, I bet she's going to be dayum BEAUTIFUL when she's done!
tokiyoona #5
Update update! I love it! I'm a big fan of The Sun And The Moon and I really love that you're writting a story based on the drama. Keep it up! :)
So in the past,Baekhyun did married with Aeri?not her???
Baekhyun-ah~ of course you would feel that you already met her..
she's your crown princess btw~
byunnie #7
I'm afraid you're gonna abandon this fanfic, please don't!!! This is to great!!!
please update soon