(Winter) Wonderland

I don´t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need...

December, the 24th 2010, United Kingdom


The busy streets of London started getting on Youjin´s nerves. Why were so many people still out to get last minute presents? A man bumped her shoulder in his rush, not even bothering to apologize to her.

She hated every minute in this city. She had hated going out in the cold, had hated the waiting and most of all, she had hated the cramped bus ride to the bigger city.

If it weren´t for her Unnie in Germany she´d be at home sipping tea and eating sherbert lemons.

However she had agreed to her ridiculous request: a "very very super uber" (yeah, that´s how she had stressed it) unique perfume that was ONLY available in a certain store in the famous Harrods shopping mall.

Sighing Youjin stepped into the humid warmth of said mall. She disliked every second in here... those posh stores with their fancy and ugly products. It was weird really, she had never thought her Unnie would like these kind of things, yet she called from Germany yesterday pleading, begging her to go get one of those perfumes. The name was oddly enough German, so Youjin had to write it down: "Drache" (it sounded pretty disgusting though the phone).


She had finally reached the store! A quick grab and payment and she´d already be on her way back home.


Youjin quickly went up to the shop assistant working the register while searching for the scrap of paper with the perfumes name on it.


"Hello. How can I help you, Miss?" Youjin didn´t even bother looking up from her paper while ceasing the crumbles.

"Hey, I want to buy a perfume called Drac...Drack.. Dra! GODDAMIT!" She was angrily huffing the note and throwing it on the counter.

The shop assistant "Mary" -her sign gave away- did seem amused and took the paper reading it carefully.

"I see." She gave Youjin a blinding smile before asking her to follow.


 They were now in a more secluded part of the store; a part that Youjin would have never noticed even if she had taken the time to walk around.

"You should test it before you buy it." "Mary" urged.

"No, really! It´s for a friend. Don´t bother." Youjin tried finding the carton for the perfume but failed to do so.


Well, Mary was very persistent about this and after two minutes of arguing Youjin found herself too exhausted to fight back and she ended up closing her eyes to fully take in the ominous scent.



The assistant had just sprayed the perfume and Youjin immediately started responding to the powerful aroma. She shuddered as a firework of scents hit and embraced her in every possible way!


Cinnamon swirled around her at first; its spicy sweetness coiled into her senses, coifed and relaxed her in an instant. Honey and Vanilla overlapped their predecessor, emphasizing the mellow and warm scents around her; peppermint bit back at the softer side, layering under mint and lemon that had found their ways into your senses.

And just when Youjin thought it was over, she stumbled a bit backwards knitting her eyebrows together: a new note had hit her.

Succulent rich wine wrapped the rest of the lingering scents and tied them up, creating the last overwhelming harmony before disappearing just as quick as it came.


Youjin had been so absorbed into smelling, sensing that she hadn´t even noticed Mary´s retreating footsteps; she hadn´t even noticed somebody gently covering her closed eyes with his hands.


Needless to say she was confused finding herself covered in darkness even though she had opened her eyes again.

Usually she´d have yanked the foreigners hands away and would have spat a tirade of Korean curses at him, but now...with the relaxing feel of the perfume still working in her system she calmly turned around looking the hand´s owner straight into the eye.

And without doubt she was looking into the countenance of a "Drache", a dragon.

"You and me baby, hardcore." G-dragon was throwing English at her; mischievous glint in his pitch black eyes.


Just now it hit Youjin, she realized what had happened here and her cheeks started burning. Exchanging a few words with her eternal crush she rushed to the register paying for the perfume. G-Dragon had exited the store leaving her in doubt if this wasn´t just her "perfume-high" mind playing tricks on her. Her face fell a bit when she didn´t spot him as she searched the entrance.


With slumped shoulders and a cute shopping bag she walked out only to be greeted by an arm draping casually around her shoulder; drawing her so close that she could smell his real scent; a scent that was exactly like the perfume, exactly only a thousand times better.

Gone away, is the blue bird;
Here to stay is a new bird,
He`s singing a song as she walks along,
Walkin` in a winter wonderland!

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Shizzness #1
great story
Chapter 3: It's Christmas Eve in Canada and I decided I'll do my new holiday ritual, which is listen to korean christmas songs and re-read christmas fan-fics ^^ I still love this story so much Conny! It was actuarte and I still am head over heels for Taemin so this has never ended <3
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year chocopie! I'm sorry I've been vacant form the site for a while but hopefully, that will change :D

- love your Canadian little bundle of frustration and love,
Megan :D
francesca: you´re making me blush!! XD I don´t do that wonderful description of yours any justice >_<<br />
and the phrases.. xD I guess that´s just how I´d say things in german but translated^^;;<br />
*jaw drops*<br />
Unnie, your writing skills are incredible! You're english (grammar, vocabulary, punctuation) is loads better than most other writers here (bet you have an english background, huh?) I love your bluntness - the way you go straight to the point. :D And some things you describe... the phrases are you are like none I have ever come across - completely unique. But yet you can feel the story leap off the pages and into the front door of your mind, playing like a movie in front of you as you read the words. (hehe am I ranting?) And that's something I rarely see people do. <br />
You're awesome and multitalented unnie. Rock on~
AWWWW cutey! XD you read this?? <br />
I think it´s the first utterly romantic story I´ve written LOL<br />
I tried to make it as realistic as possible with language barriers and awkwardness LOL<br />
There are a LOT of (useless) talents...but I´m going to tell you something I can´t do....I couldn´t even if my life depended on it....<br />
it´s... snapping my fingers ! XD<br />
awwwwwww, I really HAD to use the perfume in this^^<br />
and believe me..if I wasn´t so lazy, I´d write more for you! >_<
ahhhhhhhhh<br />
i REREAD IT (L)<br />
<br />
<br />
so sweet >w< I haven't had a fic dedicated to me in a loooooooong time.....
LOL yeah...I tried to sneakily get all the answers from the 3 of you XD<br />
I hoped you´d think like that, because...I mean JOON + DONUTS!?<br />
that´s like heaven! xD<br />