I'm Starting to Like This Place

The Moon That Embraces the Sun
"WAIT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN LEE SEUNG HYUN, FROM BIGBANG IS MR. AND MRS.LEE'S SON?!" I asked Mr.Choi, shocked at the fact that I was going to live in the same house as a gorgeous Korean Pop Idol. Yes, I said it. I'm not denying his beauty.
"I honestly thought you knew...Would it be a bit more overwhelming if I told you that my son is also in BIGBANG..?" Mr. Choi asked, nervously. My eyes widened.
"YOUR SON IS T.O.P?!" I began to feel lighthead. "Oh gosh, I should stop screaming...YOUR SON IS T.O.P?!"
"Yes, he is T.O.P. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." he smiled, apologetic. I sighed and laughed.
"How wonderful. I'm living in the same house as SeungRi and I'm having T.O.P show me around Korea. Oh dear. If I faint any second now, please don't worry. I'm just..overwhelmed.'' Who would've known. Two K-Pop idols were somehow related to the woman I was now going to work for. One, being her son, and the other, being her driver's son. Today couldn't get any more surprising. A knock was heard on the window. I turned to see and choked.
"Uh, hi. Are you okay?" SeungRi said, looking at me funny. I smiled stupidly. Oh great. Meeting SeungRi for the first time, and I'm already looking like a total weirdo. Woo.
"Heh-heh. Yeaaahh. I'm alll gooood." my voice cracked. He stared at me even more funny.
"Um, well, could you open the door?" he pointed at the lock switch. I nervously laughed, unlocking the door. He gently opened it, helping me out of the car. Oh my Gosh, was he strong. I'm not even gonna lie when I say that I probably weigh a bit more than him.
"I'll be going now. Goodbye Miss Luna." Mr.Choi drove off. 
The elderly woman, who was obviously Mrs.Lee walked to me and gently embraced me. 
"It's good to have you here, Miss Luna. Thank you so much for accepting my offer. If it wasn't for you, I'd be in a terrible predicament." she smiled. My gosh this woman was the cutest thing I had ever seen. She was small, adorable, polite, and beautiful. 
"The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for choosing me! You have a very beautiful house." Oh. You also have a VERY VERY beautiful son, too...I chuckled at my inside comments. 
"Hello Miss Luna, I am Mr.Lee. Once again, as my wife said, thank you for accepting our job offer." he bowed and smiled. He was too cute. This family's genes must've been blessed. "Well, my wife and I must get inside to attend to some business matters. Please make yourself at home. Seunghyun, show her around the house." 
Both Mr. and Mrs.Lee smiled and bowed. They were so polite. I instantly began to like them. SeungRi waved at his parents, waiting for them to leave. Once they were out of sight, he turned to me, smirking.
"I'm Seung Hyun. You can call me 'oppa'. I go by SeungRi, too. But, you might already have known that." he chuckled, noticing my wonderful BIGBANG keychain hanging outside my front pocket. Oh, great. He knows I'm a fan. Dear Bananas. Was this ever going to end?
"Yeah, hi..." I instantly hid the keychain, cursing it for popping out of my pocket. SeungRi chuckled, raising an eyebrow. 
"Are you not going to ask for me for an autograph, noona?" he raised an eyebrow, smirking. My eyes narrowed. Did he have to be that arrogant?
"Noona? I'm younger than you." I crossed my arms. He looked taken back.
"Really? Even better~ I like younger women." he winked, interwining his arm in mine. I looked at him blushing. This was the first time a guy actually got near me.. "Well, we should head inside~ My friends, or should I say BIGBANG~ is inside. I'm sure they'll LOVE to meet you."
"W-Wait w-what?!" Me, the most awkward person in the world, meeting the most handsome, legitimately y boys in the world? I couldn't even imagine it! Honestly, I was scared. I wasn't exactly the best looking person out there. Back at home, I was considered below average, especially since I wasn't thin. And then the fact that I had curly hair didn't help. Not to mention my stupid glasses. Wonderful.
