Seoul ; 2012

Your Highness






Good mooorning woooorld! I stretch out my arms and absorb all the postive energy around me. 

I could stay in bed a little more if I wanted to but I'd rather choose to start the day right and choosing the DAY right involves eating breakfast at the quaint little coffee shop just a few blocks from my apartment. (that's where I work btw)

 I swing my legs out of bed and head to the bathroom.

"Well," I focus on a small blemish near my chin. "Just a dab of concealer and that would disappear." I close the bottle and place it next to my face powder. After dressing up in my most comfy clothes that showed my laid back personality I head out.


I enter the coffee shop and to my surprise no one was inside but the cute barista Jongin. He smiles upon seeing me and motions for me to help him wipe the glasses.

"Where did everyone go?"

Jongin pours me a cup of coffee just the way I like it. "Well, ____. There's a shoot here later remember. And our boss wants us to keep this place clean."

"A shoot? oh yeah... But I'm on day off." I take a sip of the coffee that quickly perked up my senses. I let the liquid linger in my mouth for a bit before swallowing. Jongin puts two new cakes for display. 

"What kind of shoot?" I put my cup of coffee down and sat on the counter. Jongin puts a hand on my shoulder and tried to push me away. "yah, get down from there." but I don't even move.

"geez, someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed today." I said. Someone suddenly enters the coffee shop.

and oh my gosh he was soooo handsome.

Jongin gives me 'the look' and then he tells something to the customer. 

"I'm sorry sir but we're closed today."

The guy points to the sign. "But it says open."

Jongin scratches his head. "Aish. I forgot to change the sign." he muttered and then went out of leaving me and this handsome man from the heavens.

"Your friend must still be sleepy." he looks around then bends down to check the cakes. "Those look yummy."

"Want a slice?" my stupid self suddenly asked. I hop off the counter and grab Jongin's precious cake. "my dear friend Kai makes delicious cakes. You'll forget your name once you have a taste of this baby oh look, it's already sliced!" I hand him the slice and he gladly takes it. "So what do you think?" 

He puts down the plate and stares at it closely. "This... isn't a real cake..."

Jongin comes back to the coffee shop realizing his mistake. "Oh," he bows.. "I'm sorry I didn't notice that you were Suho-ssi. My boss is gonna kill me if he finds out..." Jongin said with a worried look.


That name does ring a bell.

oh no.


Our boss gives Jongin and me a few tips. "Remember to act really professional Jongin. And you ____, I'll let you take a day off. I don't want any mistakes when the CEO's two sons come for a visit."

I hand a customer a latte. "sons?"

"yeah," Jongin said. "Suho and the other guy. He'll be visiting our coffee shop in a few days. I bet ____ would mess up big time" 

"haha very funny Kai."


"Is it okay if y-you don't tell him about this?" Jongin groans inwardly when he sees the plate of 'cake'. "____! That's only for display! that's not a real cake!"

Our very important visitor doesn't even make a big deal about it. he pats Jongin's shoulder. "Nothing to worry about at all guys. I need to go now. Take care!" 



Everyone is happy to see me. After a few years in the states I'm finally back in Korea. A lot of things had changed. I wait inside my hotel room watching different shows when someone knocks on my door, a lady puts down food on the table. "Baekhyun-ssi, your father  told me to tell you to get ready before 2pm. You still need to change for the interview. Your-"

"I know I know. My clothes will be delivered later and I have to change as soon as it gets here." I say while I put the crispy bacon on top of the toast. "Can you bring me more bacon?"


AN: cutie pie baekhyunnn


oh sorry I was planning to make this chapter longer...anyway hope you like it


comments are loved by baekhyun

just imagine kai running a coffee shop and baking and doing all those things hahaha

okay that's all ^^V

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hana1029 #1
Omg I was in love with 해를 품은 달!! One of the best dramas I ever watched.
mustaches #2
Chapter 16: are you going to continue this?
rainbow_unicorn #3
Chapter 16: Aww. Please update soon I really like this story!
I'm just re-reading my comment and I couldn't help but giggle at it.
Anyhoww, I bet she's going to be dayum BEAUTIFUL when she's done!
tokiyoona #5
Update update! I love it! I'm a big fan of The Sun And The Moon and I really love that you're writting a story based on the drama. Keep it up! :)
So in the past,Baekhyun did married with Aeri?not her???
Baekhyun-ah~ of course you would feel that you already met her..
she's your crown princess btw~
byunnie #7
I'm afraid you're gonna abandon this fanfic, please don't!!! This is to great!!!
please update soon