Chapter 29

My Beautiful Target





That friday was the dance competition at the school and Sungyeol is currently busy dragging Myungsoo through the school grounds.  

“Hurry up lazy I wanna try and be able to talk to Dongwoo before the dance competition starts!” Sungyeol exclaimed giving Myungsoo’s hand an extra hard tug forward.  

“Yeah yeah I’m coming no need to dislocate my wrist,” Myungsoo said lazily smirking at Sungyeol.  

“Aish what am I going to do with you...Ah there they are! DONGWOO OVER HERE!” Sungyeol shouted while waving wildly.  

Dongwoo and Hoya both looked from where they were and waved as Sungyeol and Myungsoo approached them.  

“Hey you guys thanks for coming to support us,” Dongwoo said grinning widely.  

“Yeah we really appreciate it that you came out for this,” Hoya added also smiling widely.  

“Well Yeol insisted that we come so I-OW what was that for I was just joking! Of course we’re glad to come out to see you two,” Myungsoo said rubbing the place on his head where Sungyeol had whacked him.  

“You better behave! Please excuse my idiot boyfriend but yeah we wouldn’t of missed this for anything!” Sungyeol said smiling back at them.  

“Hey Yeol can I talk to you for a minute?” Dongwoo asked.  

“Of course!” Sungyeol quickly agreed.  “Okay we’ll be right back.”  

The two walked until they were far out of ear range of Myungsoo and Hoya before Dongwoo started to talk.  

“I think I finally decided I’m going to confess to Hoya after the dance competition is over today,” Dongwoo informed Sungyeol.  

“EH Really!” Sungyeol exclaimed his eyes wide from shock.  

“Yeah it’s just that the thing is I don’t know how much more of this I can stand,” Dongwoo began.  “It’s like I’m so close to him yet still so far that it’s killing me so I’m just going to tell him.  The worst that can happen is that he’ll hate me and stay away from me.  That’ll hurt but I guess it’s better than staying in this abyss.”  

“Well if that’s what you decided then good luck,” Sungyeol said patting Dongwoo on the back supportively.  

“Thanks Yeol,” Dongwoo said smiling at him.  “For everything.”  

“That’s what friends are for,” Sungyeol said smiling back.  


About half an hour later the dance competition started.  The part of the school that was prepared for the dance competition with the stage and chairs for the spectators was jam packed full of people and Sungyeol and Myungsoo had gone to their seats in the audience.  Dongwoo and Hoya were backstage doing final outfit and choreography checks and prepping to go on stage soon.  Soon it was their turn and they stood by the side of the stage.

“Let’s do our best! Fighting!,” Hoya said smiling at Dongwoo and doing the “fighting” pose.  

“Fighting!” Dongwoo said back also doing the pose.  

“NEXT UP WE HAVE JANG DONGWOO AND LEE HOWON!” the mc announced into the mic and Dongwoo and Hoya went out onto the stage.  

Their performance went smoothly and after they finished the audience gave them lots of loud clapping and cheering.  After bowing and waving some to the audience, Hoya and Dongwoo ran off the stage and went backstage to wait for the competition to end.  Soon all the performers had gone on and the mc called everyone back on stage for the announcement of the winner.  

“AND THE WINNERS OF THE DANCE COMPETITION WHO WILL GO ON TO REPRESENT OUR SCHOOL IN THE NEXT LEVEL OF COMPETITION ARE...JANG DONGWOO AND LEE HOWON!” the mc announced and the audience automatically broke out into a lot of loud cheers and screaming girls.  

Dongwoo and Hoya were both surprised but as soon as they realized that they had won they immediately broke out into huge grins.  Dongwoo was extra surprised when Hoya pulled him into a hug.  

“We did it Dongwoo!  We won!” Hoya whispered excitedly into Dongwoo’s ear making Dongwoo blush a million shades of red.  

