2 Days till Christmas -part 2-

Famous by accident

In the office, 10 minutes later...

~Knock, knock~

   - Enter, the director said.

   - Hello, Mr. Director. I'm Andreea Roberts, she introduced herself  and bowed shyly.

   - Take a sit, he calmly said.

 Andreea hesitated and before sitting she asked with worry showing on her face:

   - Are you going to fire me?

   - No, why would you believe something stupid like that? he asked rather amused.

  - Oh, but then...why did you want to see me, sir? she questioned a little embarrassed.

  - We'll get there soon, but first I want to know what is your job in the company.

  - I work as a dealer on cruise ships, sir.

  - I see..., the director said while thinking of something. first, can you tell me if you know this person? he asked while her the picture.

  Andreea took it and surprise was all over her face.

  - That's my uncle, but how do you posses a picture of him?

  - We received a CV from him and it's really good, but there's another one as good as his...

  - And why did you call me here? she intrerrupted him.

  - Because I want to hear more about him from someone who knows him, I guess, pretty well, if I'm correct.

  - Oh, I see...well there are lots of things to say about my uncle, she said while thinking carefully. i can tell you for sure that what he wrote in the CV is true because he's a honest person. His only wish is to make his family happy in his own way. So whenever a chnce to work comes, he does everything he can to grasp it, including stressing all his family. I can bet that he stressed my cousins with the CV  and e-mail, she said in amusement. Another thing I know for sure is that he loves to build houses and he's good at this. He has even built some from scratch.

   - Really? the director asked surprised.

   - You have seen my house, right sir?

   - Yes, you showed me some pictures of it, didn't you? A very beautiful house i may add.

   - Thank you! And that house was built by my uncle.

   - But you told me it was built by a small construction company, said the director in confusion..

   - True, she approved, but you didn't ask me who is the head of that company.

   - Oh, of course, you're right and I remember now that it says something about a company in his CV.

   - So...do you need anything else or can I go? she asked while looking at the clock that showed lunch hour.

   - No, I think it's all clear now, you may leave.

   - Thank you and have a great day, sir.

  Andreea left the director lost in his own thoughts. After a while, he took the phone and dialed...

   - Hello, he said. Yes, it's me, he continued, I called you because I have good news...Yes, it's for that or else I wouldn't call you, would I?...Anyway, I'll send it to you and you could tell me your opinion, ok?

    Someone kncoked at the door.

  - Enter, the director said.

  - The meeting is about to start, the assistant announced.

  - Ok, I'll be there in a moment... I'll call you later ok? And think about what I said. You should receive it soon... I have to go now,  have a meeting. Bye! he put the phone down, took his jacket and went to the meeting. 

This chapter is not finished...just  wait ok? ^__^  my right hand hurts so bad so I can't write as much as i want..plus that I have so many things to do (cuz I'm going on a family trip in Italy) T__T I'm going to finish it when I'll wake up...damn it, why does my hand have to be in pain while I'm in my winter break? I guess that I tweeted too much *sigh*

Okay, finally done ^__^ yep, chapter 2 finished ^^  I was in a bad mood so i decided to update so I could distract myself ^^ hmm...tomorrow/today is New Year Eve so Happy New Year! >:D< i want to update chapter 3 before I'll go to Italy..hope I'll have time..if no, I guess you have to wait till I'll be back T___T  well, hope I'll see ya soon ^__^

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I hope so too ^__^ thanks for your concern^^
sunnyvpz #2
hope u feel better and update soon ^0^