Dreaming of a white Christmas?

I don´t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need...


December, the 24th 2010, Canada


"Stupid, snow!" Megan was angrily shoveling the snow in front of her house. Her family had gone to do some last minute shopping leaving her alone to deal with the despicable, cold, white crap called snow.
It was unfair but since her grades had slightly dropped in her first year of university she didn´t really feel like having the right to object and so Mr. snow had to do as a punching bag/ victim/ voodoo doll.
And if the shoveling itself wasn´t enough it had thawed two days ago creating a thick layer of ice under the powdery white.
It took four friggin´ hours just to get away the snow and now it was time for the "fun part": she somehow had to hack her way through the ice.
It was only now that Megan noticed a big problem... all day long she had gotten rid of the snow, shoveling her way from her house to the small street that led all the way through her neighborhood and NOW she had to cross the whole icy front yard when she wanted to get inside so get a second pair of mittens.
"Great job, retard!" She silently cursed herself. Using the shovel as a cane she slowly stepped on the shiny ice. Much to her dismay the sun  had just decided to come out creating a huge danger zone for clumsy people. She almost fell six times before getting even close to her front door. SIX EFFIN TIMES! If it weren´t for her shovel-cane she´d be bruised by now. Leaning her little helper carefully on the steps to the house she tried escaping this winter madness quickly. Unfortunately she slipped on her last step, landing painfully on her .
"Damn this!" She shot one last fury look to the ice as if it was a person before yanking the front door open and slamming it shut with full force.

This was clearly not her day and so she decided to forget about her duties for a while, made herself a cup of hot cocoa and trudged into her room to go online for a while.
Of course she also checked AFF noticing a new wall post by her German friend Conny asking her what she was doing right now. Megan immediately went to her profile to answer.
Strangely enough she saw the word "online" on said page and so she quickly replied knowing that it was night in Germany.

Chilling right now. Just fell on my after hours of shoveling...and I´m not even done!! >_< . I´m exhausted. How about you?

After posting she went ahead checking if some of the stories she had subscribed to had been updated and while clicking she noticed soon enough that Conny had already replied.

Conny on 24-12-2010 says: You should really try finishing the shoveling!! Believe me, you´ll be more than happy after finishing this!!!

Wow, this woman was weird! Usually she just told her to stay calm and take her time doing this. Very weird. But somehow Megan still took it to heart and decided to continue the ridiculous work. Nobody had updated anyways.
She refreshed one last time before signing out. Another wall post hast popped up.

Conny on 24-12-2010 says: GO! ;D Be a good girl and get this done!!~  off to bed

Germans were mysterious in deed.

Megan gulped down the rest of the cocoa and put the cup in the kitchen. She stretched lightly (man, her DID hurt! This was going to bruise for sure.) and put on her thickest winter clothes.
As soon as she had stepped out she had regretted taking her friend´s advice. She´d never finish this task.

Sighing she grabbed the shovel starting to hack into the ice layer; after thirty minutes she was covered in sweat and had barely managed to destroy a half of a square meter of ice.
She exhaled audibly trying to gather strength and started hacking again.

"You Need Help?" A voice behind her back inquired in a thick accent. "No, tha-" In the process of speaking she had turned around staring into the face of none other than Lee Taemin. Yes! SHINee´s Taemin, and apparently he wanted to help her?? She clearly must have chocked on her cocoa before and was now in a very weird kind of heaven.
Meanwhile Taemin had approached her motioning for her to hand him the shovel. She was reluctant but did what he wanted anyway. While going to grab another shovel from the garage Taemin was busy freeing the driveway.

It was more than awkward: both of them shoveling without saying anything, Megan was still doubting her sanity while Taemin was concentrating on finishing this task quickly and digging in his mind for some extra English vocabulary.

Not even two hours later they were finished and proudly looked at their work.

"Thank you so much!" Megan finally addressed him.
Taemin opened his mouth but in the end nothing cam e out, embarrassed, he shook his head lightly, why hadn´t he studied harder at school?

In a streak of courage Megan grabbed his wrist lightly, asking him to come in (she pointed to the front door) and have a hot cocoa.

A heartwarming smile spread on his lips and his feet started moving.

May your days be merry and bright 
and may all your Christmases be white.

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Shizzness #1
great story
Chapter 3: It's Christmas Eve in Canada and I decided I'll do my new holiday ritual, which is listen to korean christmas songs and re-read christmas fan-fics ^^ I still love this story so much Conny! It was actuarte and I still am head over heels for Taemin so this has never ended <3
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year chocopie! I'm sorry I've been vacant form the site for a while but hopefully, that will change :D

- love your Canadian little bundle of frustration and love,
Megan :D
francesca: you´re making me blush!! XD I don´t do that wonderful description of yours any justice >_<<br />
and the phrases.. xD I guess that´s just how I´d say things in german but translated^^;;<br />
*jaw drops*<br />
Unnie, your writing skills are incredible! You're english (grammar, vocabulary, punctuation) is loads better than most other writers here (bet you have an english background, huh?) I love your bluntness - the way you go straight to the point. :D And some things you describe... the phrases are you are like none I have ever come across - completely unique. But yet you can feel the story leap off the pages and into the front door of your mind, playing like a movie in front of you as you read the words. (hehe am I ranting?) And that's something I rarely see people do. <br />
You're awesome and multitalented unnie. Rock on~
AWWWW cutey! XD you read this?? <br />
I think it´s the first utterly romantic story I´ve written LOL<br />
I tried to make it as realistic as possible with language barriers and awkwardness LOL<br />
There are a LOT of (useless) talents...but I´m going to tell you something I can´t do....I couldn´t even if my life depended on it....<br />
it´s... snapping my fingers ! XD<br />
awwwwwww, I really HAD to use the perfume in this^^<br />
and believe me..if I wasn´t so lazy, I´d write more for you! >_<
ahhhhhhhhh<br />
i REREAD IT (L)<br />
<br />
<br />
so sweet >w< I haven't had a fic dedicated to me in a loooooooong time.....
LOL yeah...I tried to sneakily get all the answers from the 3 of you XD<br />
I hoped you´d think like that, because...I mean JOON + DONUTS!?<br />
that´s like heaven! xD<br />