“Yeah we really won,” Dongwoo said back smiling and returning the hug.  

But even though Dongwoo was excited about winning the competition, his heart still felt heavy with the thought the soon he was really going to confess to Hoya.  He made sure to savor the hug like it was the first and last one that he would ever get from Hoya.  After the excitement had died down some, all the participants went backstage to change and gather their things.  When Dongwoo and Hoya were done gathering their things they exited backstage and went to go find Sungyeol and Myungsoo.  Suddenly Dongwoo realized that this might be his only chance now while they were alone and took a deep breath before speaking up.  

“Hey Hoya can we wait a little while before we find Sungyeol and Myungsoo.  There’s something important I need to talk to you about,” Dongwoo said softly placing his hand on Hoya’s shoulder to stop him.  

“Um okay.  What was it you had to talk to me about Dongwoo?” Hoya asked looking a little worried.  

“I have to tell you that...I l-love you,” Dongwoo stuttered but quickly added, “But I already know that you don’t like me so go run somewhere where I wouldn’t be able to find you!”  

“No,” Hoya said looking at him seriously.  “I won’t do that.”

“Why?” Dongwoo said sadly looking down refusing to make eye contact with Hoya.  

“Because I’m stuck on you,” Hoya said calmly walking over to face Dongwoo who was now looking at him with wide eyes and mouth agape.  

“Wh-what b-b-but I thought you were a homophobe!” Dongwoo stuttered out still unable to grasp the reality of the situation.  

“No I’m not,” Hoya said chuckling a little.  “That would mean that I’m scared of myself.”  

“B-but what this doesn’t make sense!  What about when we saw the dance club president and vp kissing!  You were completely disgusted!” Dongwoo exclaimed.  

“That’s because they were practically eating each other’s faces off,” Hoya said scrunching his face up in disgust of the memory of it.  “I would have been disgusted even if that was a girl/boy couple.”  

“B-b-but what?!?!?!?” Dongwoo exclaimed still incredibly confused.  

“Let me tell you,” Hoya began cupping Dongwoo’s face with his hands.  “I love you too Dongwoo.”  

Hoya then leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Dongwoo’s lips.  Dongwoo’s eyes widened in shock but soon closed as he kissed back.  

‘OMG HOYA ACTUALLY LIKES ME BACK!!!!!!!!!!’ Dongwoo squealed in his head.

The two immediately separated as soon as they heard some cheering and turned to see Sungyeol and Myungsoo watching them from the side and cheering loudly.  

“WAAAAAAH CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!” Sungyeol exclaimed loudly tackling Dongwoo in a hug.  

“Oh my gosh how much of that did you just see!” Dongwoo exclaimed his face turning bright red.  

“Oh just every single second of it,” Myungsoo said nonchalantly and playfully punched Hoya on the shoulder.  “Congrats it’s about time you get a boyfriend.”  

“I was just busy waiting for the right one to come along,” Hoya said grinning and turned to smile at Dongwoo.  

“Oh my gosh Dongwoo your boyfriend’s a cheese ball too!” Sungyeol said loudly with wide eyes pretending to be horrified but failing when he burst out laughing.  

Dongwoo just chuckled to himself and smiled.  

‘Well now he’s my cheese ball and now he’s really mine!’  


And here’s chapter 29 and the Yadong couple are finally together!

See i told you guys they would have their happy ending just like a promised~ and dongwoo kept his promise ^-~

I’m kind of sad there’s only two chapters left but on the bright side the woogyu couple are finally going to get together next chapter so anticipate it!!!!

Also please keep sending in your suggestions on who you think Sungjong should be paired up with~ I only got one suggestion so far and I really want to hear your opinions so please say who you want in your comment~

I think that’s all for now so until next time bye bye~ ^-^/


@shellfish: omg yeah u recognized the scene i LOVE that scene from secret garden!!!