"Don't worry~ They're nice. Besides, we've been waiting for your arrival for some time now." SeungRi carried my suitcase. "C'mon now! Don't be shy." He began walking towards the front door. I sighed, nervously walking slowly behind him. 
What in the world was going on? Why was this happening to ME of all people? I, a girl from the United States, a fangirl, is meeting BIGBANG and living in the same house as SeungRi.
"I'm starting to like this place..." I entered the house, and gasped. As if the exterior of the house wasn't enough, the interior was like a museum! Beautiful family portraits of the Lee's hung everywhere. Floral arrangements stood on every table, and silky curtains covered every window. It was almost like a palace. It was stunnigly remarkable.
"HYUNGS! THE FOREIGNER IS HERE!" SeungRi yelled. I glared at him. Foreigner? REALLY?
"You don't have to call me that, you know..I have a name..." I said, glaring at him. He snickered. 
Then, they appeared. 
TOP was the first one who came into view. His stunning eyes met mine. I blinked, unable to move from his gaze. He smiled, and bowed.
"Hello, my name is Choi SeungHyun. It's a pleasure to meet you." his deep voice was silk in my ears. I nearly choked trying to respond.
"I-It's nice to m-meet you, too! My n-name is Luna." I bowed. G-Dragon then appeared.
"Hi! The names Kwon Ji Yong. It's nice to meet you!" he smiled and bowed as well. Daesung then came out.
"Noona! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Kang DaeSung!" he bowed, smiling like an angel. I bowed back. 
Then he appeared. My heart literally stopped when I saw him. It was TaeYang. He greeted me with a beautiful eye-smile.
"Hello, I am Dong Young Bae. It's nice to meet you." Oh my gosh, his voice was even more beautiful in person. I smiled, blushing.
"H-Hello." I managed to choke out. Good job, Luna. Already looking like a total fangirl. Great.
"Hyungs, Luna's a fan of us!" SeungRi blurted out. I literally had the urge of kicking him for telling everyone that I was their fan. Oh, he and I were going to get along quite well.
"She is? Wow, who's your favorite member?" Jiyong asked, smiling. 
"U-Um..Well, um..."
"Is it TOP? Everyone loves his deep voice and impregnating eyes." SeungRi said. TOP glared at him. "What, it's true!"
"My favorite member is actually Youngbae.." Blood immidietly rushed to my face. I could feel TaeYang's gaze on me, causing me to become extremely insecure.
"Awww, I was hoping it was me. Oh well, I'll make noona change her mind!" SeungRi said, wrapping an arm around me. I looked up at him, flushed.
"I'm younger than you, SeungRi.." I said.
"Aish, Maknae, stop harrasing Luna." Jiyong said. "Don't worry about him, Luna. He's just naturally weird." 
"HEY." SeungRi yelled, offended.
"Why don't you come with us? We'll show you around the house. We live here too." TOP said. My jaw dropped.
"Wait..All of you..live...here?!" 
"Yeah. I thought you knew?" DaeSung added.
Well, this was going to be an interesting year.
---Author Point of View---
Youngbae, quiet as can be, starred at Luna and observed her. She was different than most girls he knew. She didn't fangirl, she didn't scream or ask the boys for an autograph. She acted cool and casual. He took her features in and immediately viewed her as naturally beautiful. Her curly hair bounced perfectly, her skin was clear and a beautiful shade of caramel, and her figure didn't matter to him. She was stunning in his eyes. She was quiet, shy, and polite towards everyone. She coped with SeungRi's weird personality rather well as well, unlike most girls that has met BIGBANG. She wasn't like any other girl. She was different.
~Miss Ella~
OOH, cliff hanger. I think I'm still writing short chapters. But hey, I'm trying! Please comment! :D
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I want an update!!!!!
Ahah, I am loving it so far! Anticipating for your next update ^__^
Ahh I just had to comment! Finally a story about a hispanic gurl like myself! Although I'm Puerto Rican but still.. I love it! And with Young Bae!?! /melts I hope you realize I will be following and reading this story religiously from now on :D