@uuleunhaecloudy: yeah i loved that scene too!!!! omg if myungyeol did that in real life i would just die!!! hehe yeah woogyu is going to get together soon too~

@mrsniel: Hi new reader!!!! welcome aboard!! hehe yep myungyeol finally got together hmm this chapter was yadong but don’t worry woogyu is next chapter~

@deliciousyou: yep myungyeol finally got together and myungsoo’s so cheesy~ XD

@delusion_rider: nope it’s not just coincidence i based that scene off of your au meme~ yep myungsoo will have sungyeol by his side forever ^-^ and hmm i guess they were kind of match maker  this chapter

@GuppyFish: yep myungyeol is finally together!! of course if it’s myungyeol they’ll last forever~

@ChocoAikocream: hehe yep myungyeol is finally together! and this chapter was yadong~ woogyu is next so anticipate it ^-^

@MoodyCupcake: i’m glad you liked the myungyeol chapter so much ^-^ next up is woogyu so anticipate it~

@ryne_drops: yep myungyeol finally! and lol cheeseball myungsoo is the best ^-^b

@pripri: i’m glad you liked the myungyeol~ ^-^

@aznmusiklife: i’m glad that you liked the myungyeol chapter so much! woogyu is up next~

@LiliLee: i’m glad that you enjoyed the secret garden reference so much~ hehe and yep myungyeol is finally together~

@notz917: hehe yep cheesy myungsoo is the best~ hehe don’t worry the other couples will be getting theirs ^-^ and yep the singing club president and vp are yewook ^-^b

@dojorockergirl: i’m glad that you liked the myungyeol so much and i hope that you liked the yadong this chapter too~

@OneTruePairing: i’m glad you liked myungyeol’s chapter~ and lol i still have myungsoo’s dad too XD

@ukissmekevin: okay i’ll try to take your suggestion into consideration thanks for commenting ^-^b

@AnoBasho: i’m so happy that you liked the myungyeol chapter so much! hehe yep sungyeol can’t help but love cheesy myungsoo~ and woogyu is up next so anticipate it ^-^

@deedee2011: hehe yep sungyeol confessed and myungsoo’s dad is still a pain -_- i hope you liked the yadong chapter and woogyu is up next~

@Bloody: this chapter dongwoo confessed just like you wanted~ and don’t worry sungjong will appear again soon~ woogyu chapter is up next ^-^b

@mitsuchan: i’m glad you liked the myungyeol and cheesy myungsoo ^-~




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*UPDATE* I posted up the side oneshot that i promised a LONG time ago finally~ Go look for it it's called: "EH? MYUNGGYU? 0.0"


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khasabat #1
Chapter 31: Ahahaha i like when yeol confs to myung hahahaha
Woohyun brother and Hoya little sister, good job! Hahaha
Chapter 33: So freaking adorable!!! This whole story is just fluff!!!
myungyeolminkook #3
Chapter 33: Omg I seriously just "love" woohyuns brother >∆< ~laughing do hard~
Ohh nd I flipping love this story!!! My feels ^•^
Chapter 31: Omg this story was so cuute!!!! Kyaa~ yadong was the sweetest <3333 hehe and myungie the bad boy cheeseball kekekekeke. And woogyu was a bit angsty but i like that hehehe
Chapter 31: Oh my god! This is so sweet. Sungyeo's confession is kind of cute one! I love this fic <3 <3
lineth #6
Chapter 31: OMG I really love this story it was so interesting,I love it*_~
Krisyeolsdaughter #7
Chapter 33: MYUNYEOL IS SO FULLY <3 <3
Oh and woohyun you greaseball :3 :3
Chapter 31: AWWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE~~~ SO FLUFFY i really really really liked this story♥ it was sad that it ended tho :( and i also liked that u put suju members in this story , eunhae as president and vp of the dance club and kyuhyun as the math club's president xD ♥
Chapter 24: is the president and vp eunhae it's like itt as soon as he said "fishy"